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Post by Silverevilchao »

Kamil wrote:Use 'em to power the forum for the next month even.

Because Cheese is right: we would eat them.

Remember the one who stumbled over here accidentally when the first Ogrin pictures showed up and then went racing home to Mommy, sniveling, "Is this what Neo really is all about?" -- remember her?

And she didn't even stick around for the encore.

Yep. Eaten. Alive.
Ooohhh, yes, her.
*digs out excerpts from old forum*

Actually, which one? I recall there was at least two or more users:

Quoth "MemyselfandI":
Would you all fucking shut up for a damned moment? Think about this. You're all so incredibly biased towards this new pet. What if, for a fucking 5 minutes, you all pretended you liked it? Would that, perhaps, change your views?

Fuck you all and think about it for a while.

Some people might actually like it, but your comments would discourage them.
THIS was the idiot who stuck around:

Quoth Sarikestrafox:
Stop screaming "IHATEITIHATEITOMGEWWW". Stop chanting in a corner about it being a joke. Get some maturity.

I mean, I know twelve year-olds who behave better than this.
This is a reply to another post (you can view it <a href= ... 50>here</a>) by the same person as above:
If those are the only problems, then don't use the lab ray. Don't go to the pound. Simple. I put Sally there because she constantly looks as if her face should be in the dirt and her legs waving around in the air. Still, people love her. Stupid Chipmunk.

I mean, Tuskaninnies, Kacheeks, Usuls, Grundos, I hate them. Ugly little effers. I don't complain about seeing thousands of them around now, do I? No.
Thank you all for reminding me why I stick with my own kind.

Thank you also for reminding me why I stay away from Neopets Help sites in general.

I never said I loved it. Yes, there is plenty of room for improvement. Yes, it's neck is anatomically impossible. I like it. It's alright. It doesn't make me cringe in horror.

I'm not going off at you for expressing your opinions or even exaggerating. I'm annoyed that you all are jumping on the 'I hate it' bandwagon. Without even seeing the pet art.

And as a matter of fact? I think the lot of you are absolutely fucking hilarious.
Of course, both trolls were utterly flamed, then roasted over a fire with charred marshmallows.
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