Pretty items and things you may have never seen before #2!

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Pretty items and things you may have never seen before #2!

Post by uberstav »

Ok so I REALLY REALLY loved the old topic where we shared really cool items that we liked with each other and it's almost been a year since the old topic was made and a WHOLE bunch of new items have been released so i figured to make a new board was in order.

Also, I remember a lot of people bought the posted items for their galleries as well so please post here if you have added more items to your galleries since the last board.

So please post both the picture of the item and the item name/description so everyone can see :)

here are some of my favorites:

a few havent been released yet but here they are :

Coolest item ever, Masilas Brooch roughly 2 mil on tp but i got mine for 800k :)

The sweetest looking item ever, gummy dice salad! and under 10k too!

Yum yum! banango bubble tea! very exotic looking and great for drink galleries!

I LOVE this item:

Luxury Dark and Light Faerie Snowglobe worth 1.5 mil but WORTH IT.
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Post by Jessi »

Ee the gummy dice salad is VERY very cute!

And that wocky teaset thing is GORGEOUS ;___; They need to release it.
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Post by Iggy »

I classified my gallery recently.

My username is mazoku_kuiin, so if you feel like breaking your Internet, go and see it! =)
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Post by uberstav »

your gallery is GLORIOUS! i drooled every second while laying eyes upon it!

i bet its worth a pretty penny :P
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Post by sureq »

Swab Bush

It isn't new, isn't all that pretty but it is my most favourite item I own at the moment.
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Post by Lolliruss »

Black Cherry Mooncake. There are four in total, each with different fillings and designs on top, but this is my favourite. I have no idea what a mooncake is, but these look so good I might just have to find a recipe and try them. *glances long, long list of recipes to try out* Err, one day, perhaps.

Fruity Scone. I love how this item is drawn, and that it's a fruit scone without any icky raisins or sultanas.

Halloween Meowclops. Madly expensive, but one of my favourite petpets. I'm kicking myself for not buying one when I could afford one, but then again I guess everyone else is too.

Haunted Woods Reader. Just pretty.

Green Pirate Sash. SHINY!!! And such a lovely colour.

I really love the colours on the Mutant Quetzal. I'm not sure if they're released, though. I used to have the brush and a Quetzal in my SDB, but gave up after waiting for what seemed like forever to be able to paint.

I'll not post any more right now, but if you share my taste in pretty things, I have a list of items at ... =lolliruss that you can look at. Like a gallery, but several million neopoints cheaper and it won't provide that accoplished feeling that I love. I'd better start saving!
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Post by Iggy »

Yeps Lolliruss, they're released and paintable, I have one in my gallery =)

I need these Mooncakes for my gallery =D
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Re: Pretty items and things you may have never seen before #2!

Post by Jamie »

A few days ago I started a 'Favourite Items' Gallery and then searched through Jellyneo's Item Database to abuse their awesome wishlist feature. Anyway, the result was an almost 700item long list:
Very image heavy!

So there is a whole heap of items I really like, oh, and here is my Favourite Things Gallery, so far. Ignore the icky ranks, I'll sort it all out eventually.
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Re: Pretty items and things you may have never seen before #2!

Post by Jessi »

Wow - Jamie, that list is AWESOME! It's really motivated me to update my Neopets' wishlist xD *goes to do so!*
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Re: Pretty items and things you may have never seen before #2!

Post by Huggles »

Guuh. I really miss the bigness of Neopets items compared to Subeta. Even that tiny bit more of space allows for so much more detail.
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Re: Pretty items and things you may have never seen before #2!

Post by Helmcargh »

I felt the opposite Huggles. Most of these items, while pretty, seem clunky to me now after being on Subeta for so long.
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Re: Pretty items and things you may have never seen before #2!

Post by checkers »

Is it me or does this Poogle image look like it has no effort in it? The balls it's throwing are detailess.

I really like quite a few of the items on Jamies wishlist, they're really cool.

That pond of evil is really making me want to rebuild my Neohome, I had the most amazing Garden. xD The rooms were alright, but the garden was my pride and joy D:
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Re: Pretty items and things you may have never seen before #2!

Post by Iggy »

Neopets has the best items out there, no contest. You can't see anything on most of Subeta items, and the non-uniformity of the styles sorta bugs me.

Now, go and look at my lastest pretties

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Re: Pretty items and things you may have never seen before #2!

Post by shadowgem »

Hee, I really enjoyed the old topic too, even though I tended to kill it. XD

I've been working on my favorite items gallery for YEARS (which means it REALLY should be more impressive than it actually is XD), even before we actually had galleries and had to use our shops. :P


I didn't touch Neo all since they uglified everything, BUT... with Subeta being down, I've gone and spent lots of NP on additions for gallery.

Some of my Favorites:
Cherry Rose Lollypop
Cheery Tomato Soup Bowl
Glime Plushie
Glass Dip Pen and Ink
Whirlygig Lotion
Rose Cake

And from the Department of Too Expensive Right Now:
Brilliant Poogle Wand
Rainbow Kacheek Water
Rosemary Mushroom Tea
Slime Soup
Worm Stew

(hope that wasn't too long) xD
neopets (still full of fail) ~:~ subeta
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Re: Pretty items and things you may have never seen before #2!

Post by Jessi »

Most of my favorite items are ones everyone has probably seen before and aren't THAT exciting, but here's a few of them anyway XD

Cherry Petite Fours - so cute!

Altadorian Cobb Salad... actually, most Altadorian food and Kelp restaurant food are some of my favorite items on the site. Just so expensive... at least the Kelp stuff.

Image Image
Chokato Crepe and Chokato Toffee Apple... I'm obsessed with chokatos anyway, but these are my two favorite chokato items xD

Aged Tchea juice... so expensive ;_;

...all my favorite items are food xD;
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