MapleStory help

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MapleStory help

Post by Seerow »

I think this is the right form to place this in...

Anyway, I think I remember some of you talking about MapleStory at one point or another so I'm hoping some of you could help me.

I downloaded and installed the game earlier this morning and was making my way through the tutorial world when my antivirus program pops up and says someone is attempting to hack my comp. The file it provided included MapleStory, so I immediatly uninstalled the game and ran both Kapersky AntiVirus as well as Ad-watch.
Reinstalled the game later to play and made to the actual world this time before the same message pops up and my game closes. Uninstall and haven't tired since.

I deleted all the files but one which refuses to delete. The file is under a Gameguard folder and it's called GameMon.des

Browsing Neopets and I get a popup with this message:

Click please.

It's the same file I cannot get to delete. I quarantined it.

I'm just wondering if there is something malicious and someone is actually trying to gain access to my comp through MapleStory or if it is just a over-reaction from my virus/protection programs.
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Post by AngharadTy »

As I recall, antivirus programs hate GameGuard, which is something the MS people came up with to prevent hacking. It's not hacking your computer. Your antivirus program just doesn't understand it. Dunno why the one file won't delete; perhaps it's just not designed well, but it's not malicious. I think the MS site has info on its GameGuard and antivirus software, and how the two clash. Check their site. I realize it tends to the Engrish, though.

I could also ramble about why antivirus programs suck, but that's more of a personal POV. ^_~
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Post by Joey »

I've never run into any problem with Maple and my antivirus, so I don't think I'm much help. But like Ty said, Gameguard isn't hacking you. It's there to make sure you're not hacking the game. Which doesn't work very well anyway.

Yeah, check the site.
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