Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

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Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by Seerow »


I must say, I love the Aeanoid. I've never liked a single Aeonoid and never thought I would (cause well, its a plant) but this is stunning. The colors are gorgeous and I adore the wings and pose. I think I may have to get one. Is the garden working again so I can create one?

The Anyu is alright. Its not bad but I'm not rushing out to get it either. I like the head and the expression but the body, and particularly the feet, seem off. The raised paws toes are weird. At first I thought he had icicles for claws, but a closer look shows that's not particularly true and instead it seems like his foot is turning into a icicle?
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Re: Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by danceu4ia »

I LOVE the Aeanoid as well. I thought it was a cool species before, but I just couldn't find a colour. Feather on a plant weird me out a little, I won't lie, but that's what the colour calls for, right?

The Anyu's expression rocks, but I think if the markings on the fur were a little more visible, I'd like it better. And if the paw's ice was eiter more defined, or eliminated.
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Re: Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by Saturn »

zomg zomg zomg

I neeeeeeds that Aeanoid. @_@ They're actually one of, if not my absolute FAVORITE Subeta species, but for some weird reason until now there wasn't any color for them that was really OMGMUSTHAVE for me. But this is just... EEEEEE. I adore the colors and the expression, and the TENTACLES HAVE HALOES haha so awesome. Damn you Angelic Potion for being so expensive... ;_;

(also, what exactly is up with the Gardens right now? I've had an Aeanoid Seed sitting around for a couple of months now and I'm afraid to use it because I've heard the Gardens were... broken or something but I'm not sure at all of the exact situation.)

The Anyu is cool (haha puns) too, very fuzzy looking. :3 The ice on the paw is a little weird but otherwise it's very nice, I like how the ankle wings are little ice shard things now. Glacier just seems like such a natural color for the species haha.
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Re: Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by Rah »

Saturn, if you have nothing in your garden, I think your aeanoid will be fine, and will grow properly. The problem, I believe, was with the magical banana seeds - if you put them in there, they got stuck, and the garden became unusable. I haven't been able to use my garden for SO long and the banana seeds are still in there :/

I think that's the case, anyhow. Maybe you should make a post on the forums asking if anyone has created an aeanoid recently?
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Re: Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by Nectaris »

I love the aenoid, it is one of the few angelic pets that I actually like. I like the mostly white and gold color scheme so much better than the usual. The bright blue eye is also stunning. If it weren't for the price of the potion, which at the moment I have no patience to save for it, I would probably get one.
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Re: Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by Alecko »

That Aeanoid is so beautiful. I love the feathery wings, the little tentacle halos and the eye colour. Only thing I'm not too sure on is the blue spikes. They're not that obvious but they seem kind of out of place. Though it's not enough to detract from the amazingness that is the pet.

I like the body of the Anyu but I don't like the face. It just looks...smooth compared to the rest. I can understand why seeing as the fur's not meant to be as thick on the face but it just bugs me. Other than that, it's alright.
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Re: Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by Twofold Black »

The Aeanoid freaking rocks. If I have a problem with it, it's that the tentacles lack a certain 'squidgy' quality -- they curl fluidly instead of in the random, uncoordinated way that other Aeanoids' do. This is an angelic pet, though, so it's not inappropriate, and I'm not sure the halos would have worked otherwise.

I'm a fan of the Anyu too. I don't have a problem with the markings or the ice on the raised paw, but I'm not totally sold on the way the ankle-band wing on the back leg sticks out of the fur. That's weird. If it didn't have bands on the other ankles I would think the wing grew out of the pet itself rather than being a part of some hidden piece of jewelry.
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Re: Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by hebdenhippy »

First of all, it's great the Aeanoid is getting some attention, along with the Angelic colour, both of which haven't been seen in a long time. I quite like the Aeanoid, it's not something I'd want, but it's nice enough. The colours used a gorgeous, but I think a dark purple would have worked better instead of the blue, which seems to clash with the lilac a bit. The little halos on it's tentacles are adorable, and the wings are gorgeous.

The Anyu I like, actually, the expression is great and I quite like the ice on the paw. My only complaint would be that the head looks a bit smooth, that's only minor though, and this is probably one of my favourite Glacier pets so far.
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Re: Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by Arviragus »

I was able to create my Aeanoid somewhat recently; I don't remember the exact date, but it was definitely after the gardens started being reported as broken, or whatever they are. I was going to leave her as Common, but the Angelic one is miiiiighty tempting.
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Re: Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by Mayhem »

I'm disappointed in the Anyu. It's paw looks like it was ripped off and I'm just not wowed at all by it.

I like the Aenoid, but not enough to spend so much on it.
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Re: Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by Monkeyguy »

I don't particularly care for the Aeanoid as a species, but I suppose Angelic is okay.

I really had high hopes for the Glacier Anyu, and I'm a little disappointed. From the neck down I think it's great, but the head is so weird. The ears sit too low and give it the look of some type of friar or monk. The art is nice otherwise, it's just not what I was hoping for.
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Re: Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by Xulael »

I love the Aeanoid's colorscheme. It's absolutely stunning. I'm not terribly keen about the feathery bits and the wings because they don't make any sort of logical sense. But then again...cartoon alien plant thing, logic need not apply. It's a good pet, but not one I'd actually want to own.

The Anyu... The entire species suffers from a cartoony human forehead syndrome. Having the ears so far down makes it worse. :/ Neither the back ankle-band nor that ice claw make much sense to me, either. There aren't enough details to pull those things off. Lastly, the lineart seems very haphazard, as if the artist either didn't try, or is no master at the super-thin glacier lines.
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Re: Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by Huggles »

I think the goal behind the wings not looking like wings was to make them look like leaves made out of feathers. Weird, but I still really like it too. The anyu, not so much. I agree that the ice paw is funky along with the invisible cuffs on the hind legs. I think it should have been reposed, perhaps like sheeta, and used a bit of foreshortening to fit the entire pet in the image without making it sit.
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Re: Angelic Aeanoid and Glacier Anyu

Post by Silverevilchao »

The Aeanoid is completely and utterly beautiful. WANT.

...on the other hand, the Anyu is continuing the tradition of Glacier pets looking like they're stoned.
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