checkers' behaviour

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Post by AngharadTy »

Let's have less of the flaming here. Checkers, I realize that you feel called out, and it probably sucks. But do not respond by calling someone a "stupid minded fool" or implying that we all live in our mothers' basements. There's nothing to be gained by those insults.
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Post by checkers »

Its simple minded fool xD

but yeah whatever insults are wrong can you lot just drop it? the whole of you are just crashing down on me, you wouldnt like it.
Last edited by checkers on 17 Mar 2007 05:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Cheese »

It's bothering me - the title should say "Checkers's", because the singular word ends with an S, like "James's", although it looks a bit odd.
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Post by Silverevilchao »

Usul_Princess wrote:Up until now I've tried to overlook the spam and such given your age. And also, I had a tough time adapting to the forum as well. I made several subjects over the course of a week when I first came here, but never once was I beligerent when I was told to comply with the rules. I love attention just as much as the next person while not pissing people off so bad by being an attention whore. I'm pissed now. Because you should see how well adi is respected here by what he does and you should be paying attention.
Ohhhh, yes. I'm sure all the older Neocolours members remember back when I was a total n00b fresh from the Neoboards. xD
checkers wrote:First of shut the hell up, you don't know shit about me.

Second of all you're words are just easy ones that are long you stupid minded fool.
Words like: reluctance, deluge and stuff, not the thing an average 13 year old would know not everyone is well taught adult living in his/her mothers basement. I asked a few people my age that go to my school and they don't know what it means so why don't you zip it. Honestly, this site isn't worth the trouble I don't care personally but the way you're being getting all angry over the internet, now that is sad.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. I doubt FMD was trying to sound snobby or anything. Some people use "big" words in their posts as normal talk, it's not like they'll change their vocabulary in a split second to reply to something like this. :[
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Post by checkers »

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I doubt FMD was trying to sound snobby or anything. Some people use "big" words in their posts as normal talk, it's not like they'll change their vocabulary in a split second to reply to something like this. :[

Well telling me I'm sad because I don't use big words and strong vocabulary is wrong don't you think?
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Post by bonecrivain »

Thanks, Checkers, for providing an example of your recent behavior in this thread for those in the forum who missed the earlier incidents.

With that said, there's no need for anyone to resort to name-calling and insults. I know plenty of us on Neocolours are adept enough with the English language to rip shreds in someone who does not comprehend what we'd consider pretty basic words, but let's take the higher ground and hold off. Please. Like Ty said, this is not a flaming thread.

And Checkers, I know you felt backed into a corner, but that's no excuse to lash out the way you did. Remember that the subject of this thread is your behavior. You might want to try turning a new leaf right now rather than strengthening the image most of us already have of you.
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Post by Spivsy »

A'ight checkers, shh.
Just, shh, for a while. This topic was pretty much asking for a rebuttal from that crappy boardgame over there, so I'm really not surprised for his "OHHH MY GOD YOU ARE LIKE, WELL OUT OF ORDER" attitude, but the only thing that really, for wont (is it want or wont in that circumstance? I can never remember) of a better word, annoyed me- was his hypocrisy. He starts off saying all the stuff about basements (CELLARS DAMN IT) and the various mind spaces of fools, and they says
but yeah whatever insults are wrong can you lot just drop it?
Well it sure don't work that way sunshine.

And do people still say stuff is 'sad'? Man, get with the program.
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Post by checkers »

Ok then turn over a new leaf, if it gets bad again then ban this account.

Oh not making excuses, but I found out something really bad a few days ago so I might lash out randomly, personal family problems adi_gallia knows about them I dunno if I should say them though.
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Post by bonecrivain »

There's no need to even talk of banning right now. We have plenty of forum members who started out close to the spamming end of things, but after they settled down into the community and realized that the tone of Neocolours is a rather more mature one, they fit in well. I have no reason to think that you cannot do the same.

If you literally think that you cannot control the output and content of your posts, Checkers, then I don't know what to tell you. I do know that if you simply keep your temper in check and only post here when you have relevant things to say, in a few months' time this thread will be almost forgotten.
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Post by Spivsy »

Its a lot lot lot lot lot lot (6 is enough) harder to lash out on an online forum. You can just walk away. Try it, next time you feel like going out on the lash (heh) just walk. Away.
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Post by bonecrivain »

My life's hit some rough spots lately, too. That's partly why I haven't been around Neocolours much in the past few months: I knew it was better for me to just back away and deal with my personal troubles on my own.

Just because you can't see our faces doesn't mean it's okay to take out your personal issues on us. A lot of us go through tough times, but we generally try to either help each other out or take a break to sort things out on our own.
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Post by Ellie »

checkers wrote:First of shut the hell up, you don't know shit about me.

Second of all you're words are just easy ones that are long you stupid minded fool.
Words like: reluctance, deluge and stuff, not the thing an average 13 year old would know not everyone is well taught adult living in his/her mothers basement. I asked a few people my age that go to my school and they don't know what it means so why don't you zip it. Honestly, this site isn't worth the trouble I don't care personally but the way you're being getting all angry over the internet, now that is sad.
-raises hand- 'Deluge' is the hardest word there and it was one of my vocab words in 6th grade. It's definitely not a hard word.

If you don't think the site is worth the trouble, then why are you sticking around? You're probably embarrassing your brother by the way you're acting.

Oh, and I'm not an adult, nor do I live in my mother's basement, so please don't go around insulting people just because they know words that have more than 3 syllables.
Well, uhm...respect people who have been here longer? that rule is bull, so what if you've been here longer? I don't give a damn, noone does that's just a stupid thing to say really, Capitalising things doesn't make an effect, just point it out? the stupid parts right? yeah (: the reason they act 'FAR' more mature is because they are more maturely developed, they're older, they've been around the world longer.
I doubt she meant 'respect them because they've been here longer which makes them so much better than you'. You should respect them because they're nice, friendly people (unless you piss them off xDD) and they’re the ones who keep neocolours alive and interesting by posting. If someone randomly moved into your house and was a rude and annoying, how would you feel? That’s kind of how it is.

And once again, age is no guarantee to maturity or intelligence. No one here uses big words to show off or intimidate others. It’s just their normal vocabulary. Yes, they’re more mature because they’re older. Yes, they’ve seen more of the world. But that is definitely not the sole reason. They’re mature because they choose to be. They’re intelligent because they want to learn.

Sorry if that was all over the place and confusing. xDD
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Post by Zap »

Spivsy wrote:Its a lot lot lot lot lot lot (6 is enough) harder to lash out on an online forum. You can just walk away. Try it, next time you feel like going out on the lash (heh) just walk. Away.
Absolutely. Something that is often repeated is "think before you _____" ... act or speak or, on message boards, post.

I sometimes have to stop with what I'm writing and think "Hmm, is this wise?" "Is there any point to writing this?" or maybe "Is this just going to piss more people off or make them think less of me?" and I'll think better of it before clicking 'submit' and visit someplace else. I exercised that today, on this very thread, actually. :P
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Post by Silverevilchao »

Pariah wrote:
Spivsy wrote:Its a lot lot lot lot lot lot (6 is enough) harder to lash out on an online forum. You can just walk away. Try it, next time you feel like going out on the lash (heh) just walk. Away.
Absolutely. Something that is often repeated is "think before you _____" ... act or speak or, on message boards, post.

I sometimes have to stop with what I'm writing and think "Hmm, is this wise?" "Is there any point to writing this?" or maybe "Is this just going to piss more people off or make them think less of me?" and I'll think better of clicking 'submit' and visit someplace else. I exercised that today, on this very thread, actually. :P
One good way of letting off steam without posting is to write a post, then leave the page without submitting it. It keeps me from writing plenty of "meh"-ish posts. ;)
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Post by Trick »

Checkers, a lot of your posts on this thread are uncalled for and rude as I'm sure you know. I actually can't really blame you however, as reading this topic is enough to make me feel angry and attacked - and I'm not even you.

Checkers has made some mistakes, he broke a lot of rules to begin with. However, that has stopped. He's been rude but apologised when called out on it. He hasn't actually been much ruder than many "long standing" members but they of course don't get called out on it. He hasn't done anything to get me even remotely annoyed, and that's as a mod who's had to deal with some of it.

Quite frankly I'm sick of the bitching and picking on some members who are newer, act younger, and post as often as I used to. It's not fair and it makes the whole forum look like a bunch of bitchy snobs who no one can do good enough for or behave well enough for. My posting frequency is way, way down right now - it's an effort for me to post as the community feeling is quite gone as far as I'm concerned. This used to be a busy forum with lots of good discussion both neo and RL related where everyone was welcome, now I cringe at some of the comments directed towards some when those comments would *never* be directed at an older member - even if they did the exact same thing.

A user used to have to do a *lot* to merit action being taken, or banning to be even mentioned in the same breath as them. Never mind a thread where we can all take our pot shots and get to feel all superior as god forbid we've never done anything that anyone would find remotely annoying.

My opinion? Nothing should be done. He's done nothing hugely wrong, he's improving all the time and if he annoys you without breaking the rules? Don't read his posts. It's easy. Really.

I dunno, I honestly think I'm just about done here *shrugs*
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