RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

One of the worst days of my life. It's so bad, I think I might rant about it on Charter for a while.....
Today was the day I had been studying for 2 hours a day since Dec 21st to test out of Math. The test is very expensive, but If I passed, undergrad college would be completely over, and I could keep my Cum Laude honors.

......Well, I failed, and there goes $100.00 down the drain I really needed. I'm restless and jittery from all the exersizing and living off a diet of powdered Slimfast, and Hydroxycut hoodia pills I've been taking between studying. So that means another semester of torture for a less than broke college student. I feel so exausted.
Achievement: I lost 17lbs in 3 weeks :P . The lady at the counter had to ID me to buy it because she thought I was under 18. So that was a nice sentiment to getting old.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Farseek »

Really big woe. I had to put my 13 year old cat, Skamp to sleep today. He had cancer that had spread throughout his body. They said it wasn't worth trying to save him because he would only suffer more in the process and either way he only had a few months left. I know I did what was best for him but that doesn't make it hurt any less.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Spivsy »

Happy birthday spivsy
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

:) Indeedily, happy birthday to you!

I just got my semi-redundant goodie in the mail from Amazon.com - a new cobalt blue Nintendo DS Lite. I've been itching for the Lite and saw that the Ice Blue one was both too expensive and not quite a shiny enough color to really want that one, so I got a cheaper one. The color on the cobalt is really pretty. And I'm liking the vastly improved image quality (including the light variance) and the sound. My husband took the old regular DS upon my insistence, and he likes having it for when he's sitting around with nothing to occupy him. Aside from the whopping price, it was worth getting.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by WisteriaLynx »

On the "ick" side, my problems with my roommate have somehow managed to get even worse.

On the YAY!! side, they are only going to be problems for one more week, because I'm changing rooms. :) No more seven-hour differences in sleep schedules, yelling 4AM phone conversations, mousetraps I didn't know she set, and all those other distressing incidents. <3
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Larkspurlane »

Final grades are (finally) in & I got straight A+s -- which boosts my cumulative GPA from the Magna to Summa Cum Laude rank. Sweet! I worked my ass of last term, so I'm really, really pleased. Damn, that was 4 long years of work. (Well, 3 long years, because I didn't work at all during first year uni, when I partied too much and studied too little and almost wrecked my academic career beyond salvation. Heh.)

Starting my MA this term and suddenly I'm not the smartest person in the class any more. There are PhD students in my grad seminars (PhD students have to do get a few token credits as they're writing their dissertation) and it's freaking intimidating to be in there with them. Profs don't lecture in grad seminars, so the whole class is a big discussion wherein people try to upstage and ridicule others like pretentious intellectual berks. I hope I never become like that. Also, why do they all wear strange hats? I can only conclude that PhD studies give people extreme dandruff.
Thank you for the av and sig set!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »


I got off my P plates yesterday, which means I am now a full and completely normal driver. The only thing I can't do is instruct a learner driver for another 2 years, but I'm not too concerned about that.

And the main reason I'm posting, it's a bit of a holy crap....

A guy I knew and used to play settlers with all the time in 2007 died. I still can't believe it. He got hit by a train. It was an accident, apparently, which makes it all the worse since around here trains are mostly known for their suicide-aiding properties. His funeral's tomorrow but I don't think I'll go, I didn't know him well enough. It's just really crazy to think that this guy who we used to make fun of for never picking up resource cards (a practise we dubbed "Heathing" in his honour, as a joke) is now dead. It's like wha. I still don't believe it. Especially because I never really saw him in 2008, so it means I won't have occasion to miss him.

RIP, Heath Loveday
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Joey »

Stupid woe: I reorganized my manga bookshelf on a whim and now it sucks. Before it was just by title, and I switched it to Publisher > Author > Earliest Series because I've been getting a lot of stuff by the same authors and wanted to group them together. Except now it's all uniform and boring. It was nice and random before. And the Tokyopop Robofish line is broken because I have a couple of older volumes of Card Captor Sakura. And probably bugging me the most: my embarrassing amount of Yugioh manga is now at eye level. And it's gonna take a couple more hours to put it back the way it was :[

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Webby »

Okay so I had a hospital appointment today, due to tearing a ligament in my leg snowboarding. And not realising so I carried on snowboarding and apparently made it worse. Butttt the doctor says it's all good today, it seems to be healing itself so I can go back to doing sports. (Good on the one hand since I love my tennis lessons, but sucky on the other hand because I hate school sports lessons. Hah.)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kari »

Major woe: My laptop decided that last night would be a good time to stop working. It turns on, it can make sound, but the screen is totally black. I'm thinking it's the backlight, but I'm no tech.

I've got a major project due on Thursday, and all the files are on my laptop.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Sparrow »

Larkspurlane wrote:Starting my MA this term and suddenly I'm not the smartest person in the class any more. There are PhD students in my grad seminars (PhD students have to do get a few token credits as they're writing their dissertation) and it's freaking intimidating to be in there with them. Profs don't lecture in grad seminars, so the whole class is a big discussion wherein people try to upstage and ridicule others like pretentious intellectual berks. I hope I never become like that. Also, why do they all wear strange hats? I can only conclude that PhD studies give people extreme dandruff.
Heh, I wouldn't worry too much about that. PhD. students actually aren't as intimidating as we may seem (I started my degree this past fall). In fact, I was more intimidated by my scary program director, but as it turns out, after this year, he won't be the program director any more! Yay! But every program is different... I took classes last semester with undergraduates, and this is not uncommon. As to PhD. students being pretentious berks? Yeah, some of them are, but they were probably always like that anyway. :D
Kari wrote:Major woe: My laptop decided that last night would be a good time to stop working. It turns on, it can make sound, but the screen is totally black. I'm thinking it's the backlight, but I'm no tech.

I've got a major project due on Thursday, and all the files are on my laptop.
I had almost the exact same problem last semester during exam time, only I took the opportunity to drop my laptop from a table after I tripped on the cord. The screen was borked, and looked like it had literally shattered. >_< I was beside myself with rage. Luckily, my friend was thinking clearly and suggested that I hook up the laptop to a spare computer monitor, so I could see the screen (the harddrive, amazingly, still worked perfectly). We found a monitor and a cable, and I finished everything on time. Maybe you could try this? Good luck.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kari »

Sparrow wrote:Luckily, my friend was thinking clearly and suggested that I hook up the laptop to a spare computer monitor, so I could see the screen (the harddrive, amazingly, still worked perfectly). We found a monitor and a cable, and I finished everything on time. Maybe you could try this? Good luck.
Tried that, the monitor said "no signal". Thanks, though.

Now to rub salt in the wound, my internet is half broken. It's loading this site, Subeta, and a few others, but a lot of sites are timing out. I unhooked my computer from the router, so it's directly connected to my cable modem now.

I just really don't need more problems right now.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

Tenative achieveawoe:

I found out I was able to get into a pansy geometry class and bypass algebra in order to graduate....yay! (Fail isn't even a strong enough adjective about how much I suck at algebra)

.....Turns out my lousy acedemic advisors never pointed out this alternative, and it's been available since Spring of 2008, and I qualified for the class in Dec of 2007.
This pissed me off bad enough to write a 4 page appeal to the counselors, and the math chairman about how I wasted about $1,000.00 trying to get out of algebra for a year and a half. Dropping, adding, and testing out of the same class over and over, buying books, and DVD study guides, etc. I'm appealing for competency (Math credit, no GPA, or an audit (as if I never took the class at all, no grade, no GPA, no credit as a last resort.) If the 2.0 is dropped, then my GPA will be raised from a low Cum Laude, to a solid Magna Cum Laude.

If they don't say "yes" to either one of these alternatives, I will take this to the Dean, but I seriously doubt it'll go that far. I have gone to her only once before in 2005, and even though you can go to her as many times as you please, there's an unwritten rule that crying to her everytime you have a problem can cut your credibility. That's why I'm wary. I was already prepared last semester to go, but I'm glad I made no threats, and I was able to work it out without a 3rd party. (Thank goodness! I needed that extra last resort plea this time around! :D )I have a lot of butterflies in my stomach about it, but what I'm asking for is a grade change to a course already taken and passed, that I never needed to take (nor wanted to). So, it seems less severe. Plus, they've got my money that they'd never refund me in a million years, so what's it to them that I want this damn 2.0 off my record? I don't think she'll need to get involved, but just in case, I've got *years* of recipts, failed CLEP tests, and my acedemic transcript to prove all of this nonsense would've been avoided had the advisors done their job right, as I sought their help to get me in a math that I am capable of passing respectively. Plus, there's no way they can possibly disprove I wouldn't have taken that class and graduated a year ago, because I have my 2008 ceremony on video tape.

I think this will come out well! :)

But now I've gone from semi-estatic, to a little concerned about my weight loss. I *shouldn't* be worried because it's not unexplained weight loss, but it's falling off pretty fast. I know I'm losing because of stress. I've lost 23 lbs now that it's been a full month, and I would otherwise be jumping off the walls because I am overweight, but now I don't want to eat, and will freak out every time I idle, so I'll go exersize to get my mind off of feeling guilty for playing the DS, or having Subeta/Neo in my internet tab. It's creeping me out because this is nothing like me at all. I miss slacking a little....

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by TCStarwind »

Woes: It snowed about three or so inches last night, so as I was walking out of my house to my friend's dad's car, I slipped, fell, and somwehat twisted my ankle. I know it's not too bad because I can still walk, but damn all it if it doesn't still hurt. :/
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by bonecrivain »


It's not really a personal achievement...but...well. I'm still excited. =D

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