Black Friday Sale

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Re: Black Friday Sale

Post by zebru »

Glee! I got myself four MCTs, opened the two right away and spent half an hour on Subeta HQ deciding on the last two. it seems every single trunk has at least one item I need, and naturally the single item I want usually costs more than the trunk itself.
I would have gotten two more and probably stocked up on oh-so-cheap Mysterious Floral Handbags but there was no more money on my paypal account (which is good because I can't afford it).

Very clever marketing move. I hope this means more new stuff for Cash shop in near future.
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Re: Black Friday Sale

Post by TCStarwind »

I'm really kicking myself in the behind right now. D: When I saw the sale post, I went and bought a good amount of CS credits. After buying the 7 costume trunks I wanted, I was going to spend the rest on GAs to sell for sPs. But instead of buying them all at once, I decided to go to bed before buying the GAs. Naturally, I haven't had the time to spend on the computer today, so I couldn't buy the GAs at the reduced price. So instead of being able to buy the five that I had planned to at 2.50 each, I can now only buy two, with $2.50 left over. D:

Damnit. Why am I such an idiot?
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Re: Black Friday Sale

Post by Huggles »

This thread title was both confusing and frightening because I actually had to work retail for Black Friday. I woke up on Thursday at 1pm, had to be at work at 4:30 am, and didn't sleep again until 2pm. Waking up to this thread caused me to wonder what exactly Neocolours was selling. Yeah, my brain is fried.

And just because I can, Black Friday is one of the most ridiculous and greed encouraging tradition ever and should only be reserved for online stores where all you need to do is click a button.
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Re: Black Friday Sale

Post by lavender »

Wow, the Cash Shop looks so vacant :P

I got some GA medals, 1 or 2 MCTs, and 2 more of the speech bubbles. I was thinking of wigs, but SubetaHQ was down so I couldn't see them. Chances are I wouldn't want any anyhow. I'd probably just hoard them!
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