LE Pet Alarm?

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LE Pet Alarm?

Post by KasiTL »

Just thinking that since announcements of LE pets being out are typically limmited to New Features, AaToW, and Misc, perhaps there should be something similar to a Turmaculus alert for LE pets? That way, forum members in areas like Writing could be alerted that the species they've been wanting forever is avalible?

Or not, it's just a random spur of the moment idea. It might not even be all that reasonable considering how short they would be active.
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Post by Joeno »

The advantage of the Turmaculus alert is indeed that we know exactly when they end and how often they'll happen. With a LE pet alert this isn't known, so it'd have to be ended manually. Confirmations are also more difficult to do. Last, they are usually available for a short amount of time, so I'm not sure whether the alert will even be up long enough for it to be useful to most.

And as a final cost-benefit thing - how often do these things occur? There's a number of problems to solve, and if (from a quick count), it'll only happen nine or ten times in the year (there are nine LE pets at the moment) for one or a couple of short amounts of times, will it be worth it? Consider also that it's either very easy to add more false alerts, or they'd have to be allowed and disallowed just before and after pet days.

The Turmaculus is a daily thing useful to most people here. LE pet alerts are less so, and since you know when the pet day is coming up, you'll only need to keep track of it on that day.

In theory is possible, but at the moment, I think there are more important things that can/should be worked on.
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