Woodland and Strawberry Elephante

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Woodland and Strawberry Elephante

Post by kookybloo »


I'm really liking the subtle shading, smoothness and pruning of Woodland. It looks almost like it was carved from a bonsai tree.

Strawberry is good enough for the color. I like the leaf in place of the headdress and the fact that it's modeled after a real strawberry leaf. The rest checks the boxes - seeds evenly spaced, nothing weird going on with the red, the tail leaf is semi-inventive - but that's it.


In case you ever wanted a He-Man Elephante, or one that played the lute.
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Re: Woodland and Strawberry Elephante

Post by uberstav »

Thw woodland elephante reminds me of the baobab tree..the 'trunk' is a dead give away ..see what I did there? :P a bonsai may be their intention but I think they're a little too delicate for such a big bulky neopet hehe...I hope this trend of unique trees keeps coming...I loooooved the tonu and wish tnt would take more creative liberties on this color in that vein of design. :)
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Re: Woodland and Strawberry Elephante

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I'm really impressed with both of these colors - obviously a lot of effort went into them.

Woodland is a nice smooth but definitely treelike texture with lots of nice subtle shading. The leaves are a nice varied green, plenty of shading and "pop" to them. The sturdiness of the Elephante's build does seem to point to Baobab.

For Strawberry, this one is probably the best i've seen. The seeds are all in a natural-looking orientation, and the outlines for them are meticulously shaded-and-shined like real strawberry seeds. A few are a little off, but overall, they've been more carefully done than usual. The leafy bits are nice, too - predictable placing but well-implemented, and good detail in the shading, coloring, and shapes.

Both colors make me feel guilty for not liking them enough to be remotely tempted, but i'm sure Elephante enthusiasts would approve.

And i giggled at the He-Man wig, love it. :-)
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Re: Woodland and Strawberry Elephante

Post by Kantark »

Strawberry is good, though the red dazzles a bit but I think that's just because there's so much of it.

Woodland is solid - very solid, I can't see that pet falling down in a force 10 gale. The scale of the leaves (and as we know the Elephante is a big pet) make the whole thing look massive. Quite a light brown colour on the body but it does work nicely.

Loving the He-Man outfit.
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