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Re: Summer Cash Shop Sale

Posted: 16 Jul 2011 02:51 am
by Kali_Lupine
haha I am glad that I am not the only one who is obsessed with waist items! When I`m dressing an HA it doesn't feel right without at least 1 or 2 waist items ^___^

Re: Summer Cash Shop Sale

Posted: 16 Jul 2011 10:15 am
by Tom
So happy with the sale! My bank balance doesn't quite agree, but I've been waiting for a sale to spend anything this year - I thought it'd have to be all the way up until November, so am rather pleased that one has come around a bit earlier! Snagged the six Delish sets I was missing (so glad that they unretired the Masquerade ones - have been kicking myself over missing those straighteners!), three costume trunks (harlequin and both mini arcades) and then odd bits like the fascinators, cabled sweaters, berets, a DP, a few butterfly wings, Molten Summoning Tome, Well Defined Ringlet, Movie Director Reel Case, Splendorous Peacock and Masquerade In A Box: Mysterium... hahah, I went a bit mad! Also finished buying the hair coupons I needed with sP - I now have all the redeemable hairs available in my salon, other than Shore, so am a little bit pleased with that! :D

Re: Summer Cash Shop Sale

Posted: 16 Jul 2011 01:09 pm
by Kali_Lupine
:D Congrats Tom. I also went crazy, I bought the complete sets of steam, mask, tea, autumn, and mocha in the delish line. I already have them all, but for that price I wanted to snap them up to give away later ^__^

Re: Summer Cash Shop Sale

Posted: 16 Jul 2011 09:39 pm
by Griffin
Just a note: don't hit backspace after buying a Delish set. It repeats the purchase. c_c Thankfully a wonderful staff member deleted the extras and refunded my csc minutes after my blunder! (If it were Neopets I'd sooner kiss it goodbye than pray for a chance at their belated mercy.)

Also as some may have noticed by my status, after switching the identities of my pets Yggdrasil and Hyral with the EHWs and the MPII, Hyral became a Twilight #8001. It's pretty cool. I'll change her back to Common later so her image won't be broken, but I would keep it if it were Graveyard or Nightmare!

Re: Summer Cash Shop Sale

Posted: 16 Jul 2011 09:44 pm
by Kali_Lupine
haha Cyro, I'm glad you were able to fix that. I've done that. Twice. I kept the items cause I needed some for TCs and the rest I gave away.

Heh heh Twilight #8001. I kept trying to view him on the 13th and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't let me. As you can see I'm a genius of uncommon caliber :P

Re: Summer Cash Shop Sale

Posted: 17 Jul 2011 02:43 pm
by TCStarwind
I finally went and bought some things. I didn't buy everything I wanted, so I'm hoping the things that I didn't buy will still be around when the next sale comes along and/or I get a job.

But I finally got the full set of those pretty new year hats! :D I'm so happy.

Also, butterfly wings. Because butterfly wings. I have no excuses for that.

Re: Summer Cash Shop Sale

Posted: 17 Jul 2011 06:58 pm
by Kali_Lupine
Just a friendly reminder that the Cash Shop Sale ends tonight at 12:00AM Subeta time.
Posted by
hope everyone gets what they need in time. I've gotten everything I need pretty much. I am buying gifts for people. Slightly paranoid about friends who haven't been online and are missing the sale so i am trying to buy from their wishlist @__@ I love any excuse to buy gifts for people!

Re: Summer Cash Shop Sale

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 04:32 pm
by shaelyn76
I ended up dropping around $30 bucks when all was said and done. I could easily have spent quadruple that and still not gotten everything I wanted, but thanks to Steph and my husband for sending me some extra CSC, I only spent a little over $20 of my own money. It was almost overwhelming to see the variety in the cash shop and I sat there for several minutes when I first pulled it up just scrolling through the items over and over trying to decide where to even start. I spent the bulk of my money on an ISS only to find out that frozen user names do not show up when you use the subeta search function and the name I want won't clear for 4 more months...sigh, such is life and I'm okay with holding onto it until I can get the name I want. At half price I just couldn't pass up the ISS that I would normally deem too pricey.
This sale was so much fun and I'm so glad I got to pick up so many much wanted items and still stay within my Subeta budget. Thank you Subeta staff for doing this for us users!!!

Re: Summer Cash Shop Sale

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 05:19 pm
by Kali_Lupine
heh heh *is not going to admit how much she put into the cash shop* I had so much fun though! I've got so much extra stuff to go through and give to friends! I loved the Spooky Costume Trunk...I bought a bunch of them. The Monster Kit liked me, I got like 7 from it lol

Re: Summer Cash Shop Sale

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 05:25 am
by Alicorn
Heh, I enjoyed the sale. Though I didn't get a ton of stuff. I got some boutique stuff I've been wanting. Then I mostly grabbed some fashion past boxes and art kit chance bags. Oh and some TC stuff that I felt more willing to get at the price they were set at.