RL Achievements and ToW

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RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Huggles »

I'm getting a semi-smart phone for free! Basically, my phone is so old and outdated that Sprint's giving me a new one so that they A) No longer have to provide support for it, B) hope it will encourage me to update my plan with data and text. SUCK IT SPRINT! I am not. They were upset when they had to give me extra minutes each month because they no longer supported my cheapskate plan. Best of all, it's pink. Woo!

http://www-bgr-com.vimg.net/wp-content/ ... g-seek.jpg
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Cool! Sucks they gave you that hopeful sales gimmick runaround. I like Sprint (aside from one jerkish thing they did to me), but they're still at heart money-grubbers. I have one of the superfancy smartphones and its huge accompanying bill, but i use it pretty heavily to make it worth it.

I bit off more than i can chew for this late summer-December chunk of months, and i'm a little panicked.

- I'm getting my car restored, but i keep having to put off the cross-country trip because it's still (as a friend puts it) pig-effingly hot in the west, and relief doesn't usually come until late October or early November.

- I bought a new bed, but the store handles its paperwork badly, and they don't have on hand my paid-in-full record, so they still haven't scheduled a delivery time with me. Today i got some news (which i'll describe momentarily) that made me think that $1000 would be nice to have just in case i need it - and i can't get a refund on a bed that i haven't even gotten delivered yet. Argh. And i have that trip and restoration coming up too. But at least they'll hold it for me until after this thing from today blows over.

- Today, i finally got notice that the roads and parking spaces at my apartment complex are getting repaved, so we eon't be able to use those roads and spaces for three days. They started a few days ago, tearing up the roads and spewing those noxious fumes and chunks everywhere. I'm glad i don't have a white car (or my restored car!) here, just another one that's going to get repainted by my friend who's buying it. I have chemical "allergies" to tar fumes, and the apartment doors and windows are thin enough to smell cigarette smoke from outside. I might have to find another place to stay for a few weeks until it sets and dissipates. I wish i had enough money set aside to actually move to a different place.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »



Me and my fiance have just put an offer on a house, and it got accepted! We're going to be homeowners!

It's a nice little old weatherboard house on a nice sized block in a very good area of Perth. It's costing us $460,000 which is the most money I've spent on anything by LOTS. (Yes, houses are very expensive in Australia, especially Perth)


http://www.acton.com.au/mountlawley/?pa ... ID=2167914

If any of you guys go to Perth you can be our houseguests. Assuming we have room. Otherwise I'd imagine we'd have an (un)comfortable couch available!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by AngharadTy »

I am so damn jealous! We're trying to start the whole house-acquiring process here and it's stressful as hell. Money, ugh. Just give me a place I can decorate for Halloween and keep a dog in. And never hear neighbors when I'm asleep.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

Oh god, it's awful. I have been so stressed out lately I'm just glad it's over. Worse still is the house is 2 hours away from where I live at the moment so it makes even looking at a place difficult! (Aside: I should probably have updated my location below my av to Bunbury, Western Australia by now, but I move out in three months so I would probably forget to change it back...)

The biggest problem we had was houses would go on the market and then be under offer within a week so you have to very quickly decide you like something and make an offer on it. But that's the way the market is here, especially at the price and location we were going for. I'm guessing in the USA where I hear stories of houses being on the market for months you'll be running into a whole different set of problems.

We've got a buyer's agent which has been helpful. She's costing us $4,000 but she's going to take care a lot of stuff like pest inspections and building inspections and driving our forms around everywhere and talking to our mortgage broker that would be a pain in the neck to do from down here. I don't know if that's something that will help you because I don't know how things work over there!

Also, oh mannnn, I seem to remember we used to bitch about school assignments down here. Now are we going to be discussing mortgages?!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by EofS »

Madge wrote:Also, oh mannnn, I seem to remember we used to bitch about school assignments down here. Now are we going to be discussing mortgages?!
Just wait until the pregnancies begin...
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

OH GOD, it's not going to be neocolours, it's going to be whohasthecutestonesie.me.uk isn't it!?
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by AngharadTy »

Don't be silly. I'm sure neobabies.me.uk will be free.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Joey »

Old thread is here: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=8775

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kantark »

Ahh... that explains a lot. If the talk turns to babies I might scarper too.

Congrats Madge - your new pad looks massive (well, it is described as the Tardis :-P ). Nearly half a million dollars! That really ain't cheap! Though if properties there are under offer within a week I'm not surprised they're expensive... things are a bit different here at the moment, a friend has just had an offer on her flat which has been on the market for over a year.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

$460,000 is pretty cheap, that's the crazy thing! I always freak out when I hear about four bedroom houses in the USA being worth $150,000 - that's what houses were worth 20 or 30 years ago here.

The reason property is nuts here is because we have a huge mining boom in Western Australia (that depending on who you ask is only going to get bigger or is going to end ANY SECOND NOW when China stops wanting to buy things). If you think that price is bad, the same house in somewhere like Canarvon (a big mining town at the top of the state) would easily break a million. Rents on places like that up there are $1,000 a WEEK. (The place we're buying would earn more like $400 a week, and with mortgage payments $600 a week and property remaining a very strong investment renting isn't a terribly cheap option...)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jazzy »

Congratulations on the house! Miguel and I were discussing potentially putting money down together for a house the other day...scary stuff. (For us it would definitely be a little while yet as my job contract only runs until next October, but anything I get after that should be more permanent and would let me settle down somewhere.)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

It's the scariest thing isn't it. =/

This is me right now:


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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Marah »

That is a brilliant comic.
Is this also the part where there are polls about who ends up having the first neobaby?
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

My fiance is dating a girl who has an 8 year old, so if they're still together in a year or two that kid will probably be a part of our family. Do you think that would count? :P

I remember a few years back someone was preggers and, unfortunately, lost the baby. I think it might have been General Erin? This was a very long time ago.
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