For great justice, part 2

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Post by adi_gallia »

You've rated every pet!
I found that there are a lot of pets I don't like too, but mainly because of outdated art.

I really do not like Torrey, Ruffie, Charlie, Devonti, Harvester, Hikei, Turdle, Velosotor, Lasirus, Malticorn and Kora in their current states, to name a few. I'm sure if they were revamped my opinions would change as I like the idea of them, just not how they are at the moment.

However I think I like most Endeavors, Escalades, Cadogres, Tigreans, Aeanoids and Sheetas.

Also Graveyard pets. Need I say more? Look at them the Wyllop, Velosotor, Feli, Torrey, Terracoon, Swampie and Hikei are all terrible. Those are just the ones I can remember, please say that on Halloween the pets all get revamped or something. It really looks like when it comes to revamps people forgot these guys. I know these have potential too *pokes Graveyard Tutani and Endeavor*
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Post by hebdenhippy »

I can't wait to see the results of this, and I've also found it very interesting how few of the common posed pets I actually like. Basically, the only pets I am particularly fond of in their common pose are Dragarths, Magnus, Antlephores,, Swampies, Legeicas, Chais and Demis.

I've one around 500 pets, I may finish the rest later, but at least I've given some opinion. *Looks forward to results*
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Post by dandelions »

Each pet on the subeta pet viewer, when viewed by species or colour, now displays the average rating below it, since every pet now has an average. I don't plan to add them below pets when viewed individually for now, because this makes use of an existing query which isn't run for individual pets. I'm also about to add the top 3 and bottom 3 listings to the pet viewer.

Stats page due a bit later, when there are better statistics.
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Post by gomababe »

I like this a lot, it gives a quick view of what our forum members here think of the art of each individual pet without anyone having to slog through the Subeta forum ^_^.
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Post by adi_gallia »

Ooh, I really like this average under every pet thing. It's interesting to see that some pets I like/don't like and how they differ from the general opinion. Multiplying them by 20 gives a rating out of 100, I suppose no pet can get under 20%. I think Aqua's Endeavors look to be some of our favourites, Graveyard and Reborn both score fairly high.
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Post by Madge »

Well, uh, thanks for this feature, Jazzy.

You've made me go "oh my gosh, these pets are all so pretty, I want to own some!". Curse you. I'm MEANT to be studious!

*goes on blaming others for her problems when there exist quite a damn lot of people who are more than capable of playing internet pet sites in moderation*

Oh, and for what it's worth - I *LIKE* rating from 1 to 5. It's much more intuitive - 3 is average, 4 is good, 5 is great, 2 is bad, and 1 is awful. No more "is this a 5 or 6?", "what's the difference between 8 and 9, REALLY?" - it's easy! :)
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Post by dandelions »

Yeah, that's why I picked the scale - hate, dislike, neutral, like, love. On a 1-10 scale, I still instinctively go for 7 as "neutral" out of force of habit, too, which makes things even more confusing. (Our schoolwork was marked from 1-10, but it was normally impossible to get below a 5 so 7 was roughly average.)

I can't say after rating that my opinions did change that much, though I was amazed at how bad some of the Graveyard pets are. Think my favourite is this one:

(Also: I got your postcard yesterday, yay - thank you!)
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Post by Twofold Black »

AngharadTy wrote:Scribble pets make me giggle foolishly.
This is how I determine how to rate scribble pets, since art quality is not an object with them. It makes me go 'hee!', like the Fester or that look on the Kerubi's face, it gets a four. If it makes me go 'urgh' like the Velosotor or the Keeto it gets a one or a two. If it's the Mortiking it gets a five.

I'm having fun looking at the ratings, though there aren't a lot of surprises. On the whole we hate chibi pets and love galactic and reborn pets. Shocker. ;) There are a few surprises, like I wasn't expecting the reborn Ontra to be rated so low when I think it's one of the most interestingly creepy reborn pets -- what is wrong with you people! Fix it!
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Post by Jessi »

Whee, having fun with my voting, even though there's a lot of pets I don't like that a bunch of people do (ie, I hate the tutani and voted appropriately). Ah well, this is helping me reaffirm that none of my pets need new paint jobs or species changes.
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Post by daisybell »

The reborn ontra looks like it's constipated, or squatting to have a poo.

I'm finding that I don't like any dawn or sun pets at all, and there a lot of species I just don't like. Especially Torreys and Malticorns.
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Post by dandelions »

Starting to pull the stats together, and I am very surprised that the Ghostly is not in the bottom ten pets. Does it have some redeeming redraws, or something?

Also, could someone who can see the version of the ratings page which says "You've rated __ pets" tell me if it's working correctly and now saying something like "You've rated __ pets out of 1091"?
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Post by thelonetiel »

You have currently rated 8 pets out of 1091.
Seems to be working, Jazzy. =)
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Post by adi_gallia »

dandelions wrote:Starting to pull the stats together, and I am very surprised that the Ghostly is not in the bottom ten pets. Does it have some redeeming redraws, or something?
My only explanation is the Spectrum Ghostly. It is quite a nice pet and Huggles has one called Neocolours, so maybe we all have a soft spot for them. :P Aside from Galactic, Spectrum is the only Ghostly colour I remember giving over 3. I think I gave Graveyard and Angelic 3. Most of the others were 1 or two.

I'm guessing that Ruffie, Velosotor, Torrey and Malticorn made the bottom ten? Those truly are bad right now. Velosotors have a revamp coming up though, so it may change if you manage to allow us to resubmit votes for after revamps.
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Post by Aqua »

*looks at the ratings of her pets* Fun to see. As I figured, the endeavors are most popular. Not quite as much the other three, but I don't mind since I tend to draw pets that were already less popular (or in the Illumis' case, a bug *sort of wishes she could update its art a bit XD*).
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Post by Cranberry »

I've only rated 100 so far, but I'll do more! I want to rate them aaaalllll. I'm giving a lot of 1s and 2s -- if it's gold, chibi, nuclear, graveyard, aerie, cybill, devonti, donadak, feli, ghostly, harvester, kanis, keeto, lasirus, mallarchy, malticorn, ruffie (UGH), or warador, it's probably getting a low rating from me (there are a few nice redraw exceptions). I'm sure my ratings would change were these pets revamped, though, so I hope it's not too hard to code it so we're able to re-vote on those. :)
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