The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Huggles »

To expand on what Madge has said, I'd say that money or the lack thereof is the biggest obstacle to total interweb domination. With money we could hire programmers, artists, lawyerbots, and support staff. Not to say that we don't have skilled people here, we do, just not enough. Many of them are already working elsewhere too. So, unless someone comes into a large sum of money and wants to make a rather ginormous donation, we'll just have to settle for planning all the fun stuff. Besides, we already know how sucky pet sites are that don't plan ahead and wing it. Sometimes they get lucky and stumble upon something awesome, most times they just stumble and fall down into the vast virtual abyss.

Games and Moneymaking I know next to nothing about stock markets, whether real or virtual, except to buy low and sell high. However, perhaps instead of making the stocks rise and fall on a completely arbitrary basis, they could be affected by the in-game economy. Stocks involving companies of a particular land/world would get a boost when more homes are built in that land, and another depending upon expansions to those homes. User shops would be placed in separate world marketplaces like on Neo, but would affect stocks depending upon how many shops are in the land and how much money is made in combined sales. The popularity of world specific games, quests, shops and interaction could all affect the stocks based in those worlds. I think with enough variables affecting price and some omnipotent adjustments, we'd be able to keep people from forcing their own stocks to skyrocket, while making playing the stock market more dynamic and interesting.

Fighting and Battling Witchdoctors! They'd have voodoo dolls for damage dealing and healing, magical staffs, and shrunken skulls! I don't have plans for how they'd function yet, but skulls! Perhaps they could summon the spirits of the dead to attack or possess their enemies and force them into hurting one another.

Life, the Universe, and EverythingFor another race of people, I was thinking we could have faeries. Instead of humans with fanciful wings, they'd be moth/butterfly insect people. Your pet would still get pretty wings when painted their native color. The world they'd live in would be comprised of many floating islands. They'd be the kind that you always see in fantasy novels with impossible waterfalls and stuff because they're awesome. Instead of the kiddie Faerieland on Neopets or the delicious but not so believable looking Fairyworld on Fairly Oddparents, it'd be a very majestic and pristine world made of crystalline structures. Maybe they'd get their sense of building and architecture from ants, termites, and spiders.

For another world, I was thinking of a theme park or carnival world, with a twist. By day it'd be like a circus or Disneyworld, but by night everything would switch to being creepy and evil. The same clown that gave you a balloon animal only a few hours ago, would give you a vampire balloon poodle. Oh, and there'd be an ice cream truck that by day served cold and tasty treats, and by night served cold blooded mayhem. Evil Popsicles and creepy ice cream bicycle riders would appear for you to battle and hopefully steal their cash and treats. The happy non evil color from this world would turn your pets into plush carnival prizes, the kind no one ever wins but that stupid guy who doesn't really want a pink bear but won't give it to someone who does because he's an ass, and the other color would turn them into evil plushies like the MSP poogle, only with a different color scheme to the original plush.
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Post by Foghawk »

Pets & Pet Colors

I have a question - or two questions, really - concerning races and worlds versus pets and pet colors.

Each 'world' has a color, yes? Are the only colors outside of the 'world' colors the colorfills? Or are there some redraw colors that don't come from anywhere in particular? It feels a little silly to have colors that come from nowhere in particular, but it would be worse to have to dream up an entirely new world for every color.

I do believe, however, that we can strike a golden mean here. Perhaps each world has several 'quests' you can do there to get a color. These quests could be money-based, skill-based, luck-based, whatever. Each color would not necessarily have to be the color for that world, but they could show an aspect of it. So, for example, in the 'evil carnival' world Huggles suggested, there could be the plushie colors - which could just be 'bought' colors - and also some others that fit it, like perhaps the 'Flayed' one Elfwoman thought of. You could raise a lot of money and get a plushie change-color-thing, or you could raise somewhat less money and use some skill or luck to, say, get through a ballpit that turns into an acid-cave somehow and have your active pet become Flayed.

A similar problem occurs with pets versus races. Pets on petsites are almost universally thought of as intelligent, as far as I know. And yet, they don't seem to have any kind of culture particular to their species. We've already dreamed up a few races, all with their own cultures... but I wouldn't want to have to have a race for every pet, especially as we seem to be planning on having about forty. If the pets are intelligent but there's not a race for each pet, where do they all come from? It's possible that they were all bred by Primevals and don't have cultures of their own because there are so few of them so far apart, and many are bound to humans. I'm not really sure about this one... ideas?

(For the ...change-color-things - could they be Primeval artifacts as well? Most petsites I've seen completely ignore the way potions/brushes work; it would be nice to have at least a little bit of backstory. Ooh! And we should call them iotae... because whether it's technology or magic that does the work (and 'iota' fits both pretty well) it'd have to change the inner workings of your pet on the level of the very small. (I couldn't make anything nice-sounding out of 'nano'.) Say "Darkmatter Iota". "Reborn Iota". "Island Iota". Hehe.)

Oh, and I have a great idea for a pet color - Quantum. Quantum pets would be unusually stylized, as if it might be a member of its species or it might not be, and they'd be all CG-looking grid framework and shadowy darkness, with inexplicable green auras and floating atoms. They might be questable in the underground ship world or the Aurak homeland... Oh, and I call dibs on the crocodile pet.
Last edited by Foghawk on 11 Mar 2008 01:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Huggles »

There'd be colorfil colors, that would be just colors. Red, black, yellow, etc. I'm not sure if there's a need to explain their origins other than idividual variation in the same way human hair color and skin color varies. The "world" colors would be redraws in the same way as desert, island, faerie, etc. were on Neopets, but I think what Elfwoman wants is more of an anatomical difference as opposed to only a color and accessory change. For redraw colors without a world association, like Neopets' biscuit or snot or Subeta's nightmare, we can just make up something. Like, have a character who's specialty is making new colors for pets to look neat, like hairdresser or that tanning chick on Subeta who change's your skin color. I honestly don't think it'll be all that difficult to attach colors to some world, event, or character on the site. Think of it more like how desert is the ethnic color of the native inhabitants of the Lost Desert, while a color that turns your pet into sand is merely related to the geographical region. Or how robot and mutant are both thought of as alien/futuristic colors because of Sloth.

As for the inhabitants of each world, I think of it much in the same way Neopets does. Maraqua for example, was supposedly built by koi but is inhabited by other species of aquatic Neopets. Or how Faerieland was built by faeries, but is also home to faerie colored pets and flying ones in general. Even though a few worlds would be home to a certain race, it wouldn't be to the exclusion of other species. Not every species has the physical means to build cities and towns, but that wouldn't necessarily mean that aren't intelligent enough to do so, so maybe they'd group up and work together with other species and races to build worlds together.

Basically the timeline would be as follows:
-The big bang...Perhaps I don't need to go back that far? K.

-The time of the Primevals: No one's exactly sure what they look like, where they came from, or who they were. They created advanced artifacts and tools, fought wars, and did ancient mysterious stuffs. They either created or manipulated indigenous animal species, for unknown motives, which would be later known as <insert proper name of "Pets" here>.

-Primevals go *poof*. Their "pets" are encapsulated into totems, small statues, at or close to the same time.

-Lots and lots and lots of time passes.

-New species evolve into sentience. These would be the non-pet races.

-Totems began to degrade and release "pets" into the world again. Levels of intelligence vary between: talking dogs who talk about sniffing butts and snausages, and cockatiels who teach astrophysics. Some "pets" mix and hang out with the races of people, some roam around in packs sniffing butts and being wild.

-A couple hundred years pass.

-Aliens, humans, crash land onto the planet. Everyone freaks out. The ones on the ship remain secluded in a wasteland, while others get ejected from life pods and chill with the natives. It's soon discovered that humans can release "pets" from totems in Primeval temples, which no other species can do. Maybe the Primevals intercepted the Pioneer plaques or Voyager Golden Record and thought we were cool. Humans eventually build their own nation/state,which is the generic starting city.

-A couple hundred years go by and that's were we start playing the game with established mixed race/pet civilizations. The botanicals would be more like an anomaly as they remained isolated from the rest of the known world.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Foghawk »

Yes, that's what I meant. I'm pretty sure you are explaining the same ideas as I was - just differently.

So... Non-pet races so far would be the botanicals, insectpeople, and Auraks, right? (Plus the humans, if they count.) All right. Makes sense. And I assume we are forced to start in the human city, but can then move elsewhere? What about people who'd prefer not to play with a human? They would choose a Primeval temple and a pet and just have their totem degrade, yes?

Oi, and I think it would be a good idea to start up separate threads for parts of this... that way, we can bring up specific ideas in each part and ask for opinions. At the very least, we should have a naming thread so once we agree on a specific thing to be included (like money or potions) we can have nominations and poll voting...
Last edited by Foghawk on 24 Nov 2009 02:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Feral Koala
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Huggles »

Not sure. Maybe you could choose to wake up from a life(stasis) pod, or something else. Wake up, find youself free from your totem, in another uninhabited area around the main city?

Yes, humans count as people. Most of them anyway. Hee.

Another thing, how exactly would the Auraks look? Cause I'd really want to have a raptor as a pet, possibly a robot one, and that would be an issue. Could they look more like anthro raptor people instead of just dinosaurs?
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Foghawk »

Hmmm. I would really want a robot raptor as a pet too. Which is why I was curious about the distinction betwen races and pets. I honestly don't think an anthro raptor would work well, though - humans and dinos just don't match up. We could make it so that you could get normally non-pet races as pets... sort of like limited edition, but, y'know, cooler. After all, it's not like there's any real division between pets and (nonhuman) races other than the question of origin. You probably couldn't get the humans as pets, cause, well, that would be kinda creepy... but the Auraks would probably do all right as pets, as would the botanicals if they would stoop to it (maybe just the big dumber ones?) and if the insectpeople were sufficiently slanted toward insect rather than person they'd work too. We could say there were some that either preferred the company of other life forms or just wanted to learn about them, and occasionally all of them from a certain race would go out into the world seeking their fortunes... does that sound like it would work?
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Huggles »

Well, I'd rather keep them separate, kinda like Neopets faeries, and the separate origins leaves the field open for interesting plot lines about leftover artifacts and what might happen if a Primeval were to return. I'm supplying very broad and generic terms when I say insect people or dinosaur people. I cannot draw, and fail at trying to describe physical characteristics in detail. Mostly the "peoples" would be humanoid, but not to the point of humans with funny ears and tails. So, I think dinosaur people would work, but not probably in the way that you intended. Also, instead of having botanicals or insect people as pets, you'd have the color options to use instead to make them resemble those races.

So, I guess it's not really a problem to keep them open as a pet species in so much that their origins would have to be tweaked a bit to fit in with the other pet species coming from totems. Somehow their group of raptor totems ended up isolated from the rest and they developed mostly alone like the botanicals. Since I am me and therefore selfish, I kinda want to keep the obviously super high-tech stuff to the aliens, the spaceship human colony, and the primeval artifacts. So maybe they were released from their totems earlier than the rest of the species in an area with lots of Primeval artifacts, and that would give them the time they need to come up with the cyber mods? Maybe it was close enough to where the human ship crashed that the impact affected the force binding them to their totems. Since the area surrounding the impact zone would likely be devastated and not a vacation spot, they could keep to themselves fairly easily, especially with the humans staying underground.

The Auraks are essentially cyborgs and not fully robotic? So, the pet species you could own would be a plain old dino and then the high-tech spaceship living humans would be able to turn your dino into a fully robotic pet as a color option. Then the Auraks could have a color option to turn your pets into cyborgs. Something in the middle where you could still see flesh and fur amidst the cybernetic implants.

Speaking of technology, what do you think of mostly steam punk? I don't want to go crazy like Neo and say every piece of electronics must clearly be stamped with a Virtupets logo. Tvs, radios, phones, refrigeration, and electricity would be commonplace. But I'd like to keep the computers and jetpacks special and create a distinction between the scifi and fantasy elements with the Primeval artifacts serving as the balance.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by AngharadTy »

I adore steampunk and demand goggles.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Huggles »

There shall be goggles a plenty. In fact, there may be a shop dedicated to providing you with all your goggly and eyeglassy needs.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Foghawk »

I think that works pretty well! (Except I don't think it should be particularly clear whether they were able to adapt the Primeval artifacts or just came up with their own stuff - I like the balance of SF and fantasy, and as the Auraks aren't magic users...) As long as the humans arrived long enough ago to leave time in for their long sleep/reawakening. Or perhaps the ship was trapped into a long spiraling orbit before crash-landing, and the perihelion of the orbit happened to pass right over the area the raptors were native to, weakening their totems by gravitational disruption?

Goggles are wonderful. Steampunk is most excellent as well. I am very much in favor of it being the main form of technology. However I must insist against steampunk!cyborgs. They just don't really seem to work. I think the differences in the humans' and Auraks' methods of using technology should be enough... and if that's not enough, they can have different styles of technology. For example, where humans use wheels, Auraks might use spidery legs (regardless of energy efficiency - they have their reactor, after all); where humans build jetpacks, Auraks would make hoverythings that resemble small hawk wings. A more organic, twisted brand?
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Paint »

Phew, finally read this entire thread!

This all sounds so ingenius, I love the botanical idea and the different 'races' of humanoid, and the idea of the many different colours, like colourfills, world-assosciated colours (bear -> panda, for example) and then the redraws (perhaps), such as 'undead' or other gross ones. It's all so creative, this would actually be the most amazing pet site in the world if it came to exist =D

Only one more thing to add, currently: The idea of there being dinosaur/prehistoric redraws of the 'pets' actually sounds amazing. As a sincere lover of dinosaurs, the generic 'dinosaur' pet or the prehistoric redraws would have to be amazing. Because dinosaurs are so worthy of amazing art! x)

Many thanks to the wonderful Tiel for the set.
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My post is on everything.

Post by Nogitsune »

Here's my two cents. I'm not trying to ignore posts from before, just putting my own ideas out there.


Pets, petpets/minions
At minimum 1 or 2 pets per letter of the English alphabet which would give an effective range of 26 - 52. I think the idea of starting out with about 40 species is a good idea. I don't think going over 52 species would be a good idea since, as was pointed out, this tends to crowd things. That said there still could be more than one thing happening that week, like random days or faerie days or similar.

At least one petpet should roughly match each pet in appearance, like the Vacana and Gnorbu or Baby Blu and Blumaroo. That's not to say that one 'grows up' and turns into a pet, just that it'd make matching much easier. I also think that the petpets should match all the colors the pets have.

I think having groups of pets is a better idea than having them all on one account since that way you could have more thematic accounts. I think a maximum amount should be placed but I'm not sure what that might be. If you say 5 pets on an account someone will want to know "why not 6?" Perhaps there should be a maximum of 10 pets per account with a maximum of 6 accounts that would give you the ability to have a maximum of 60 pets.

I like the idea that only the active pet would get hungry or affected by random events on the site. I think it would be cute if your pet refused to play until you fed it. It could be possible to have different bars: Health, Happiness, Hunger, and Thirst. If any of these falls to 0 your pet either passes out or becomes despondent and refuses to move.

Pet and petpet/minion colors

Base/free colors: Maroon, Red, Pink, Brown, Orange, Peach, Olive, Yellow, Cream, Myrtle (Dark Green), Green, Celadon (Light Green), Navy, Blue, Cyan, Violet (Dark Purple), Purple, Lavender (Light Purple), Black, Grey, White

Elemental colors: Metal, Plant, Earth, Air, Ice, Fire, Water, Electric, Dark, Light

Special colors: Rainbow, Monster, Prehistoric, Zombie, Ghost, Plushy, Anthropomorphic, Saggitarian (Centaur-like), Mythic

I also think the base colors should be very easy to get the base colors but even the other colors should not be too hard to obtain. No lab-ray only colors (though I like the idea of the lab ray).

Disco, Royal, Island, Pirate, and similar colors should be clothing-only rather than unique colors. The pets should have different poses for if they are holding something vs if they aren't.

Fighting and Battling
My only comment here would be that weapons and shields should have the option of containing one of every type of icon at their most powerful.

Games and Moneymaking

I think the amount of restock should depend on the rarity of the item, as someone else suggested:
Amount in stock: unlimited
Restocks: always

Amount in stock: 10,000
Restocks: every fifteen minutes

Amount in stock: 1,000
Restocks: every half hour

Amount in stock: 100
Restocks: every hour

I think it might be a good idea to have areas of free food similar to the Pick Your Own Berries. These areas could include berry patches and tree groves. It might also be possible to allow a player to grow their own food in a garden. I like the idea that some items might be available only in certain world areas, sold at specific shops. This could actually alter what's considered common, uncommon, rare, or exotic. Though, on the other hand, it might be a better idea to have the items still reflect that area's materials rather than having random items from other worlds appear in a shop.

Similar items in your inventory ought to be placed together like they are in the safety deposit box at neopets.

Life, the Universe, and Everything

I could see many different lands laid out with seasons in four directions: Winter in the north/north pole; Summer in the south/south pole; Spring on one of the lands, Autumn on the opposite side of the planet. There would be an underwater realm and a floating island realm as well.
The spring area would have oriental tones and flavor. The western area could be more Victorian in nature. The summer area could have Inca/Aztec flavor while the winter area could have a Norse flavor. Obviously there could be related areas, for instance a jungle area close to the Inca/Aztec civilization in one place with a desert that might have Egyptian/Pueblo themes in another. The summer area would be a great place for a 'land of the lost' type area similar to Tyrannia. The northern area might have a lot of igloos along side Norse-looking houses. Middle-age settings, if we have any, could lie between the north area and the west area. North and east might harbor something more Mongolian-during-the-reign-of-Atilla-the-Hun or similar. South west could harbor Greeko-Roman settings, south east could have Hawaiian or Pacific Island themes.

I was also thinking that the boards could be similar to those on Gaia Online where you can directly go from one area to another. I do like the idea of having an overmap as well for quick viewing and travel.

The central area could be like a big city with lots of sky scrapers. I think having a moon and a space station (or a moon with a space station) would be a good idea. The space station would be a natural place to find Robots.

I would really appeal to have more than one moon if possible (or if we want to make a nod to Star Wars have a moon-sized object that IS a space station). It's a fantasy realm, and nothing says fantasy more than multiple moons.

As for the beings - well it's always possible to have elementals. We could also develop our own pantheon if we wanted.

I like the idea of neohomes but I really hate the fact that you can't custom design the rooms and houses. Every house in neopia must look like it's made from building blocks. You can't have narrow or twisting hallways and the outside walls are not usually seen in detail. You also can't have rounded houses or square houses or similar.

We must have constellations. I find the fact that the astronomy tower gives such a narrow glimpse of the skies to be quite horrible. We should have one constellation per month so that they line up with a zodiac. I'd also like to have some way of knowing about the solar system. Planets and stars played a HUGE role in early societies.

We need to decide if we want to use the Gregorian Calendar or not. There are MANY different calendar systems around the world. One of my favorites would be a system with 13 months of 28 days each. That would give 364 days. The seventh month could have 29 days (one day being the Midyear celebration). In Leap Year a Chaos Day could be added after the end of the last month and before the beginning of the first month. On chaos Day random events would increase by a factor of 4 (or multiple of 4: 8, 12, 16, 20, etc).

We could also have a year system similar to the Chinese with each of the 12 or 13 in the cycle based on a mythical creature/petpet.

I like the idea of having a human avatar, though I'm not sure how well 'we' might fit in on a world of talking animals.
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Post by Elfwoman99 »

I like the Aurak idea. If we were actually making this game and I was going to play it, I would definitely lobby for an option to not play as a human, and for all "pet" species to be fully sentient and entirely capable of living independently.
Foghawk wrote:Pets & Pet Colors
Each 'world' has a color, yes? Are the only colors outside of the 'world' colors the colorfills? Or are there some redraw colors that don't come from anywhere in particular? It feels a little silly to have colors that come from nowhere in particular, but it would be worse to have to dream up an entirely new world for every color.

I do believe, however, that we can strike a golden mean here. Perhaps each world has several 'quests' you can do there to get a color. These quests could be money-based, skill-based, luck-based, whatever. Each color would not necessarily have to be the color for that world, but they could show an aspect of it. So, for example, in the 'evil carnival' world Huggles suggested, there could be the plushie colors - which could just be 'bought' colors - and also some others that fit it, like perhaps the 'Flayed' one Elfwoman thought of. You could raise a lot of money and get a plushie change-color-thing, or you could raise somewhat less money and use some skill or luck to, say, get through a ballpit that turns into an acid-cave somehow and have your active pet become Flayed.
That's what I was thinking. The regional colors would change your pet into a different sort of species. For example, if your species is a wolf in most of its colors, one of the regional colors might change it into a fox or a tanuki.

Some of the other redraw colors could be related to specific worlds or races, ie Faerie, Cyborg, Clockwork, Robot, Botanical. But others would be gained by quest: such as elemental colors which have to be obtained through a quest to gain some magical item related to the element. I envision Flayed, Eaten, and Infested would be obtained by quests that mutilate/infest your pet or result in your pet being mostly devoured. Ghost or Undead could be obtained by getting your pet killed after performing some horrid ritual (using ethically questionable methods) to ensure your pet will endure beyond the grave. Not all redraw colors would need to be connected to any particular world.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Foghawk »

Because really, it's worth it. There's so much more to be said.

Re: Colorfills
Right, it looks like we have down where the redraw colors come from, but what about colorfills? I think I've got an idea here that's fairly flexible - it allows for fills with and without accent colors, an enormous number of configurations, and keeps the alchemy idea because that's cool. Here's how getting a colorfill would go:
-Create your pet; it's in a Common-type color. Pets have one 'main' color, an 'accent 1', and an 'accent 2'. (If we decide to make the colorfills a bit harder to get but still wanted some individuality, we could use something like Subeta's hair salon to allow you to pick various shades, since the 'wild' pets would surely have some variation... but I'm getting ahead of myself.)
-Acquire a Pestle and Mortar. Mortars would come in four varieties - one large one for the main color, two smaller ones for the accents, and an extra-large for the whole pet. A Pestle would work with any of these.
-All items have 'color' values. These could either be on a unit system (e.g. 3 Red or 1 Blue 1 Purple) or on RGB color values (e.g. 251,16,123), depending on what we think would work best.
-Go to a wizard/artist/whatever NPC to grind selected items into Chalky Dye. This would turn your Pestle into a Stained Pestle and your Mortar into the dye item. (If at any time you have chalky dye you don't want, you can go and wash out your Mortar - I'll get to that later.) The colors would be made by either mixing the units of color or averaging colors of items put in, although you'd need at least 10 units/items to fill a Small Mortar, 20 for a Large Mortar, and 30 for the Extra-Large - just to make sure it takes at least a little effort. There should probably be a preview of how it would look on your current pet so that people won't find they've wasted their items...
-Once you have your Chalky Dye, you can go with your active pet to a sacred-spring-type place, where you would use the water to turn the Chalky Dye into actual dye and use it on your pet. The color the mortar is connected to will be recolored (basically by a color overlay, easy as pie to do in Ruby or Python) to the color of the dye - so if you were using a Large Mortar, your pet's main color would be changed; if one of the Small ones, one of its accent colors (can someone think of a good differentiation between the two?) - and of course the Extra-Large Mortar would make your pet all one color. (You can also wash your dye in the spring - you'd get back a clean Pestle and Mortar.)
-After you've used your dye, you get back a Stained Mortar to match your pestle. You can't do anything with stained items, but if you cast them together into a special pool in the springs, you'll get a little bonus - a blessing from the spirit of the spring or whatever. Pestles and Mortars wouldn't be released anywhere (unless we decided to add more) if there were none in the recycle pool; hopefully that would fight the sort of ridiculous deflation that Subetan elixirs have...

Comments? Nitpicks? Glaring flaws? Criticisms on my overuse of parentheses?
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by koichiitachi »

Pet and petpet/minion colors

Wow, there are so many possibilities at hand to dwindle and dawdle through... When you think about it, it would probably be a good idea to first think of what type of pets you are going to have, THEN think of the colours to go with them.

(Favourite colours have an * next to their name...and you must forgive me, I am in an angel-name based mood)

In my opinnion the best way to find a colour is to start naming things you like. For me, I like these: angel*(you could call it the , daemon*, celestial*, moon*, Sun, god/goddess*, flower, monster, dragon*(this could be when each pet is combined with dragonish features to make it interresting...could be called: Ashriel or Ashryel), spirit*(they would look as if they have been posessed by the spirit of something mystical) valentine(aka: Hadraniel or Hadranyl), winter*, fall*, spring(which could be the flower colour...) summer, forest, swamp, sky, egyptian*(if you use a different name such as this, you CAN use this colour) cyborg*, Aisian*, Native American*, Indian*, Cowboy, Russian, European*(in ye old days when their garb was so very noble looking!) Anime*, Anthro******(!), Vegitable, CANDY****(!), Food (such as spagetti and meatballs, cake, rice, beans etc. ...YES, it can be done! I have tried and it worked for neopets, and if it can work for that, it can work for anything) Space, demension, fantasy, noble(which could be interpreted as European) Artist***, singer(Israfel maybe?), dancer, sculptor, actor, builder, plumber, priest/priestess, and item(such as desk, lamp, pillow, suitcase etc)

Once that is done you have to think of ways to let the pets have the colour. Do they buy it? Do they get blessed by a magical being? Do they get dunked in paint? Are they soaked in sparkles or do the 'gods' bestow the colours on them? Are they allowed to CHOOSE the colours for free when they first sign up?(Oh lord wouldn't that be neat?! and personally it is my favourite idea)

Pets and Petpet, Miniony...Things

In my opinion, petpets are a waste of money, (Except when it comes to the vullard and djuti in neopets) MOST virtual sites don't have that.

Pet species eh? Well, what do we like? I like vultures and pandas, elephants and reigndeer, dragons and gryphons and...wait, that is PERFECT!!! If it were me, I would make a fantasy petsite! That would be so cool.
List of pets/preffered name(in my opinion)

Wolf (with bird/angel wings)-Zephir or Zephyr
(flame based)lion-Agnii
3-headed dog which I cant remember the greek name for
and a bug creature which is a mix between two bugs (spider and scorpion maybe?)


Think about it, whatever type of pets you have you should reflect in the name. For example? has outerspace pets. See where I'm going with this? (The name Neopets? Well, I am not really sure about that, but since when has anyone in TNT done things in the USUAL manner?)

I chose and liked the idea of fantasy creatures, so perhaps you could call it Fantasia or Utopia or perhaps even MYTHILICA (for the mythical creatures)

Hope this helps! ^^
"Scotty no like coco!" "Well yeah I like chocolate-" "Scotty don't!" "Yeah I do-" "Scotty DON'T!" "Ok, now let me do what I do, uh, would ya STOP?!" "Howayadoin?" "Uh, what?" "Hawayadoin?" "I uh-" "Howayadoin?" "But I don't-" "There you have it folks, Scotty don't!"
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