New Poll: Velosotor Revamp!

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by Phlizz »

Wingsrising wrote:Am I the only one that likes the old one better? I like it's slenderness and sweet expression.
No, I also like the old one better (even while being able to admit that it does quite badly need a revamp), for these reasons amongst others. I don't own a Velosotor myself, but a friend has one whose personality was/is based around its sweet (perhaps admittedly rather too feminine) look. He's not amused by these changes, either, though hoping for the best as his pet is a redraw (spectrum).

First impression: the confusion of colours all over the new one (due largely to iffy shading under the fuzzy stripes) made me wonder at first glance why they'd made the new Velosotor hairy. On a closer look, I'm also not keen on the change in proportions of the face (fatter jaw, smaller eye), even if it does make it more dinosaur-like, which I think is what changes the whole feel of the pet the most - something which is never a good thing in revamps.
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Post by Sparrow »

I think this is loads better than the old one. The shading is much more lifelike now, and the claws look awesome and real now. I don't think it changed the feel of the old one at all--I hated Velosotors before because I felt they had no personality at all--not to mention it practically had no femurs. Now, I could see myself owning one. Very cute and befitting a dino pet. *is pleased*
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Post by lavender »

I do like it a *little*more, but my complaints about are the same as everyone else. It's too bulky like a t-rex and the smile is too goofy.

Oh, but I do love the feet :)
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Post by Demi »

Honestly, I think it's a hell of a lot better than the old one.

I don't understand why it should matter if it looks like a tyrannosaurus or a velociraptor- it's a game, not reality. And it's a velosotor, not a velociraptor.

The revamp is drastically different to the old, and for the better, in my own opinion. Also, I can't see the stripes/shading clash that's been mentioned. The stripes seem pretty clear against the shading to me. I also quite like the way it's a little on the bulky side.

I'd still probably never own one, -but- that's only because I love the pets I have and don't have the room for one.
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Post by uncharted »

Demi wrote:Honestly, I think it's a hell of a lot better than the old one.

I don't understand why it should matter if it looks like a tyrannosaurus or a velociraptor- it's a game, not reality. And it's a velosotor, not a velociraptor.
I agree with this. I think the revamped velosotor looks enough like the old one. The artist clearly tried to preserve the facial elements, and I think it's a huge improvement. It looks less feminine, which is a plus in my book. Te old one was outdated, and you can't expect a revamp to look very close to the old version, because it would defeat the purpose. I think this is the right balance between "different" and "preserving elements of the old version."
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Post by Sunwolf »

The artist needs to go watch "Jurassic Park" or read Raptor Red. Raptors were slim, fast hunters with long S-shaped necks and long stiff tails that helped balance them while running. The shape of the pelvis indicated that they were upright whenever they were sitting or standing. They used their massive killing-claw as their main weapon, not their jaws, which were narrow. They also has much longer arms than the T-rex.

The T-rex and its relatives had short, powerful bodies (not long-distance runners like raptors) with short, powerful necks to give their massive blunt jaws tremendous biting power. Their jaws were their main weapon, not their claws. The shape of the pelvis indicated that they were tilted forward while walking - sitting, their shoulders would be close to the ground.

There are clear differences between the two. As the Velosotor is based on a RAPTOR, not a T-rex, it should look more like a freaking raptor.
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Post by Kamil »

I too think it's a huge improvement over the old one, and I really, really do like it. Jag did a very good job with the pet, in my opinion.

The only thing I'd change is the smile, but I totally understand that's a personal thing and for every three people who love the current smile there'll be three more who wish it was a frown because all the pets are too cutsey now and that sucks; three who liked the old smile best and want it back NOWplz; and one or two who say, 'screw smiles, where are the damned teeth already?' - so I don't expect anyone to change an expression for me. =D
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Post by Twofold Black »

Demi wrote:I don't understand why it should matter if it looks like a tyrannosaurus or a velociraptor- it's a game, not reality. And it's a velosotor, not a velociraptor.
The old one bears even less resemblance to any sort of raptor, anyway -- not just because its forelimbs appear to grow directly out of its ribcage and IT'S NAKED, but because it entirely lacks a slicing claw and has giant eyeballs that make it look like e.g. a young tyrannosauroid. A deformed one.
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Post by Iggy »

The Velociraptors portrayed in Jurassic Park are not anatomically correct, according to the fossils discovered. Started by...what it's actually COVERED with.

It cannot be proven via fossils, but some scientists believe than the Velociraptor actually had feathers.

Therefore, the Velosotor is NOT a real life raptor. The artists can do whatever they please with it, since it's NOT technically, a reliable basis of a Velociraptor.

It's a drawing of a fictionnal animal.

And I approve of this revamp. The old one was like... the Nicole Richie of saurians
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Post by Wingsrising »

Oh, good grief. Do we really have to get into the whole, "Well, it's a fantasy animal so it doesn't have to look like X!" routine?

I don't care whether the Velosotor is supposed to be a velociraptor or not. The old one pretty and sweet and slender. The new one looks like it's been taking steroids. I like the old one better, no matter what sort of dinosaurs they were modeled after.
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Post by Twofold Black »

I feel the need to point out defensively that I am responding only to the 'you bastards ruined my Velociraptor!' sentiments I see here and in the news thread. There was no Velociraptor there to begin with. The Velociraptor didn't look the way most of those people think it did, anyway. I <i>do</i> think it has to look like X, where X is a certain amount of anatomical plausibility that the old Velosotor just, well, no. Completely lacked. But I'm not attached to the old version's expression in any way, so I can only discuss it on this intellectual level. And the subject of what it most resembles is interesting to me, because dinosaurs are awesome.

I just realized, looking at it again, what has been bothering me about the neck: it's a human neck. Reptiles' necks connect to the back of the skull, not the underside of it. Almost no animals other than humans and their precursors have spines that enter the skull from below like that, in fact -- I can't think of one. This is ... creepy, now that I've noticed it.

Iggy: Based on known skin impressions of dromeosaurids farther down the evolutionary tree, while there's no direct evidence that Velociraptor and co. were feathered, there's no basis anymore on which to assume that they weren't. This will take its sweet time propagating to popular culture, though.
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Post by Wingsrising »

You're actually not the person I was thinking of when I wrote that, Twofold Black.

My opinion remains that I don't care whether the new one looks like a T-Rex, a Velociraptor, or a waffle. What it *doesn't* look like, to me, is the one thing it's actually supposed to look like -- a Velosotor.

My opinion is that this revamp totally fails to preserve the personality of the original pet. Other people's mileage may, of course, vary.
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Post by Anubimon »

I don't really care for . the revampI have a Velosotor, a Twilight one... I never really liked the pet as a whole, but I really love the coloring of the Twilight. And... I just don't like the pose/smile of the new one.
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Post by Illuen »

Wingsrising wrote:Oh, good grief. Do we really have to get into the whole, "Well, it's a fantasy animal so it doesn't have to look like X!" routine?

I don't care whether the Velosotor is supposed to be a velociraptor or not. The old one pretty and sweet and slender. The new one looks like it's been taking steroids. I like the old one better, no matter what sort of dinosaurs they were modeled after.
I agree with you completely. My issue with this is the same issue I've had with several of the newer Subeta revamps in that the pet is not consistant with itself.

I'm all for the updating of art, and I have very minor issues with the art itself on this revamp (My main problem is that I'm not a fan of the shading on this pet. It seems over shaded, and I'm not able to tell where the light source is in regards to the pet.). My issue lies with the fact that this is not the same pet as the original Velosotor.

The changes have been mentioned by people much more eloquent than myself in this thread (the bodybuilder proportions when compared with the rather lithe and nimble art of the original chief among my dislikes) so I'll refrain from voicing them, but I do think it is a valid point. I can't speak for others, but when I pick a pet, one of the chief things I look for is personality in the art itself, and when this is changed, I dislike that.

Looking the pet over again, I have to say that there is something offputting about the eye of the pet and the eyebrow it is given, although I'm not quite sure what it is.
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Post by Luxe »

adi_gallia wrote:I hope Jill didn't draw this because so far I like all of her pets she revamped. xD
It wasn't Jill. It was Exhibitted. :)
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