Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated: 11/6/10

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Re: Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated:10/1

Post by Joey »

Ah man, you guys totally borked my photobucket! xD Now what am I gonna do?
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Re: Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated:10/1

Post by Madge » is an image host that doesn't seem to have many bandwith limits - Reddit uses it a lot, and they get tons and tons of hits :)
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Re: Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated:10/1

Post by Joey »

Looks like the pictures are back! I moved my avatar and signature over to that site you suggested, Madge, since those seemed to be the worst drains on my bandwidth.

So two more this weekend, one more then I had originally planned. I've got a ton of midterms this week so I need to study and write papers. But carving stops for no school work!

First up, is my emergency carve. One of my home grown pumpkins had a rotting spot, so it needed to be carved fast. I went with a simple design since it was a small and oddly shaped pumpkin, and came up with Kirby! Some actually requested it earlier this season and I figured since I like Kirby I would see if I could fit him in. Sure enough, the opportunity arose. This one was done mostly freehand, since it's a really simple design.

And finally, since I tend to save my most badass pokemon pumpkins for the weekend before Halloween...
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Re: Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated:10/2

Post by Jazzy »

These are amazing! I love your pumpkin carvings and you've really outdone yourself with some of these. Have you considered entering deviantart's pumpkin contest?
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Re: Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated:10/2

Post by Joey »

I have! I actually entered both of this weekends carvings, and I'll probably enter a few I've got planned for Halloween, since there's no limit to how many you can enter. I want that trophy! I think someone linked to me in the comments of the announcement, so I've had a bunch of people telling me either to enter because I'll win or not enter because I'll win xD

In other awesome pumpkin news, I've been featured by these guys: ... n-pumpkins They're apparently quite popular, as my DA pageviews exploded afterward. I'm still a bit blown away by it all~
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Re: Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated:10/2

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Yay, cool! I always look forward to this post of yours, and i've bragged on you several times. I'm glad you got featured for cool Pokémon pumpkinage!
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Re: Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated:10/2

Post by Marah »

I looked at that page and expected one of your pumpkins there. But I went through the list and kept saying to myself: "That one looks familiair, and that one too, and that looks likes Joey's style as well" As it turns out you have a very distinctive style! (<If you like leverage you can say that in Eliots voice.)

But congrats, they used a ton of your pumpkins, and I think they were definetely the best of the bunch!
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Re: Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated:10/2

Post by Joey »

Thanks! I think I had 17/25 on that site. Gamesradar also gave me a feature, which is awesome.

Fixed the images again! Photobucket hates me, so I've got them on imageshack. Hopefully they'll hold up.
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Re: Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated:10/2

Post by Joey »

Ok, Time for the Halloween Update! But first, story time!

When I got home on Friday the 29th, after a rather brutal Japanese test, I found that 7 out of the 11 pumpkins I had bought the previous Tuesday were rotting. It was quite depressing, they had looked great when I bought them. So not having much choice, I decided to just cut out the rotting parts (which were all on the bottom of the 'kins) and keep going from there. Other disasters of the weekend included forgetting my Nightmare Before Christmas DVD at home, and breaking two designs while carving. I believe there was a curse involved. But I made the best of it. On to the pumpkins! The theme for this year was Spooky Pumpkins!

My first of the weekend is a Spiritomb face! It didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, since I had to cut off the entire bottom half of the pumpkin it was on so it ended up a little cramped. It was a fun idea though, my friend on DA came up with it for a drawing. I may try it again on a better pumpkin someday.

Next, my most popular pumpkin of the weekend. Ghastly, Haunter and Gengar, the original ghost trio! I have fond memories of these guys, it's very nostalgic. I've actually had this design in mind for a couple of years, but never got around to it. I'm glad I waited, I think my skills are good enough to finally do them justice.

And for the last of Friday, it's my favorite ghost pokemon, Dusknoir! I blame the anime entirely for making me love this pokemon. I was able to use my secret technique to get the eye and wrist cuff things a little darker. I actually had a dream about this pumpkin last night...

The first carving from Saturday, a kind of boring Pumpkin Masters pattern. It looked cooler when I was planning it, I think.

Next another Pumpkin Masters. Kind of meh, in the end.

And then an Owl, from Zombie Pumpkins! I really like this one.

Sunday's first, Jack Skellington from Zombie Pumpkins on two pumpkins. I actually screwed this one up twice on Saturday night, before giving up and trying it again in the morning. There was supposed to be another hand, but I couldn't fit it after all the mistakes. At least these two weren't rotting, they were the ones from home.

And this has nothing to do with the theme. It's Mojo Jojo, from a pattern from Jammin Pumpkins. It had been such a crappy weekend, I just wanted to carve something fun. And what's more fun than Mojo Jojo?

Last up, it's the masterpiece I was up until 5am carving! Hitomoshi, Ranpuraa, and Shandera, the new BW pokemon. They have the essence of a Jack-o-Lantern, so I really wanted to carve them. I'm quite happy with how they turned out, even if it took the longest out of any of the ones from that weekend. I felt like I was really able to show off my shading with this one.

So that's it for Halloween! 12 pumpkins carved, minus two broken for a total of 9 designs. Not half bad, despite the curse!

The carving season isn't done yet though...
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Re: Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated: 11/

Post by Fury »

Joey! You are so talented. These are incredible. I adore the Gengar trio one, the owl and Mojo Jojo (man, I miss The Powerpuff Girls). Hell, I love them all.

Thanks for posting, I always love to look at your carvings.
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Re: Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated: 11/

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

So coooool!!

OK, i did just want to say that and yay for Mmmojo Jojo! Simple but very bold and funny! I love PPG (especially Buttercup - it's like she was designed for me) and i have the DVD set which i got as soon as i found one to buy (had seen mention of it but couldn't actually FIND it anywhere for a long time).

And all that amazing detail on all of them, wow! And though you kind of pooh-pooh some of those, they're far cooler than anything i could butcher.
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Re: Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated: 11/

Post by Wingsrising »

All of your pumpkins are awesome, but that last one is especially fabulous. Kudos!
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Re: Joey's Jack-o-Lantern Thread, 2010 Edition! Updated: 11/

Post by thelonetiel »

That last one is incredible Joey. I like the concept of those Pokemon, but the sprites just make me feel "meh" towards them. Your depiction makes them look incredibly spooky and ethereal. Well done! I completely agree, you did amazing things with shading and it makes them stand out beautifully.

The rest of the carvings look great too - I'm especially fond of the crispness of the lines of Gengar et al, but that last one really sticks with me.
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