Maractite & Eventide Kougra

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Maractite & Eventide Kougra

Post by Kinesthesia »


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Re: Maractite & Eventide Kougra

Post by Hummingbird »

Maractite is such a mess. The swirls have a rubbery appearance (whereas the lovely Usul had flat, glowing patterns) and the arrowheads going up the tail look hideous.
Plus, that big white shine at one side of its face is just...ugh...

Eventide's a boring colour now. I'm not saying the Kougra is particularly bad, but it's about time TNT brought back some of those colours they appear to have forgotten about. I'm talking about Relic, Water, Transparent and Swamp gas.
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Re: Maractite & Eventide Kougra

Post by Kantark »

Maractite- oh boy; bizarrely the Kougra's original markings appear underneath the Maractite marking, making the Maractite part look stuck on like a temporary tattoo at best, the overall effect is it's far too cluttered, the chevrons on the tail are too uniform, it looks like it's been polished... but in spite of all that crapulence I actually rather like it.

Eventide is okay, there's quite a lot of the light-blue (but again no Little Fluffy Clouds™). I can't believe how many we've had of these in a relatively short space of time.
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Re: Maractite & Eventide Kougra

Post by Runic »

Maractite is way too busy and messed up. At least the small image is; wonder if the full-size image makes it tolerable and easier to see the details.
But I don't know...the stripes and the tattoo designs overlap oddly, so it's messing up my eyes as far as the overall appearance goes. At least for me anyways; my eyes are just bad.

But Eventide is surprisingly nice. Simple. They didn't try to make each stripe with a different/contrasting gradient.
Wish there was a cloud on it, but otherwise, well done. Would have been even cooler if they put a crescent moon around the eye.
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Re: Maractite & Eventide Kougra

Post by checkers »

The Eventide is nice enough, it doesn't have a certain flatness quality that some of them have done. I quite like the dark head with the lighter blue facial markings, I think that works quite well.

Shame the same can't be said for the Maractite. That is truly hideous, it's far too busy and all wrong! The Kougra has a shine to it which I'm sure Kougra's wouldn't get - even when painted this colour? And the patterns are all wrong, either the original stripes in the Kougra's fur should have been elaborated into the Maractite markings or they should have been left out completely. Another thing that really bugs me that the largest marking pattern covers both the underbelly and shoulders as if the pattern is continuous between the two despite being separate sections/colours of fur on the Kougra. All wrong. :shock: The Draik is a good example of Maractite pets and this isn't the same quality.

I do agree with the above comments about certain colours being forgotten - I don't think I've seen a Swamp Gas release since my return to Neopets :|
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Re: Maractite & Eventide Kougra

Post by Lou 500 »

Maractite is probably the biggest eyesore of maractite pets. Do not want.
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Re: Maractite & Eventide Kougra

Post by Aard_Rinn »

Can you remove maracitite markings? Because that base is probably my favorite other than the Christmas Kougra. I like the dull, more natural colours, and it really reminds me of the Maraquian Uni.
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Re: Maractite & Eventide Kougra

Post by Color Wheel »

Aard: Nope, unfortunately the markings can't be removed.

Large Versions: Image Image

Maractite - It looks a little better full-sized, but it still suffers from the same problems most Maractite pets do anymore - it's way to crowded. If they had just left the chest blank, like they did with the inside of the ears, it would look 10x better. The stripes under the markings are odd - almost as if the artist forgot to erase them before submitting. I do like the darker colors and if they weren't overlapped by the Maractite markings, they could've worked. I do love the markings on the tail and paws, and for some reason I also like the shiny-ness, even though I shouldn't.

Eventide - Just very meh. The tail shows an obvious gradient, with the dark top matching the top of the head, though I suppose it wouldn't really matter. The head really could use some more stars, and a cloud on the chest would help make the whole thing less plain. However, like most Eventide pets, this shows updated Kougra shading that really looks much better than the older shading does.
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