Holiday... or not EDIT: Home again with PICS

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Holiday... or not EDIT: Home again with PICS

Post by gomababe »

Well, just to let eveyone know that while I might be gone from home for two weeks {or more} I'll still be around the forums as the friend I'm staying with has ample internet access and two computers for me to pick from :p.

But that's not the only news about this little 'holiday' of mines. It's basically a job searching opportunity for me. I'm hoping to move down to the Poole area of Dorset at some point {the place where I'll be staying for the next two weeks} but I'm not allowed to move out until I get myself a job. I've spoken to the nice people at my local Job centre and they've told me that they're happy enough to let me sign on for my Jobseeker's allowance down there so long as I am actively looking for work {and let's face it, I'm starting to get desperate}. I can't wait myself, I've been wanting to move down South for ages now and I'm finallly getting some sort of opportunity to do so ^_^.

Hopefully the next time I post in this topic I'll have at least an interview ^_^. I'll try to keep you updated.
Last edited by gomababe on 15 Jul 2008 08:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Holiday... or not

Post by Seerow »

Best of luck finding something Gomababe :D Searching for a job can be one of the most annoying things in the world.
Do you have any specific job in mind you'd like or is it more of a "I'll take anything!".
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Re: Holiday... or not

Post by gomababe »

I'd really like to go into Learning and support work in high schools, but at the moment I'm willing to take anything since the summer holidays are so near {they start on Saturday up here in Scotland 0-0}. It's probably going to be a long haul, but I've already applied to one job down there and am awaiting an answer, so I'm hoping they'll get back to me before I go.
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Re: Holiday... or not EDIT: Home again

Post by gomababe »

Bumping because I'm home... Ok so I actually arrived on Friday night, but I had a busy weekend unpacking and visiting family and all that happy jazz.

I'll put up the photos later, but in the meantime: I did have a wonderful time, for the most part I kicked back, relaxed and played video games and watched endless amounts of TV and various DVDs. We went places too, but I'll save that commenntary until I get the photos up.

I did look for work, but most of it was already filled by the time I got around to phoning people -_-. I did get one interview though, from a job I applied to at least two weeks before I went down, so mum had to post on the details :p. It was basically a literacy/numeracy test {which I passed, thank God} and then a basic roleplay TalkType test {which I'm sure I completely failed since I'm not very good at doing two or three things at the same time}. I'm just waiting on their decision now. If I got through I can finally plan getting back down to find someplace to stay. If not I'll sulk and get back to looking for work because I so obviously fail at life in general.

All in all it was a very good holiday, but I wanna go back already {can you tell how much I dislike living with my parents ^_^;}

Edit: Now to the pictures

Here is a picture of one of the prettier ducks in the lake. near the back of my friend's house.

This is part of the lake itself. It takes about 15 minutes to walk around and is, unbelievably, only two minutes away from a busy main road. The whole of the area is really pretty though.

The first Thursday night, we got bored and since it was kinda nice we deicded to go to the beach... at 8:00 at night. I was sensible and didn't go much futher out than in that pic {I'm on the right}. My friend, on the other hnd, decided that since her hair got wet she may as well go swimmming. This probably contributed to the mild colds we both ended up with that weekend.

Lucy's meal the first Monday. We went down to Poole to get lunch before we went to see Prince Caspian and this was the first time that she's eaten out with just one other person {that isn't her fiancee} in about.... 10-15 years {she has Agarophobia}.

The following Monday we went to Monkey World for the morning. At least it stayed dry so we got around the park before the heavens opened up at lunch time :P.

One of the Lemurs. No idea which one this was.

Can't remember what species this one was ^_^;. It might be one of the rescued Capuchins.

Guess what's hiding underneath that blanket? Hint: It's orange.

One of quite a few stump-tailed Macaques.

Sally, having dinner by the looks of it.

These are Lucy's cousin's two adorabe Staffordshire bulll terriers. We went to see them after going shopping the second wednesday. They are both adorable, tohugh Blossom {the one on the right} isn't too bright, bless her.

Me and Lucy, in the pub, looking at the photos I took durung my visit {this was taken by Nick, Lucy''s fiancee}

Here is the man himself, doing what he does best with young children, namely his Goddaughter Isabel.

I'm sorry these are all out of synch, I kinda posted them as I found them ^_^;
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