Avatars (neopets, but also possibly Subeta, of sorts)

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Avatars (neopets, but also possibly Subeta, of sorts)

Post by Jazzy »

Right. This page lets logged in users say which avatars they have:

I'd like to know a few things.
1. Are there any avatars which exist and I don't have listed as an option?

2. Do people want a way to share this information? You could have a line in your forum profile saying how many you have, something like below location, occupation and interests, a line saying "neopets avatars: 270" (which wouldn't show up if you have none, and probably would also provide a way to opt out of this). This could either then link to a full list of the ones you have plus the little percentage bar (I just like that percentage bar), or not. If you'd like this, please specify which option - or another option I've not considered. I could also manage this on a per user basis - ie, users A, B and C track their avatars. User A can see their list for themselves, but no-one else can, and there's no total on their profile. User B has a line on their profile saying how many they've got, but doesn't have a public list of which ones. User C has the line on their profile, and it links to the full list of which ones they have and which ones they don't. You get the idea.

3. Getting users to tick boxes is very low effort on my part and requires little maintenance, so is there any Subeta equivalent which people would like to track? I'm not sure if by suggesting people could track the number of achievements they have, I'm opening up a whole can of worms...

4. Not a point of things I'm going to do, more a thing I'm not - I'm not going to provide a way for people to do anything much with creating Subeta human avatars (simply because I'd never, ever keep up with all the clothes). However, if people want their human avatars to show up on their forum profile or something, that's doable.

5. If you have suggestions for other features I haven't considered, feel free to share them, though I don't promise to do them :P
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Re: Avatars (neopets, but also possibly Subeta, of sorts)

Post by Kantark »


Only two of mine are missing from that list:


'Altador Cup Player'



'Goggles (doesn't count in collection)' (whatever that means?!)
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Re: Avatars (neopets, but also possibly Subeta, of sorts)

Post by Jazzy »

Thanks, added those :)
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Re: Avatars (neopets, but also possibly Subeta, of sorts)

Post by Tom »

I know this is a bit dated, but I just happened to stumble across this thread and realised that the latest avatar wasn't on the checklist - 'Mutant Graveyard of Doom II'


I'm not sure that avatars are a big enough feature these days for there to be any point of providing a tracking feature, with them being released at no real pace. I don't think there's too much interests in achievements on Subeta here. I think the HAs on profiles could be nice, but since that's the area of the site I really enjoy, I'm probably biased.
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Re: Avatars (neopets, but also possibly Subeta, of sorts)

Post by Wingsrising »

I think a place for HAs would be fun, too, but I'm pretty much all about HAs on Subeta so I'm also probably biased. :-)
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Re: Avatars (neopets, but also possibly Subeta, of sorts)

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Woohoo! I plugged in all of mine. There's another one that I have that doesn't count toward the avatar total, but it's

** Premium Space Faerie

This is really awesome! :-D
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Re: Avatars (neopets, but also possibly Subeta, of sorts)

Post by Jazzy »

Can someone confirm that the only two avatars which do not count towards your total are Premium and NC Mall's Goggles? I'm just about to add a field that tells you how many avs you have and what your avatar count on Neopets should be, since those can be different.

For HAs - I need a bit more information first. Could someone link me their profile, give me the URL of their current avatar, then update it and give me the new URL of their avatar? I presume you don't get a URL which is always the same for you (though it'd make it a lot easier if you did :P)
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Re: Avatars (neopets, but also possibly Subeta, of sorts)

Post by Wingsrising »

No, actually I think that currently it IS always the same:

Before update:

After update:

Yup, always the same.
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Re: Avatars (neopets, but also possibly Subeta, of sorts)

Post by Jazzy »

Awesome. In which case, this will be very easy. I'm going to finish the upgrade and make sure it's gone through properly, and once that's done, I'll code in displaying HAs on your profile.
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Re: Avatars (neopets, but also possibly Subeta, of sorts)

Post by AngharadTy »

That'll be a great feature, Jazzy. My main focus on Subeta is my pets, but my HA is a close second. =D
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Re: Avatars (neopets, but also possibly Subeta, of sorts)

Post by Jazzy »

One question regarding that - I can manage to integrate the HAs onto the profile page well enough, but I'm not sure how best to signal that they're there.

To clarify, an example is that you can specify a website on your profile and an email address, and when you do so little website and email icons show up in the box with your name, avatar, joined date, etc. I'd like to add something to the avatar, joined date etc box to mention that that user has got a HA - since not everyone will, it'd be a good idea to flag people who do so you know it's worth clicking through to their profile. However, I'm not sure what to use. The options are either a line of text, like "Gender: Female", or a an icon, like the PM icon. Ideas? I can't come up with either a good wording for some text, or a suitable emblem for an icon.

I've finished going through the upgrade files and plan to put the upgrade live after work tomorrow. I'd do it now, but I think it's tempting fate to upgrade the forum just as I go to bed :P After it's live and working, I'll put in the HAs.
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Re: Avatars (neopets, but also possibly Subeta, of sorts)

Post by AngharadTy »

We could make something like the PM icon, except it says HA instead. Maybe the text could be on the left, or lowercase, or something else to indicate that it's different.

Or maybe use one of the Subeta user icon thingies, like Image, except that we don't own that image and also it's pretty small and also that one right there is a Gold Account user and there's different colors for basic users and for staff.

So yeah, I have no real solid ideas, but I can ramble on command!
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