Neuro Galaxy

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Mistress Morbid
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by Mistress Morbid »

As usual Ty you've listed all my opinions in a neat and concise way. ^^

Pretty much ditto to everything you mentioned. As a veteran 'pet site' person, a lot of the stuff I managed to guess or assume on my own, but indeed there's many things that seem rather vague or altogether missing when it comes to instructions and information. Looking at it from a complete newbie's point of view it would seem a little confusing at parts, I just happened to know what I was looking for and so breezed through without much trouble.

I've still to test out this whole roaming feature, but it sounds pretty neat from what I've heard.
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by Keith »

Yeah, the things I want to improve the most prior to really promoting it is fixing the navigation so it's more intuitive to newer users. Also the roaming feature has a huge upgrade coming to it soon to make it take less time / be less weird (even though it's a really unique feature and I like it a lot!)

All in all, I'm really excited :D! Thank you guys for the feedback, I'm sending it to them so they can tighten up (even if I end up not purchasing the site). SO EXCITING.
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by Huggles »

I'd like to be able to feed/play/read to my pet without them being active. The same goes for training and equipping weapons. I get that the active pet is the one you're supposed to interact with most. However, since you can have more than one pet, switching back and forth for those simple tasks seems to be an unnecessary chore.
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by Goldenchaos »

Seems like I was a member of that site for awhile now. Im Arceus on there, btw :3
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Mistress Morbid
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by Mistress Morbid »

Does anyone else get logged out when they close their window or even just leave it stale for a long time? It's as if it doesn't remember my cookies or something.
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by Goldenchaos »

That happens to me as well
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by Foghawk »

I've given it a bit of a try, and while it has some nice features, it's not all that well put together. The pets are cute, if small. The mercenaries are kinda fun (though I was rather surprised at the choice of words, given the very bubbly, cheery style of the site), but it took me a very long time to find the usershop search, and as others have said, the whole "waiting fifteen minutes" is somewhat annoying.

I agree with Ty's comments about the link system; the fact that links are the same color as the rest of the text seems more than a little silly to me, and the lack of hover effect made me tiptoe around the item options because it was so hard to see whether I was clicking the right link. The terminology is a bit weird; sure it's nice to have unique names for things, but there's a reason why it's always called "inventory". It often took me several seconds to recognize that I was actually looking for "Backpack", and even then I felt silly. Some of the pages seemed really redundant, too - it made me roll my eyes to click on the "you have a quest" link and see nothing but "NPC Chat - click here to talk". The error messages need to be fixed up: for a while I was totally unable to equip anything to my pet, and was just given an empty description (confusing!), plus it's not fun being called a "cheat" when my crappy internet logs me out between pages. D; (Also, when I tried the 1-player battling, I immediately lost to a difficulty 1 opponent without even entering battle. I've no idea what actually happened.)

The 'roam' gimmick seems like communism - neat idea, not that great in practice. It might be more interesting if there were actually maps or some way to indicate where you're going, or a way to influence it a little bit; being told I'm off on a "journey" while seeing exactly the same site I always see sort of penetrates my suspension of disbelief. It'd also be nice to see what was in an area without having to roam around in it; I left "Main Area" immediately, because as far as I could tell it was default filler, but it turned out I'd actually left some important stuff behind, and I couldn't turn around. Finally, it takes a really long time - I've been on and off since yesterday, with way more pageviews than would be normal for me, and I'm only halfway to my "destination"; the battles and quests I got while "traveling" have been unsatisfying. Given that I normally have the time and effort to spend maybe five minutes on a petsite every day, this is basically unsustainable for me. I'd have to see the upgrade Keith mentioned.

Eh, it's cute and bubbly and not very interesting beyond its gimmicks; I actually had a lot of fun looking at the pets, but I don't think I'll stick around. I might come back once in a while to see how stuff changes, but for now I just don't enjoy it that much.
Last edited by Foghawk on 07 Jan 2010 05:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by TCStarwind »

First of all, the site's cute. It definitely has some neat ideas. I like the roaming idea, but it isn't implemented very well. It takes way too long to get somewhere and the constant random monster attacks are horrible (I got like four in a row, my poor pet was deader than dead) especially if you're not interested in the battle aspect of the site.

^th-ing what everyone else said about the restocking. I absolutely hate it. I know this isn't a huge site and that there are only 20 or so people on at a time, but waiting 15 minutes and then having only one item restock in any of the shops is simply maddening. Especially since they added this whole list of clothing so that you can see what you're not getting. The HAs are cute, though (why are they called mercenaries?), and mine is currantly pants-less.

I don't like getting logged out all the time, either. Also, this site seems to have the same problem Subeta has with the pets. There are a lot of canines and dragons (and canine-dragona) and then a few other species but not a lot. :/ Needs just a bit more variety. And I think the 'normal' color for pets needs to be ditched, as more often than not it's exactly or almost exactly the same as one of the color fills.

Sorry for the whining. I'm good at complaining and bad at complimenting, so you get to hear about all of the stuff I don't like and none of the stuff I do like. :<
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by Cranberry »

Yeah, only one thing restocks, but it sells in unlimited quantities for that 15 minutes (unless it says "one in stock," which happens occasionally with higher-rarity stuff). You can put it in your shopping cart and buy it anytime that day (carts reset at midnight). I like that aspect of it.
Last edited by Cranberry on 31 Dec 2009 04:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Feral Koala
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by Huggles »

The normal color I assume was on purpose. It's supposed to be one of the colorfils, in the same way that a Harris on Neopets is actually brown. That makes sense to me because you can only create pets in one color. The backpack didn't phase me either. That's what it's called in WoW, and lots of other games I've played where you are traveling. The basement is a wtf for sure though. Where's my house?!

We have mercenaries and a party of pets with fighting stats. When we roam from town to town, we often get attacked by random monsters. Yet, even though all I've faced are newbie monsters, I haven't won a single battle. My pets aren't trained and I don't have great weapons, obviously, but that seems kind of lame. I'd think there would at least be a couple tutorial type battles I could fight to learn the process. I don't even know if you gain stats or exp or money or items from winning a battle.

I also find myself searching for a brief overview or about us page. Perhaps an explanation for why it's called Neuro Galaxy when there doesn't seem to be anything particularly sci-fi about it.
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by mellaka »

I joined the site as aud. It sounds interesting from what everyone has said here but, honestly, I didn't stick around very long because I couldn't stand the random snowfall or whatever it is floating all over the page. It made me want to leave and not come back, though I will check it out again in the hopes that it is not always like that.
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I just joined as TestName. It does have an appealing quirkiness to it, but the traveling wait alone is enough to make me want to run back to Subeta's map ASAP and never look back.

ETA: Do the flash games do anything? I played a couple of them and submitted my scores and I haven't seem to have gotten anything for it. :/
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by Jessi »

That's funny, Officer - I think one of my favorite features of the site IS the roaming feature. It makes it so unique, and I don't mind that you have a 'travel time' - that leads to a lot of opportunities in the future. Like shoes that you can buy to make you roam faster, or paying to travel by ship/airship or something like that so you roam faster. Right now it's kind of dull, since there's no map to look at or anything like that, but with Keith/Agoge supporting the site, I could totally see that feature -really- taking off and being something really neat.

Though I agree with most of Ty's comments about the site, and it's driving me nuts that all the links are the same color as text.

I am uh, jessibean there. Woooo exciting.
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I guess I just found it frustrating because I only traveled to one town (?) to try a quest, and the whole process took almost an hour (or at least it felt like it); and THEN when I denied paying 500 SC to the guy at the end of the road he kicked me back to almost the halfway mark! :x All that, plus my pet getting her butt handed to her at least three times along the way because I don't actually own any weapons, made for a really unhappy experience. All for a silly quest I haven't even tried yet.

ETA And now I've discovered that when I logged off to go to bed my "traveling" didn't progress so now I still have to wait to get into this effing town! </rage>

I agree that it has potential, but as it stands it just seems like a major deterrent to me.

That said, I DID enjoy some of the other quests I was able to try, and I do like the customization abilities you have with the mercenaries (especially their hair), and the pets are charming, IMO. I even managed to get a few trivia answers in last night while I was "traveling."
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Re: Neuro Galaxy

Post by Kari »

Even with the starter weapons I got, they're kinda useless. And I deposited all my money at the bank, which apparently is a bad idea because you can only access the bank in that one town.

Derp, guess I should say my username is kariohki.
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