Darigan JubJub

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Post by Settingshadow »

It's going to kill me dead with its eyebrows. And those poor, tiny, tiny wings -- they must hurt a lot.

It's kind of funny, though. If I got it on a zap I'd probably keep it for a week. Or maybe less.
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Post by Saturn »

Oh, come on. It's not the best Darigan, but it's NOWHERE NEAR the level of the Poogle or Kacheek. And to be perfectly honest, this is exactly what I wanted the Kacheek to be - a somewhat ridculous yet vicious-looking little beast that isn't so much evil and dangerous as it is just creepy and psychotic. I can just imagine a huge flock of these things flying around the citadel making odd little snarling noises and ganging up in huge numbers to tear intruders apart. And that's all they ever do - they're just disposable flunkies, so they're allowed to look silly, as creatures of that type usually do.

And come on, that Ranged pose is all KINDS of awesome. I absolutely adore the huge, soulless red eyes and sort of brain-dead expression there - exactly what you'd expect from a "mindless little drone"- type creature. Like, say, the weakest, bottom-of-the-bad-guy-food-chain drone enemies in any given adventure-type video game (heck, the Dari Jubjub kind of reminds me of a very hairy, scary Goomba :P)

Um. Perhaps I'm reading too much into this.
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Post by Huggles »

It's hideous beyond imagining. Ugly beyond all reason. THIS MAKES NO SENSE! I love love jubjubs, may have been the only person looking forward to jubjub day, and this is nothing I'd ever paint SpongeHead. This has to be some sort of farce...Please?
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Post by chocolatefairy13 »


I must own one right away!
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Post by Avarice »

It's the silliest thing I've ever seen.

..I want it.
*cough, hack, wheeze*
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Post by Chandi »

I... I'm so split. I want to scream and run out and get one, but at the same instant, I wonder how much that would hurt my pride.

Gripe: Why oh WHY do the wings have to be a different color? They have that on a few Darigan pets... the Yurble has a different shade of purple altogether with a red membrane, the Gelert has an odd cutoff between the red of its body and the gray of the wing, and now this Jubjub has dark gray wings echoed only by its claws... I don't get it. It'd make more sense if it were blue... or just no wings at all. Pasty.
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Post by Fabled »

I've been anticipating a Darigan jubjub for such a long time. To see this is... so very disappointing for me. I suppose the only good thing about it is that it's actually standing and not hiding behind its feet. Though, they don't even look as if they're attached here.

True, it isn't the poorest Darigan pet out there but they could have done more.
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Post by Darigan »

Ugly, ugly, ugly...
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Post by zebru »

:D It's very cute! And since I'm a bigger fan of cute looking neopets than darigan pets in general I really like this guy. Awww.. his face expression in circle pose melts my heart.

I can understand how hard core darigan fans are displeased as this cutie isn't very scary. But for pitty sake don't compare it to darigan poogle! Nothing compares to that horror :S
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Post by Deku »

It's truly awful, GRARKENSTOMPFLES worthy, and....I don't find it funny. Maybe it's a joke pet, in which case, it has failed both aesthetically and on amusement factor.

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Post by BishtrainerTai »

Good Lord, it's a purple turd with wings. -_-
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Post by Garrett »

Urgh, please tell what the fuck it is? Is it supposed to be intimidating or something? It looks like a deformed Driblet.

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Post by Kantark »

It's a Jubjub... it's one of those sticky bug things you attach to the side of your monitor with something like "I'm an Express Retrofit Sprockets bug!" written on a silk strip coming out of it. It's never going to really look any better no matter how evil they try and make it look. To me, this is probably the best Jubjub colour in the world. Though that really isn't saying much... I don't like the little buggers.
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Post by immortal_janemba »

It doesn't look evil like darigan should. But it's a Jubjub what do you expect. Aside from that I think it's awesome, this picture single handedly made me like it.

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Post by rebelheart »

Not the red bat wings of doom again :X This is beyond ugliness.

*hides her tyra jubjub from this thing* don't play with <i>that</i>...
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