Petpetpet match to a Pet&Petpet?

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Petpetpet match to a Pet&Petpet?

Post by checkers »

Somneone so kindly gave me a Royal PB, well they gave it to AdiGallia to give to me as a supprise, and when he does give me the PB I will make a Royal girl bruce, I was going to make a Royalboy Mynci but in recent image changes I went off of the Royal Mynci.

I'm looking for a petpetpet that matches a Royal girl Bruce and a Gobbler.
This Gobbler, is her bird that she found my a lake. The Gobbler is used to send, Poems, Artwork and Letters to people, it can fly at high speeds but flies slowly, because it prefers to stay in fresh air away from the Castles bird-keeper, Cerastela on many occasions has hidden Betoni in her chambers, to let him be safe from the bird-keeper, a Darigan Kyrii who goes into the fields and picks the dry grass and leafs and blends them up into a paste and shoves it though a pipe into the Gobblers and Weewoo's cages.

I'm looking for either:

A bug that was once found in the pastey leafs and grass.
A beautiful petpetpet that Cerastela found in her Garden.
A petpetpet that lives in Cerastelas chambers 4th fire.
A petpet that sits on the Gobblers back when flying & rides.

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Joined: 26 Jan 2006 10:04 pm

Post by Tree_XXII »

Here's some ideas for you
Image Fleaf, could easily have gone unnoticed in the grass stuff
ImageImage glyme and lightmite, look like pretty garden petpetpets
Image scoach, something that would live in a fire
Image and the veespa is very cute and would probably enjoy riding
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Joined: 19 Jun 2007 08:13 am

Post by koops »

i like tree_XXII's ideas and the lightmite could be a petpetpet messenger
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