What are you watching?

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Joey »

AngharadTy wrote:
Joey wrote:
Silver Link wrote:(the scene where he defends Kurt from Finn is amazing)
That scene was really one of the most amazing I've seen on any show. It made me cry it was so awesome.
This scene?
Yup, that one. While I agree with that post on how the context for the speech could have been better placed (Kurt really has been a dick to Fynn this entire half) I don't think that devalues what the speech itself is about.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Cranberry »

Oh man, TV. Um, I have to split it up by day.

Monday: One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl, which are trash, but fun trash. I started watching OTH for Sophia Bush (she's hot, okay) and now I watch just to see how crazy it'll get. In a semi-recent episode, the show's villain was sitting in a hospital waiting room, waiting for the heart that was going to be transplanted into him to arrive. A homeless guy wandered in with a dog and started arguing with the receptionist. An EMT guy rushed in carrying the heart in a cooler and tripped over the dog, which sent the heart flying. The dog, of course, ran for the heart and ate it. How can you not love that? :P

Chuck. This is probably my favorite show on TV right now. It's so well-written. It's about a guy, a "Nerd Herd" employee at a big-box electronics store, who receives a special e-mail that, when he views it, downloads the entirety of the CIA and NSA databases into his brain. Both agencies end up sending agents to be his "handlers" and work with him, using him to help solve cases. There's always the "A" plot involving some kind of spy mission, and the "B" plot (and sometimes a "C" plot) involving Chuck's co-workers at the store or his family at home. The plots almost always end up being connected, often in some crazy way that makes so much sense but that you wouldn't have predicted. It's just great storytelling. The show has tons of funny moments, and the characters are all well-developed and lovable, too.

Castle. I'm a sucker for the trope of the two people who always fight and bicker and are obviously into each other but won't admit it, and this show has that in spades with Detective Kate Beckett and Rick Castle, the murder mystery writer who follows her around as "research." The "case of the week" is usually a lot of fun, too.

Life Unexpected. Expected to hate it, ended up loving it. Glad it's renewed for next year. It's old-school WB (actually starring people from Roswell and Dawson's Creek) and is sweet and clever and predictable, kind of the way the old shows like Felicity, Party of Five (I know that was a FOX show, but it had that WB vibe) and Gilmore Girls were.

Tuesday: Glee -- love Sue Sylvester, Santana and Brittney, and most of the musical numbers. I have issues with how there's no consistency week to week, but the show's fluffy fun, so I deal with it. It reminds me somewhat of Ryan Murphy's old show, Popular, which was somehow even campier. I also watched LOST, but it's over now. I thought the finale was somewhat of a cop out and dislike being told that if I was watching for the mythology, I was watching wrong, because the show was about the characters.

Thursday: Fringe, which is sort of X-Files-y with shades of JJ Abrams' previous shows, Alias and LOST (but has a much tighter mythology than either). I love Joshua Jackson, too, and have since his Dawson's Creek days. This season's finale was very interesting and looks like it'll take the show in a fun new direction. I also watch Supernatural on Thursdays, and I like it, although I think they got too bogged down in angels and demons stuff lately; I miss the older, stand-alone episodes. I wish it had been allowed to end after five seasons as the creator intended, but it's going for a sixth (without him, so... meh).

Friday: Friday Night Lights. I love that a lot of it is ad-libbed. It's probably the most "real" show on TV right now. I know nothing about football, but I still love it, and I'm invested in all of the characters, especially Tami Taylor.

I also watch True Blood, which is campy and gross and full of swearing and just so much fun, and I watch Dexter, which is twisty and thought-provoking and well-written. I love Deb Morgan and her potty mouth.

Shows I used to watch but gave up this season: Medium (I wasn't very invested), Grey's Anatomy (it started to bore me), The Office (liked it but fell five episodes behind and realized I didn't care), Law and Order: SVU (liked it, but found it didn't matter if I followed each week, so I'll just catch reruns whenever). Dollhouse and Privileged got canceled on me, as did Pushing Daisies (the creator of that one is a friend of mine and I enjoy everything he does, although Wonderfalls is my favorite).

Um, yeah. I like TV. Thank goodness for my DVR and my east and west-coast channels, especially on Mondays.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Marah »

disclaimer: I download most of my stuff, because I don't want to wait for it to be on tv in my country (and be spoiled by the internets). also the fact that I can watch it when I have the time is very helpful.
That said, when my tv is actually on I usually watch the BBC (move to the country!) and the discovery channel (Mythbusters! And I really miss scrapheap challenge.) And if I zap past a crime show while cooking I usually stop there. (L&O, criminal minds etc.)

On my computer I watch Doctor Who (since the 9th doctor), CSI, CSI NY (Also no Miami for me, I stopped watching when a potential storyline for Delko with his sick sister turned into a thing with Caine that was called a romance. I didn't see it.)
Project runway, Gossip Girl and America's next top model are my guilty pleasures. ANTM especially has become more and more insane every cycle. With Project Runway I really hope they stop with the amazing amount of 1 day challenges. I want to see pretty clothes and one or two episodes of "Oh my gawd, I do not have anough tiiiiime, I will not finish" is more than enough.

I will terribly miss Ugly Betty and Cold Case. :sniffles: Instead there will be The Good Wife and Leverage and possibly I need to read this thread and pick a new show to watch...
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Kantark »

Wow, so much stuff on this thread I've never even heard of, let alone seen. But then I'm not a major watcher of the telly.

The only programmes I won't miss if I can at all help it would be Have I Got News For You, Top Gear, The IT Crowd, F1 coverage, and anything with Charlie Brooker in it (currently 'You Have Been Watching...'). Currently Springwatch is running so I'll try to watch that every evening, or at least have it on in the background. There have also been some good science documentaries over the past few weeks but I've missed most of them.

If I'm bored I'll watch repeats of the above on Dave, things like Scrapheap Challenge (unfortunatley they chose to muck up the format) and random episodes of Red Dwarf, Father Ted, Minder, Inspector Morse etc, etc,. I tend to watch the 6pm/7pm news on BBC and Channel 4 on a daily basis.

I'm not a major sport fan, apart from the F1, but I'll be watching all the England games in the World Cup if I can. Otherwise, I've got the first two series of Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes to watch on DVD.

Re: Doctor Who, I've only watched a coupe or three of this series' episodes (the recent two-parter about the underground people, and the Simon Nye-penned episode which reminded me a bit too much of Shaun of the Dead) - they haven't been bad, but then they haven't really drawn me in either. I think I preferred Tennant as the Doctor,
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by EofS »

My television habits can best be summed up by the channel change I did on many Mondays.

8:30 BBC4 Only Connect - the most intellectual quiz show I've ever seen
9:00 E4 Gleeeee! Pure, utter indulgent fluff. And So Much Fun. Even if there's been an incredible drop off in quality lately.

Otherwise I watch a lot of British comedy, new Doctor Who (I'm seriously enjoying Eleven and Amy)... I was hooked on Ashes to Ashes by the end, although I don't think the first two series could hold a candle to Life on Mars. I can't watch Lost on TV because I refuse to buy satellite, but my boyfriend buys the DVDs. So I'll be able to see season 6 and the finale in September.

I will be watching every second that I can of the upcoming World Cup. At work for a lot of it, but since there are a lot of screens around that shouldn't hinder too much. (125 screens in our gallery - my colleague was verrrry bored on election night ;0) And because of work I watch a lot of news, the end of a lot of episodes of Bargain Hunt, Murder She Wrote and The Weakest Link *grin* And children's TV. I'm slightly addicted to I Can Cook.

If there's nothing else on, I'll usually wind up watching CSI or random stuff on Dave.

I was actually watching Only Connect as I first saw this post, so I took down a few sample questions to give people an idea. This was a first round match, so comparatively easy questions.

In each case, the format is a series of four. The clues are revealed one at a time - with a max of the first three, you must get the fourth in the sequence and the reason why.

Spoiler: open/close
First four square numbers in binary.
5 C in an N
2 N in a D
2 1/2 D in a Q
Spoiler: open/close
4 Q in a D
5 cents in a nickel, 2 nickels in a dime, 2 1/2 dimes in a quarter, 4 quarters in a dollar
Not as obvious here in the UK of course ;0)
Spoiler: open/close
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by jamboree »

Wait - Futurama is coming back??? How did I MISS that?? Wikipedia tells me this is pretty old news, but it looks like I'm getting excited for it just in time! I'm also really excited that uncensored Daria is FINALLY being released on DVD - sans original music, which is a bit of a bummer but in no way overwhelms the overall awesomeness.

My schedule doesn't allow for regular TV watching, so I'll go for long periods of time without watching much at all. Mystery Science Theater 3000 is the current drug of choice, though it's funniest when watched in company rather than by yourself. I also like Psych (funny alone or with others - my fiance has taken to randomly exclaiming "Shawn!" in his Gus voice) and Castle (Nathan Fillion in any form is delectable). I watched Firefly recently for the first time and enjoyed it, but with mixed feelings. When it was good, it was truly excellent, but I thought there was a note of cruelty to parts of the show that wasn't present in either Angel or Buffy. Perhaps it's because the blood was real ("real") instead of being monster slime or dust.

Gargoyles has some of the best voice acting I've ever heard, and the plots are so good that it's almost infinitely rewatchable.

Other likes, most of which I am one or more seasons behind on : Chuck, Burn Notice, Bones (old), Simpsons (old), House (pre-New Class), NCIS, Storm Chasers on The Weather Channel (yes!), and various crime shows. There's a few more that I know I've forgotten - in about an hour, I'll smack myself on the forehead and think, "Of course! I forgot to put ________!" The fiance is a huge baseball fan, so that takes up a lot of our viewing time.

I've been meaning to watch Planet Earth for a long time, as well.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Alicorn »

Whew, what a read!

There are only a few shows I really keep up with now. House, Criminal Minds (watch it mostly for Reid, yum), Fringe (Hoping the 3rd season starts up better then the 2nd season ended, so disappointed.), Castle (Gotta love Nathan and the story is just so fun. The dang second season finale got me in tears, damn it!), Dexter (Something I like better then the book! Okay, the first book was great, ones after was disappointing. But I down right love the show. Michael C. Hall is so great.) and Mythbusters (so much fun to watch).
Right now they are all done with till Fall time so I'm without now, except Mythbusters. So right now I'm keeping up with some anime online. The two I'm watching right now is FMA: Brotherhood and Uraboku. And now I'm done with other shows for now, I plan to find a few more to watch. I also plan to rewatch some of the anime I own (which is quiet a few). I am hoping that So You Think You Can Dance Canada starts soon. I love that show.
There are a few shows I like to watch now and again but don't worry about catching all of them. NCIS (Love the show, just keep missing the darn thing.), Hoarders/Buried Alive (Both shows about hoarders. So very interesting), Cake Boss (Such pretty cakes that I want to eat!), Family Guy (Again, just keep missing it.) and Modern Family (Only seen a few episodes but oh so funny!).

I love Avatar: The Last Airbender, I want to own it one day! Gargoyles brings such good memories back. I use to watch it all the time. Along with Ronin Warriors. I be so happy if they bring that out on box set. Always watched it after school with Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z and Tenchi. XD Ah the memories.
I should really watch Glee. Seems everyone watches it and loves it. I watched the premiere and thought it was enjoyable. But never kept up with it after that.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by lavender »

I am a huuuuge TV junkie. Huge! Almost everything I watch is in fall/winter. So, in the summertime I watch lots of St. Louis baseball. I've actually been rewatching my Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVD's, too.

Mondays: Chuck, Heroes (officially cancelled), House (I hate how FOX posts new episodes friggin' 8 days after airing! Leaves me a week behind!), and CSI: Miami (lost some interest after Delko left, but it appears he'll be back?)
Tuesdays: Glee (It was 'eh' at first, but I stuck with it.)
Wednesdays: America's Next Top Model, Top Chef (coming back soon, I think/hope), Mythbusters (although I did miss a lot of episodes...), and Psych (will be back July 14th!!!)
Thursdays (are awesome/crowded): Survivor, CSI, Supernatural (moving to some other night, which is ridiculous), Project Runway, Burn Notice (only bad thing about the show is the main character's mother. Obnoxious), The Office, Parks & Recreation (I warmed up to it), 30 Rock, and Community (was by far the best new show of the season!)
Fridays-Sundays: NOTHING. Painfully boring. Psych used to be on Fridays, which I loved, but USA moved it. Will watch Saturday Night Live, if the host is someone I like. I love Family Guy and American Dad, but for some reason never watch the shows when they air. I just buy the DVD's when they come out.

Adult Swim? I used to watch TONS of, but all their newer shows just never caught my attention. I loved Space Ghost, Harvey Birdman, the Brak Show, Sealab 2021, and Venture Brothers. Oh, and Robot Chicken.
I'm seriously debating whether to buy CSI: NY on DVD. I've seen some episodes on TNT and enjoyed it. Plus Danny = hotness.
I'll randomly watch Discovery Channel and the History Channel (American Pickers and Pawn Stars are interesting shows). Life After People is a neat show - History Channel, I think?
Comedy Central - I really like The Colbert Report and Daily show, but hardly watch them (I know that makes no sense). And omg, Futurama will be back, yay! Oh, and of course, South Park (which is another wait-til-DVD-release-show).
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Tom »

I have core shows that I'll tend to follow regardless. Like, I'll stick by them no matter what. It kinda confuses me how one season of a show, to the next, can sometimes shed loads of viewers, as I'll watch things because I'm curious as to how they'll develop. And I'll just stick by them.

Currently I watch Desperate Housewives, which is my favourite show - I've been following it from the start and I really do love it. Every episode still makes me laugh, and usually brings up some interesting points. I feel that the season storyline this time has kinda... ebbed away (the 'strangler') but I'm getting near the end of the season, and my friend tells me it heats up quite a bit. I like the current 'neighbour of the season' and would quite like her to stick around like Katherine did, but yeah. Not going to happen.

I am also reaaaally into Glee at the moment. Like, listen to all soundtracks all day kinda thing. It's kind of amazing. But there are definitely things that bother me about it. I do think it could be a lot more consistent. I've been enjoying the recent episodes a lot and I feel that the songs are pretty amazing at the moment, but the way the story lines operate kinda bothers me sometimes. Often I feel points that develop during the episodes are kinda inconsequential. Especially the recent things that have happened to Rachel - it kinda happened over two episodes and then, bam. But I still love it.

I also quite like watching Doctor Who, though I feel it can be a bit hit-and-miss. I liked the latest episode with Van Gogh, but didn't enjoy the previous episodes with the lizard peoples too much. I feel this series has been better than the previous though - I felt it was rather 'bloated' towards the end, especially with the finale, Christmas and New Year specials. Still, I enjoy watching. I also like watching The Apprentice on the BBC (currently the Junior Apprentice - kinda lightweight but still enjoyable nonetheless).

I also love watching Criminal Minds, which has sadly just reached the finale. Erm. I feel like I'm living down my junkie reputation. :P I like Brothers and Sisters, but have kinda missed the whole season while I've been at uni, so need to catch up. It lost my interested for a while because of ridiculous scheduling, but I started to catch it again with the previous season and it was some rather thrilling stuff. Cancelled shows? Did like Dirty Sexy Money. Ugly Betty was rather good, slumping a bit towards the end of season two, through until mid-season three, where I felt that it really picked up again, and I loved it all over again. Pushing Daisies was kinda whimsical and inspired my love for Kristen Chenoworth. Heroes is... a bit of a slog to cope with. I did like season one, but everything about season two was kinda wrong. Season three was pretty good, but season four has been a bit of a slump again and I haven't bothered to finish the season, despite having only five episodes to go, or so. I started watching Veronica Mars last summer and absolutely fell in love - I ordered all three season on DVD for a rather reasonable price, so have some more Mars to look forward to again soon. And my friend has recently got me into Supernatural. I've just finished season one, starting on season two, and it's pretty good. I quite like the format of it. But yeah. That's about it for me and TV.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Marah »

I also quite like watching Doctor Who, though I feel it can be a bit hit-and-miss. I liked the latest episode with Van Gogh, but didn't enjoy the previous episodes with the lizard peoples too much. I feel this series has been better than the previous though - I felt it was rather 'bloated' towards the end, especially with the finale, Christmas and New Year specials. Still, I enjoy watching. I also like watching The Apprentice on the BBC (currently the Junior Apprentice - kinda lightweight but still enjoyable nonetheless).
So many doctor Who fans :). By bloated do you mean that at the end every episode was aiming to be Emotional and Dramatic and Tears-in-my-eyes? In that case I agree, I think both the 9th and the 10th doctor had potential for a lot more good stories still when they transformed and I miss them both terribly, but I was also very glad when the 11th doctor came along because not every episode had to have the big Emo and you could have fun little episodes with lots of jokes again.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Rah »

GLEE. I feel like I want it to be on all day every day and I wouldn't tire of it. It may not be perfect, but damn no other show leaves quite such an impression on me. It makes me sing (both literally and in my heart!) I have grown to love every character and I feel myself just routing for the whole show all the time! Glee songs have become my most listened to on my itunes xD (Plus the emotional rollercoaster that was last nights finale? Oh god.) There will be a hole in my life until September!

Other shows I'm in to: Big bang theory (Penny and Sheldon NEED to get together, damnit), How I met your mother (or 'The Barney Show' as I like to think of it), Parenthood (EEEE LAUREN GRAHAM I HAVE MISSED YOU AND YOU ARE BACK IN MY LIFE), House (ANOTHER GREAT FINALE), Merlin (ugh waiting for series 3 to put the boys back on my screen)

Shows that are forever in my heart and in my dvd player:
- Buffy season 1-7 boxsets. I'm currently watching them all again, this remains my favourite series of all time.
- Gilmore girls series 1-7 boxsets - Luke and Lorelai are my favourite onscreen couple of all time, and I'm always rewatching their journey into togetherness! Plus the whole town is just wonderful. Love love love this charming show that I don't think can ever quite be replicated in feeling.
- Frasier season 1-11 boxsets - another romance that I waited 7 years to happen with Niles and Daphne. Gosh I love shows that make you wait for a couple to get together! Plus the pompous humour in this show has always been a favourite of mine. Although I have found the more I watch it the more Frasier himself annoys me!
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Jamie »

I don't really actually watch television, but I have a lot of TV on DVD and get a lot on to my external hardrive from my friends. Some of my favourite shows include:

Supernatural - I'm halfway through season 5 right now and have been loving it! Although I do believe it's going to have to finish up after next season, what else can they possible have to battle after Lucifer? I don't think I could go on loving it if Xenu turned up to take over the human race...

30 Rock - By far my favourite comedy, every season has been hilarious and I can't stop laughing whenever Jenna is on screen. Her whole Janis Joplin plotline during season three really helped me tone my abs up.

Weeds - I only saw this show for the first time a couple months ago but have already devoured all five seasons and am eagerly awaiting the final one in August. Nancy Botwin just does it for me like no other female has, the whole show does. Though it has a few dull moments when it concentrates too much on characters I don't give a damn about.

I also recently acquired Season 1 of Modern Family and Daria (you're standing on my neck, na na na. na. na. etc). I intend to watch them over my semester break, I forgot how witty Daria was for something that aired at 5pm on ABCkids.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Cranberry »

Well, Daria was on MTV first, and MTV actually used to have some good programming. ;)
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Jamie »

Shh! I'm Australian and nothing existed for me except for ABCkids 3-6pm until high school ;)
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Seerow »

I watch far to more TV then is probably healthy, though none of it is watched on an actual TV. I work random shifts so I am hardly ever able to catch my shows when they air and I definitely can't afford TiVo or the like. So thank you torrents. Though because of torrents the industry has gotten far more of my money then they would have otherwise because if I really love the show I'll go out and buy a season or two on DVD.

At the moment I think my favorite show is The Vampire Diaries. It sounds cheesy as hell because of the name but is a surprisingly great show. Just about each episode has something important revealed or turn of events and it's incredibly addicting. Give it a shot if you like vampires that don't sparkle.
My other love is Castle, for all the reasons Cranberry mentioned above, and I'm happy the show is going so strongly and looks like it will be around for quite some time.
One of the big surprises for me this season was Caprica. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it, even though I really enjoyed Battlestar Galactica. They've only aired 8 episodes and are taking a break until September but I'm anxious for it's return.

Some other great shows still on the air:
Doctor Who
The Big Bang Theory
Warehouse 13

And some recommendations for canceled shows:
Firefly - Does this even need stating though?
Pushing Daisies
Veronica Mars
Dark Angel
Joan of Arcadia
Dollhouse - It starts out a bit poorly, but gets much much better. Especially the last episodes of the seasons.
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