Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

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Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Saturn »

Hey look guys, the first official fifth-gen Pokemon. Well, the outline of it anyway. Probably a Legendary of some sort, as it's apparently the star of the next movie.

(I didn't even realize there was an event going on till today :o Luckily there's a Gamestop just about five minutes from my house, but I miss the wi-fi events we've been getting. XD)
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Re: Pokemon D/P Trading (And Battling?) Thread

Post by Joey »

Oy, you beat me to it. I just came here to make a thread. I'll just split this off, since it's kind of it's own topic.

So yeah, I've been reading the rampant speculation on what this thing is. People are saying werewolf, lucario evolution, floatsel evolution, and all sorts of things. And of course the usual clamor of it's a digimon/megaman/sonic ripoff. I say it looks like a thing and I'm gonna wait patiently until it gets revealed on the 21st.

Other things of note, Gen V will apparently be on the DS and not any DS2 or whatnot. And it'll be out by the end of the year, supposedly.

Personally I'm feeling kinda iffy about the bombardment of news, primarily because HGSS isn't even out yet. It's a lot of excitement all at once.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by TCStarwind »

I agree that it could be either a lucario or floatzel evolution. Or it could be something entirely new. I just hope the new gen doesn't look as outlandish as the last one.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Jax »

I doubt we'll get it by the end of the year, remember it took them at least a year to reveal anyone past Munchlax last gen

I'd love for it to be just a new pokemon, but I can see it being a Lucario evo easy. Either way YAY FIFTH GEN (please have loads of cool ice pokemon, pleeeeease)
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Joey »

From what I've heard, Nintendo's new plan of attack is to not reveal new games too early. They apparently got burned by too much hype for Smash Brothers Brawl. So there may be some hope. But we won't be getting it out in English anytime soon.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Jessi »

Honestly, I'm pretty excited, but it's mostly due to the fact that I am a 'new' Pokemon fan. I just started playing Pokemon about three years ago, when Lindsey shoved her old Sapphire game in my hands, bred me a Ralts, and said "Here, try this, you'll like it, really. It's not like the anime."

By then, even though Diamond and Pearl weren't out, most of the Pokemon had been discovered and NC had already made tons of posts about it! I missed out on the fun of getting to discover 'new' Pokemon, so I'm looking forward to it!

That's probably why I'm extra excited for HG/SS, even though I... hate 90% of the 2nd gen Pokemon. But I never played the originals, so yay?

For the record, I hope it's NOT a Lucario evolution, cause that'd be boring. I also hope this game isn't like DPP where it felt like 60% of the Pokemon were either babies or evolutions of old Pokemon - half of them that didn't even NEED it. Give poor Mawhile and Sableeye evolutions, please, but not EVERY SINGLE POKEMON that doesn't have one. or that already has two! Blah. Also, I could handle not having like, 40 legendaries.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Madge »

I doubt it's a lucario evolution. It actually reminded me of mightyena a little, hehe.

Lucario is a very powerful pokemon, so having an evolution would just be redundant, I think. Maybe a side-shoot like the Gardevoir line has.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Skitty »

For some reason, its silhouette makes me think it will be orange. I have no idea why.

Its body shape looks a lot like Lucario, but I'm skeptical about it being an evolution of that line. A Mightyena evolution would be pretty sweet, and a stand-alone werewolf Pokemon could be pretty cool.

I haven't been excited for a new gen for a long time, but I hope this one is good. Ever since Gold and Silver, I really feel the franchise has stagnated. Both in the gameplay and character design department. I mean, I've still been playing them, but... maybe I'm still burned about all my Poke's I hand-raised to LV 100 in Silver only to find out that they couldn't be used in any game ever again. xD
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Iggy »

Give poor Mawhile and Sableeye evolutions, please, but not EVERY SINGLE POKEMON that doesn't have one.
Aside from these two, Jynx, Farfetch'd, Girafarig and Banette are the only old pokémon that I want to see evos for.

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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Saturn »

I just want an alternate evolution for Weepinbell. :( Because it always seemed unfair that Gloom got one and Weepinbell didn't. I thought Carnivine was going to be one when it was first revealed and was really disappointed that it wasn't.

And a Farfetch'd evo, just because it has so much potential to be awesome. Like, say, a Fighting/Flying ninja duck wielding a giant leek like a bo staff? Yes plz <3

I always assumed Gen IV was so full of new evolutions to make up for the fact that Gen III only had TWO Pokemon that were even related to older ones, and both of them baby forms at that. Personally, I'd like to see a nice balance between all-new lines and add-on evolutions; don't completely ignore the old ones like Gen III did but don't let them take up half the Pokedex like in Gen IV.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Saturn »



So, shadowy thing's name is Zoroark, it's a dark-type, not related to any older Pokemon. Also revealed: its pre-evo, Zoroa.
It... kind of reminds me of Wolf Link from Twilight Princess... XD
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by TCStarwind »

Glad it's not a lucario evo. :D Looks cool. Looks pretty neat. I already want to draw it.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Joey »

That's pretty badass looking, actually. I think I like the preevolution better, it's just so darn cute. Got to love Corocoro!
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by AngharadTy »

I'm glad it's not a Lucario-evo, too; I love my two Lucarios as they are, hee.

Zoroa is so cute!
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Iggy »

Because it always seemed unfair that Gloom got one and Weepinbell didn't
This is exactly how I feel for Banette. And, to an extend, to Jynx as well. :)

I even forgot about Weepinbell. I suck.
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