New neopets layout

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Post by Iggy »

I brought back my Faerie Pteri on my main, so than I can look at pretty, old school Neopets.

I want my Faerie Buzz, as well as my Halloween and Maraquan Ixis back as they were.


Otherwise, I like the new look of the site, and consider customising my Darigan Zafara. The wings and hair looks cooler.
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Post by Slugawoo »

Oh my fucking god, what did they do to Deathweed?! >.<; My beautiful glowing buzz isn't a firefly anymore! Wtf, TNT? Ritual is the ugliest halloween shoyru ever. And she used to be so pretty. My lutari - shit. My ice hissi - shit. And all female pets look like whores. The only pet I have who hasn't changed it Ayrlis.

I'll stick with it for the next two weeks, hoping to god they change it. If they don't fix it by June, I'm leaving. Screw you, Neopets. All the more time I'll have to play on Subeta.

Fuck this. D:
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Post by Huggles »

Oh, and because I'm Huggles, and because it's true I'm just going to get this out of my system now and go back to contemplating whether or not I broke my toe this morning.

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Post by smirkish »

I PAY for Premium Neopets. Now....I know that it's not costing me an arm and a leg...but this is not something I want to pay for. o-o I CAN'T STAND IT.

I may not quit, if they give me the option of browsing the site in the old style...but otherwise...I am. Shoyru are my favorite pets. They They look like starving children, who are so hungry their bellies bloat. ;=; -choked sobs-

I just don't understand why they did this so suddenly. Sure, some of you think they were "listening to input from the players...."

WELL. They were listening to the WRONG players input. These changes are things that I would expect NEW players to request. New, and young. Dressing your pets up like some effing doll.

-bash head on desk-
Thanks Twisted for my set. ^^ And MM for meh evil wooble bunny!
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Post by Skiler »

I foresee a massive incomming of players on Subeta and Marapets by some "oddish" reason *shifty eyes*

Thanks Neocolours for saving the old school pics, but, hope TNT doesn't plans to "clean the dusty pixels" of their servers and erase all the old pics leftovers for the sake of the Meep. Personally, I'm saving mines, as I liked better the circle ogrin ghost over all this "cheery" thing I got as default pet.
You! Stop complaining further and go to save the family now!

Such changes are encouraging me to make big pictures of them via Photoshop... Those new pictures killed all the personality (also, my ogrin was found of the books, not the food!)

Good night everyone. I'll be back here tomorrow to see what happens...
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Post by smirkish »

It's saying I already collected my interest for today, when I most certainly have NOT. o-o; I think the new layout has some major glitches...

-sigh- Please......TNT...if you must keep this.....fix the glitches. Give us choice.

Thanks Twisted for my set. ^^ And MM for meh evil wooble bunny!
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Post by Marah »

I found a positive side, I found a positive side!

The ugly "new" games room is gone!

Other than that I'm not so happy.
Breaking it down for my pets old art vs new art:
My yurble: want the old one back who had a personality and more importantly: fur!
Plushie kau: still the same, thank god, I do not like the new kau art, the eye is too big.
Rainbow Lenny: opinion pending. Some parts I like and some parts so very much not.
Lutari: DIE!
Green Hissi, Mara shoyru, mara acara: not much changed, but enough to want the old pets back, the mara acara would have been okay if his eartentacles would be in front of his face again.
Kois: Ugly!
Blue eyrie: Like.
My tyrannian uni to be: what is with all the ugly eyes???

So I like the art better one pet out of twelve...

I am a sad Neopian today.
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Post by NyauNyau »

:| I had an Air Faerie quest yesterday, I forgot to finish it , I had the item, I go back to the faerielandplacehouse, AND my quest is gone
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

My pets

Sharalik: Wow, she doesn't have her dummy any more! Neat! She was never the babyish sort. Just smaller than average, much like yours truly.
Nelly_b4v1p1: Meh. I always thought Acaras had tails and this is disillusioning. Otherwise, OK.
Silvercloud: ...He's naked! Aaagh!
Laurrie: See Nelly.
Jachinthe: ...OK, this is where it starts getting bad. She looks rather inelegant.
'Stat (loveslasthaven): He looks like a plush doll. Not too bad though, all things considered.
Avie (only4theavi): Not bad. I like the new wings, and nothing else is significantly changed.
Blue: Nothing much is different.
Becky: She actually looks happier. Becky isn't really an outgoing pet, though, and this makes her look it.
Desi (BadDesigner): This might actually be better than how she was before.
Mem: Oh my sainted aunt. What have they done to my little girl? She looks flirtatious!
Maddie: Would be all right if not for whatever has happened to his other eye.
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Post by Jessi »

i don't feel like saying anything yet.

i just got home from work. and i'm sitting here trying not to cry. seriously.

my fucking beautiful pets. all gone.
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Post by Steelfaerie »

I can't believe I'm crying over a stupid pet site. I put it down to me already having a pretty emotional week, and the end of the semester and everything. But Neopets was my escape from all of that. I've been on the same account for 77 months. And now? My sponge Blumaroo is all I have left. My Halloween Roo isn't even on his tail anymore. You can't see his heart-shaped feetpads, and he looks cutesy instead of forboding.

I don't even want to bother saving up for a Krawk anymore now that they look like Popeye on crack cocaine. The personality of the site is gone now that poses are gone.

I think I'm going to cancel premium. I don't think I even want to be on Neopets anymore at all, let alone give them money I can't really afford but used to save up because I enjoyed the escape their site let me have. That's over.
Last edited by Steelfaerie on 26 Apr 2007 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TCD »

On a slight tangent: We broke our own record with 73 registered users all at once online today. Yay.
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Post by sgt_pooh »

I don't mind the layout, much. I can live with all of that.

I cannot stand my pets anymore. :( Some of my pets weren't changed, so that was good, but the changed ones weren't given the option to change or not. I certainly wouldn't have clicked change on them. :( *hugs Tacerare and Asher* I'm so sorry.

I've played since January 2001. I pay for the site. I pay for toys for me and my children. I pay for TCG cards. I even have old earrings and bracelets. I save and play for the np to paint my pets they way I want them.

I will be quitting if we can't change them back. I play for my pets. If I don't like the pets, WHY PLAY AT ALL?

I haven't even let my son on yet. *sigh* Oh, and my daughter's babies! Good Gracious. :(
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Post by TraditionsRule »

Well, I guess this is my final push to quit Neopets; it's not like I wasn't all peachy when the customizing came out, but now that I can't change it back...

I hate to be so negative about it, but it's just so wierd that they go through a TOTAL reavamp without even putting a poll up or something- just to see how many people they'd lose/gain from it. That's really what I like more about Subeta- they seem to actually care what the users think. I mean really, what does it give them that's different? Nothing!

I honestly hate the doll makers that seem so popular and am sad to see a site that I loved go downhill. Meh. I guess I'll go on a hiatus for a while and come back in another year to see if they've come to their senses or not.
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

Well, to dig a bit of salt out of the wound, I'm starting to rebuild my pets' lookups, simple as they are. Domi's is done (save for my inability to center things in the big white box; I'm still working with that), and it doesn't look horrible (at least I have one of her original pictures up again).

It'll do until we can unrevamp our pets, anyway.
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