Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
Officer 1BDI
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by Officer 1BDI »

If I owned an Angelic Kanis I would not be a happy user right now, for essentially the reason Shaelyn and others have already pointed out: it looks nothing like the original. I think it's an excellent pet in its own right and that Rah did a great job on it, but it just doesn't mesh with the Angelic Kanis I'm familiar with. But maybe a lot of that has to do with how attached I was to the original Angelic Kanis.

I think the Wyllop looks lovely, even if I'm not a big fan of that particular shade of blue on it (I think it should be a smidgen lighter).
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by Jessi »

I don't like kanises, more or less (except my friends' kanises, like Bon's, I like hers xD). That being said, I actually like the new Angelic a lot, but I didn't like the old one at all. I love the new colors, and I love how soft and round it looks.

The Wyllop is absolutely stunning, and when I compare the old and new side by side I'm just flabbergasted by how wonderful the new one looks. I love the new shade of blue, and I'm so glad the skin was changed from purple to pink - it always looked slightly cold or dead to me before. It's absolutely gorgeous, and I'm really resisting repainting Brie, yet again... but I'm going to end up failing. This was his first color, and I just love it so much now.
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