Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

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Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by hebdenhippy »

By popular demand...a bedroom thread! Post your rooms everybody :D

Here's mine,
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That's just all built in cupboards and stuff, as well as my mega-huge mirror. Some close ups -

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I keep all my DVDs there, as well as hair-stuff, my prom trophy and a random collection of mobile phones.

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That's my bed and my lame excuse for a bedside table (yes, I read far too many gossip mags xD)

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My TV and Wii are at the end of my bed, and under them is all my games and stuff.


My desk.


My spare bed and window sill, I still have my Christmas cards up... should probably take them down soon!
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Kari »

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Figures on top of the dresser (points if you can name some :P)


Corner by the door

My plushies (again, points if you name some :P)

Where my TV sits when I have it in my room

Shelf o' anime
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Seerow »

Yay, bedrooms!
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Here you can see my beloved Mac and my comp desk. If you look closely on the shelf to the right, you can see my collection of Neopet figurines and Happy Meal My Little Pony toys :P

Here's the table next to my comp, which Echo is showing off nicely for you all.

My (overflowing) book case and shelves above it. As you can see, I collect beer steins, these are just a few of mine.

My older then dirt tv, and even older then dirt SNES and PS2. And cute puppies from McDonalds.

Comfy chair where my cats sleep and bulletin board. If you look closely you can see a picture of Armani drawn by Elzaim :D

My collection of videos, games, and what not. I also collect bowls and plates, which you can see some of on top there.

And last but not least, my much loved bed. With Connor chilling out by the window.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Huggles »

Oooh! New thread! I love your built in, hebdenhippy. I even like your wallpaper, and usually wallpaper is right up there with kicking puppies and pushing little old ladies into traffic. Everyone has so much stuff though. I'm nearly sure having that many little tiny things to collect dust would drive me crazy, because my mom's black angels and "cultural" cheap ass figurines do. They're like Precious Moments on crack. I have about half of Seerow's dvds in my drawer, and I'll be taking Hellboy too.

Does everybody know they have wireless electricity now?! I kinda knew about Tesla's experiments, but a couple companies are working on boxes you can toss your electronic crap in to recharge without wires and things you stick in your house to power everything. I trip over my cords and get stuck in them constantly, and they're ugly. Well, the pink extension cord I have isn't, but the future is now! Kind OT, but I could hardly contain myself after reading several articles while stuck in a car dealership.
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Jessi »

Am I allowed to post pictures from our HOUSE, rather than just our room? XD back in the day , in my dorm rooms or my first few apartments my room would have looked freaking awesome, but our room here is all.. adult looking and boring ;-; See, that's what happens when you get your own house. Your bedroom gets boring!

So can I like.. post a picture of our bedroom and of our computer room? XD cause our computer room is more exciting, heh (also, extremely messy. Will have to wait til its cleaned)
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Joey »

I don't see why not, I was planning on posting pictures of this room rather then my bedroom, because my bedroom's a mess thanks to all the junk I threw in there from this room xD
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Alicorn »

Ooooo, everyone has such nice bedrooms. Kari, one of those figures is a girl from fullmetal panic (her name escapes me) and the figure with the black wings is from Utawarerumono if I'm not mistaken (again with forgetting the name. Been a bit since I watched the anime. Though I am getting the box set soon, it's a belated birthday present. XD). I can't tell any of the others cause it's hard for me to make them out.

Now for my pics. We stay in a loft above the garage so it has our computer/living room/bedroom all in one. First I must warn you they are crappy quality. I used the video camera and it does crappy pictures. The digital camera is away on a cruise with my in-laws and they won't be back for a couple weeks. If the thread is still alive and kicking when they return, I shall put up better quality ones. Till then, here are the ones I have.
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The bed, somewhat made just for you guys. XD Yes, there are two blankets. Me and my wife had blanket wars to much so we settled it by useing two blankets.

The closet near our bed and what we keep in the closet. My wife's bookshelf is on the right and mine on the left. I ran out of room, I went on a book shopping spree recently. XD

Computer Area

My mini fridge, I got it for my birthday last year. Also all my baby dog's toys.

Our other closet and the dormer window. And look, my dog Lute is posing just for you guys. XD Yes, that cabinet is there just for the Lute and my in-laws dog to look out the window from.

The Tv and game systems and the door you see is a storage area. I also use it to hold my dvds.

The couch, coffee table and end table. That's a dragon figure on the floor if you're wondering.
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by covet »

Hebdenhippy! You have exactly the same ridiculous pink marks and sparks fluffy boots as me. My mother bought them for me and I nearly died, but they are so warm and snuggly.
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by hebdenhippy »

Am I allowed to post pictures from our HOUSE, rather than just our room?
Go for it! Feel free to post other rooms ^^

You have the same desk as me, Seerow! Except yours actually has a computer on it, whereas i just use mine as a dumping ground xD

Haha, that's awesome, Covet! My mum bought me my pink fluffy booties too, they're so very cosy ^^
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by AngharadTy »

By request, I spoilerized posts with photos in them, cause it's hard on some connections. I know my wireless dies if I view a page with too many images. I'm betting it's my wireless card, because that thing has gotten knocked around so damn much... hehe. Anyway! I'll add more spoiler tags as necessary, but if y'all could add them yourself, awesome. =)
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Joey »

Alicorn, what manga is that next to Fruits Basket? It looks too familiar and it's been bugging me. Fake maybe?
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Alicorn »

Yes Joey, that's Fake. Took me visiting a bunch of book stores and shopping online to complete that sucker. And right next to it I have her 2 part manga Until the Full Moon (just in case you happen to be curious ^_^").
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Joey »

Hee, I just finished that series over the weekend, my friend loaned it to me. I knew it looked familiar but couldn't find it on my shelf to compare.

And as to not completely drag this off topic, I took some pictures last night so I should get to posting them soon, once I get them off the camera :D
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Jamie »

Here are some new pictures of my brand new home away from home.
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Yeah, that's a Gwen Stefani doll... But other than that, my room is horrible minimalistic compared to some of your awesome rooms!! ... oh, and the cushion on my bed does indeed depict Gwen Stefani and I holding hands, my friend made it for my birthday, heh.
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Cranberry »

Not enough people have posted in here!

Hebdenhippy, I want all of your storage space! I have three little bookcases in my room, and they're not enough. Seerow, I see a Super Nintendo -- how old-school. ;) Alicorn, I love that window... my window's pretty crappy.

Here's my room (and ugh, has anyone else noticed that photos uploaded to photobucket look pixellated lately? Maybe it's just me; I did get a new camera recently):
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Computer desk. It's pretty boring. I need to upgrade the computer, but I need money first! The art on the wall is all by Michael Sowa; I love him. You can see my devil duck on the desk.


My TV corner! I just got the TV (and HD channels to watch on it), and I love it. The weird glass-looking dome thing on the bookcase is my subwoofer. It glows blue! As you can see, my DVDs and books are fighting it out for space. There are a few pokemon scattered about, too! My Cranberry resort mug (which initially inspired my username -- I was looking around for inspiration back in 'the late '90s and happened to be drinking out of that mug) and my signed Wonderfalls DVDs and wax lion prop are on the shelves. And Lily is hiding in the dog's crate.


My bed, my fish mobile, and Lily's sister Fynne.


The cluttered corner! Crystal and fat grey cat Allin are on the pet beds (there's always somebody on those beds). My clotheshorse is in the corner there, and you can see the signed Golden Compass print that I won on the wall on the left, and a horse painting that someone did for me on the far right. My brother gave me that red drum to use as a table. My work uniform is hanging on the closet door! Also, on the second shelf of that bookcase are every Animorphs book ever released. I'm not kidding. I couldn't bear to give them away!


Another view. Guitar Hero guitar!


My dresser, and the plant again. I name all of my plants -- this one is Ashley. Spencer and Aiden also used to be in that pot, but they died. Crystal dragged her bed over there by herself -- I guess she wanted to be in this picture, too!
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