New Glacier and Chibi Pet and Revamps

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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New Glacier and Chibi Pet and Revamps

Post by Gagarox »

The revamped feli looks awesome. I see that it's holding the halo in it's feet. Nice touch. The revamped Telenine is not too shabby either. The glacier dragarth is nice too. The pose makes it look like a lone wolf. The pherret hasn't had a revamp in a while. The lighting on it looks better, and the pose is quite nice as well. The revamped chibi lasirus is so cute, but that serpenth, too much. I really love the pose, and that face. Who could resist that. The chibi serpenth really needed a revamp. The chibi popoko strikes me wrong a bit. It's the teeth that strike me wrong, but it still works for me. If I had to get one of these pets, it would be that chibi serpenth. It's too cute to criticize.

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Re: New Glacier and Chibi Pet and Revamps

Post by Qira »

I just love the Dragarth and the Serpenth. I went ahead and got myself one of each! I'm glad they finally updated the Serpenth. I hope they update more of it's colors, like Bloodred and Dark Matter.

The Feli looks pretty cute and so does the Telenine! The Pherret looks much better than it did before as well. But something bothers me about the Lasirus and the Popoko, I don't really know what it is though...maybe the Popoko's tail just looks a bit flat, but that's probably just me.
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Re: New Glacier and Chibi Pet and Revamps

Post by RNA »

The Feli looks a lot better than the four-winged abomination that used to be. The pose is much more dynamic and you can see the lighting effect from the halo.
The Telenine is alright, but something bugs me about the hind legs.
Not a fan of Dragarths as a species. Too much shadow so everything looks like grey snow.
The Pherret looks smushed in - wish it would have had a longer neck like a real ferret.
Chibi Lasirus looks great and doesn't crowd the 200 x 200 box. Just the right hint of mischief and no oversize googly eyes.
Chibi Serpenth's pose looks awkward - more like a larvae than a snake because the head is on the ground while the lower half is raised. The color choice is pretty good though.
Nice fur texture on the Popoko, but overally it's creepy because of the oversize eyes.
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Re: New Glacier and Chibi Pet and Revamps

Post by Runic »

The Telenine and the Feli are my two favs here! Absolutely gorgeous, two angels perfect for the holidays! x3
I'm so freaking glad to see an updated Serpenth colour again! Hopefully we'll start seeing them in the news again, cause this Chibi is top-notch for a revamp. =)
The Chibi Popoko reminds me of Neko the anime K; I dunno, something about those appears very kitten-like for a squirrel pet. Not a bad thing! Not my cup of tea, but it is adorable. xD

The Pherret's needed an update, so I can't gripe too much. Unfortunately, I have a gutter mind, so I can't help but see a penis on it. I'm so sorry, I know that isn't what it is, but that's just me being a perv. xD;;; (It's good art, just ignore my stupidity)

As for the Dragarth and Lasirus....I'm just not a fan of either. The shading on the Lasirus feels lackluster, but I think having the other pets around just makes it appear that way. Not bad, just not something I'd own.
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Re: New Glacier and Chibi Pet and Revamps

Post by Sunwolf »

Nice, lots of lovely revamps!

The Feli and Telenine are gorgeous. I may need them both!

The Dragarth is nice, but what is with the back feet? They are flat and strange, like pieces of paper!

Pherret is a good, solid revamp.

The Lasirus . . . I can't get over its terrifying human-toddler pink arms.

I love the Serpenth's tiny wings and toothless mouth XD

The Popoko has to be my favorite of the bunch - "Little fuzzy animals with BIG SHARP TEETH."
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