Ace Attorney

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Ace Attorney

Post by daisybell »

I declare that there has not been enough Ace Attorney love recently on NC! And I came across a picture yesterday that I just had to share:


It is also topical, I guess, since the first game is being released as WiiWare. I don't think it's being altered at all, though I suppose the sprites will have to be higher resolution because the screen will be so much bigger.

Of a lot more interest to me is Ace Attorney Investigations... I've been looking forward to it for ages, because I <3 Edgey. Yesterday I was playing the demo although I think it crashed a little before the end, so I might have to play it again...
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I love this series so much. So very, very much. And I am also looking forward to Investigations. ^_^

As long as we're sharing WiiWare pics, I'm quite fond of this one:


ETA: Might as well share the Musical Project while I'm at it.
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by Joey »

Count me in as also eagerly awaiting the Edgey game. I tried the demo and failed hard. I'm too used to the games where I can just save and systematically try every option until I get the right one when I get stuck. Not so hyped about the Wiiware, since I probably won't have any extra wiipoints after buying pokemon rumble...

I contribute this to the random art sharing:
The first time I saw this, I didn't notice Old Bag xD
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by daisybell »

Technically, this doesn't belong here, but:


Anyone else think of a certain prosecutor?

Since I bought a DSi not that long ago, I'm not in the market for a DSi XL- and in any case, I'm not sure the bigger screens are worth the extra cost and the extra bulk to carry around.
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

DSi XL - bigger screen, bigger bulk...but still no GBA slot? I'll pass.
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by daisybell »

From the kink meme: awesome crossover fic here. That link is perfectly safe and non-porny... which is more than can be said for most of the rest of the kink meme.
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by Officer 1BDI »

The only words I read were "black petpet paintbrush."

And then I left, because I don't feel like laughing myself to death before work.

I wish there was, like, a "kink meme light" or something, because some of the stories posted there are actually very good (like the surprisingly excellent Silent Hill crossover I ran across). But I never go there anymore because I got sick of trudging through the crap and porn to find them.
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by Fury »

I am in love with this series. I'm on the last case of Trials and Tribulations at the moment and have Apollo Justice ready and waiting for me when I finish.

I wasn't aware there was going to be a new title - is there anywhere I can find information about it? Release date etc.? :D
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by daisybell »

Wikipedia will tell you the basics. It's less than a fortnight before it comes out here in the UK- yay!

The last case of T&T is my favourite by a long way. In comparison, I found Apollo Justice disappointing: as a game in its own right there is nothing wrong with it at all, but having become rather fond of the characters in the first three games AJ just wasn't as enjoyable. I wasn't as bothered about what happened to the people I was defending.
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I love the potential AJ has, but I think it falls behind its predecessors for two major reasons (and there are more than 2, really, but these are the things that strike me most).

1) It feels more like buildup to the next game than a complete story: there are several loose ends that aren't addressed or are pushed aside and the whole thing felt like one big set up for a sequel to me. As such, I thought the conclusion was lacking.

2) Nothing ever happens to Apollo or anyone he cares about*. On the one hand, I was pretty happy to see the attorney's assistant not getting into constant trouble for once, but when compared to the crap Phoenix had to endure through a significant amount of his trials, Apollo gets off really easily: you don't see him running around frantically to save his best friends' lives, or having his own life threatened by one of the "truly guilty parties", or falling off of ___. Even the main villain, who is quite possibly the most demented character to ever grace the Ace Attorney universe, never directly goes after him. And I feel like those lowered stakes diminished the entertainment value of the game.

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Not counting Nick-gets-hit-by-a-car here, as not only does he not seem to like Nick very much... it's Nick. The guy couldn't get killed off if he was hit by a speeding train and flung into the Grand Canyon.
As for my favorite case, at least pending the arrival of my copy of AA:I, I always flip-flop between the last case in T&T and the last case in JfA. The former was brilliant, but I spoiled myself rotten before playing it so a lot of the twists lost their impact for me. In contrast, I didn't know ANYTHING about JfA before playing it and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.
Last edited by Officer 1BDI on 06 Feb 2010 09:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by Joey »

We actually have full spoiler tags you can use, instead of just shrinking text, FYI.

I loved Apollo Justice, I think Apollo is really cute but my main problem with the game...
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Was that it didn't really focus on him at all. Most of the big cases were based on what happened to Nick and getting back at Kristoph (Who I ship with Dahlia because they're both hideously evil and pretty.) I hope the next games can find a better balance between respect for the old games while letting new characters shine.
But I'm madly in love with Klavier, so that makes up for the downsides.
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by Officer 1BDI »

...I knew that. :oops: Sometimes I forget which forum I'm on and what its abilities are even when the effing button is right above my post.

Anyway, IMHO the best thing to come out of AJ were these comics.
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by daisybell »

I think I would like AJ more if I liked one of the characters particularly, but I don't.
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Hobo!Phoenix is mostly annoying, I don't like Klavier or Kristoph.
Also, the song that's key in whichever case it is I didn't like and having to listen to it so many times got on my nerves.
I agree about the loose ends- the next game could be possibly more interesting if it goes into Kristoph some more and that black psyche lock.
Nothing ever happens to Apollo or anyone he cares about.
You're right about the nothing happening to AJ and his friends, and I think that's why I didn't care so much about the fate of the people I was defending.
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Defending both Ron DeLite and Matt Engarde I found it hard to care about them- at least with Matt it lead to a moral dilemma. Ron was just stupid.
I haven't spoiled myself at all on the new game, although I do know that there is Edgeworth angst (if there had not been, I would be wanting my money back!). The plot is so key to the games, I wouldn't want to be spoiled, it really would be a lot less fun to play them. Especially the epic last case of each game. I think for me it has to be 3-5, 1-4, 2-4 in order of my favourites.
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

I actually didn't like JfA as much as either of the others, although some of the supporting characters were great. 2-4 actually caused me a lot more stress than enjoyment, if I'm honest-- I remember feeling relieved to get to the end of it. (Add to that the fact that all this time later, I still have "I'm going to kill the designers for messing with my emotions like that!" issues from that game as a whole. Grawr.)

3-5 has to be my absolute favourite case ever, though that's cheating a little because it wouldn't be able to be what it is without so many of the cases that come before it. 1-4 was pretty darn fantastic too, and gave me my first glimpse of that "Ace Attorney feeling" I try to recapture with every new game I get my hands on. (3-5 took me there, finally, which is part of why I love it so much.)

Echoing the frustration with AJ's disconnection from the rest of the series. To be honest, it feels not so much like a sequel as it does like very well-written Phoenix Wright fanfiction. I just can't really buy the absence of almost everyone we know without an explanation.
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Although I could have tacklehugged Officer Meekins when I saw him! Of all the people they could have brought back for a cameo!
I'm on the edge of my seat for the new game, and it's no secret. I sincerely hope it's going to be as AWESOME as the concept sounds. I'd also like to see some more well-written supporting characters of the kind the series has done so well before-- my favourite so far has always been Lotta (1-4, 2-2, 2-4 and sadly none since), but almost every non-tutorial-case character has been a miniature work of art.
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Re: Ace Attorney

Post by Joey »

Hey Guys!!!

So I don't have Ace Attorney Investigations yet because I entered into a contest to win a free copy and some other swag. Well it's up for a vote now, and I entered my Nick pumpkin carving from this last year. You can all vote for me here: I'm listed under Kat (pumpkin carving). The other entries plus my pumpkin carving are here: ... id=2924823 in case you want to check them out and vote for someone else if you think they're cooler then me.
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Also yeah, Kat is my real name if you didn't know yet xD
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