Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by hebdenhippy »

Speckled is ok, I think there are too many spots, but the wings look pretty.

Mutant is AWESOME, I want one so much! It looks so evil and it's so unusual and I WANT it!!!!
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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by varii »

Nogitsune wrote:
varii wrote:I cannot wait to see the big version. :)
Thanks to the user AliceSuttle, your wish is granted above :)
:D It is even more wonderful all big. I love any pet post 2.0 that has a facial expression. It is my new redraw. And I just love the entire face on this thing. It really looks like it would be tearing meat off of a fat little Kacheek it just took down and I love it. I love all the detail in the patterns and the bits of scales. I don't care that it wouldn't be able to fly with those silly little wings. I'd rather imagine them talon like making up for those hooves anyway. I don't think there is anything I don't like about it.
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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by Huggles »

Mutant isn't so much mutated as it is a freaking dragon. Hippogyrph dragon. I love everything but the mane and the fact that it has an eyrie head and not a dragon's, though no fault of its own.
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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by Fury »

Nogitsune wrote:
varii wrote:I cannot wait to see the big version. :)
Thanks to the user AliceSuttle, your wish is granted above :)
Aww, thank you, haha! But I found them both on Jellyneo.net who apparently nabbed them. ;D

MUTANT IS SO AWESOME. It's wonderful to see such a creative pet at this stage! It's really well drawn and the detail is brilliant. If I didn't already have a fancy Royal Eyrie, I'd start zapping for this.

Speckled is always just a "Oh, that's nice" pet for me but I don't think they did such a good job on this one. The spots on the mane seem to follow in the same footsteps as the old speckled pets (too big, too cartoon like) but I'd never be excited about owning a speckled pet anyway.
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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by Arbor »

I like the speckles on the wing that lead into nearly all white wing tips. And the faint green speckles on there. Otherwise, speckled tanks pretty spectacularly, as far as speckled pets go.

Mutant. Wow, TnT. Pets like this one make me /so/ frustrated with the rest of them. Way to prove that you have some ability. And also prove, for the millionth time, that the majorty of the art on neopets is just lazy. I love the colours and the forelegs, especially. I'm not sure if I like or dislike the plated skull. Part of me is like, "YES. IT'S AWESOME." And then another part is questioning the necessity or aesthetic value of it. The only part I don't like... I don't understand the eye shape.


oh. Wait. After pressing my nose up on the screen and staring at it.. does it have two eyes?

That didn't translate very well at all. I thought they had a slitted pupil. Yeah, the eye is the only area I'm not fond of. Otherwise, a fantastic pet. *_*
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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by 23639377 »

Coolest. Mutant. EVER. Oh, TNT, I thought you were dead. O_O Your eyrie makes me HATE the rest of the mutants. I thought mutant peophins were good but now they became so ugly to me. I even hate my mutant eyrie too. I MUST MORPH him into one.

The speckled goes the opposite way as the mutant. It's too lazily drawn. The pattern's no cool.
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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by champagnesoup »

Mutant is very cool! Not as good as the mutant Draik but pretty close!

Speckled is lazy but not too bad - what happened to the natural pattern we saw on the Grundo?
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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by mellaka »

I like a lot of mutant pets but this eyrie isn't one of them. It's nice to see the Neo artists trying to work with limited poses, etc., but I guess its body looks too shiny to me. I don't comment on too many colors because I don't feel that I have the vocabulary for it, so I'm not really sure what I'm trying to say about it. I do really like its wings though.

And it makes me wish I could see a pre-revamp version, which ... mutant pets just annoy me in general now, I guess. (I have a mutant draik.) It bugs me so much that they lost their great artwork yet are still limited to the same rules as UC pets for customization. All of them should've stayed UC.
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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by Omg Its Demi »

I must have that mutant! *stares at it* Hee it's nose reminds me of a carrot :3
And I love the speckled!! Ahh!! x3
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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by Tom »

The mutant doesn't really do anything for me. For me the problem is that it just looks so generic in its mutations. It doesn't scream Eyrie to me at all, it screams 'two eyes, scaled body, cloven hooves', not Eyrie. It doesn't feel as if they've taken into consideration what species it is, just added unrelated mutations to a random Neopet. Whereas something like the Gnorbu, for example, is obviously a drooling, smelly, bare Gnorbu, which I find quite clever, the Peophin, which I also am not a fan of, appears to have received random modifications with little sensitivity to the species. Looking over the mutants did, however, make me laugh, specifically looked at the post-customisation Tonu. Its poor head. :(
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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by Louboutins »

Tom wrote:The mutant doesn't really do anything for me. For me the problem is that it just looks so generic in its mutations. It doesn't scream Eyrie to me at all, it screams 'two eyes, scaled body, cloven hooves', not Eyrie.
I totally agree. I'm pretty disappointed to be honest. Eyrie's are my favourite pet, and I did hope for something a little nicer. The mutant is well-drawn, don't get me wrong. Seeing it large makes me love it slightly more and I really do love the eyes, but it's barely recognisable as an eyrie, and I think that's what's bothering me.

TNT killed my passion for eyries when they massacred darigan, and now they're really not helping themselves..

Oh! I do love Robin Hood and Rocker Eyrie clothing though xD
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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by Usul_Princess »

I do like the Mutant Eyrie. A LOT. But I do know what tom means about being generic. I don't like the mutant peophin or buzz because it seems so random, but nothing is as terrible and random as the grarrl:

Before: Image -------> After:Image

HAHA, it looks like it had a tragic accident with a steam roller!

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by Larkspurlane »

I wonder if the same artist did the mutant peophin? There are some stylistic similarities between them, incl. the weird choice of mutations.

I love the detail of the patterns on its skin. The stripey darker green lines on its thigh and tail especially, they really follow the contours of the body nicely. Love how they're echoed in its cheek too. That's a level of detail I haven't seen in ages. & then you have speckled where the dots are obnoxiously round and no effort was made to elongate them to show they're being viewed at an angle or anything. w/e.

I wonder why they decided to make the clawed feet the hind ones and the hoofed ones the fore. It would've made more sense to me the other way around so it could hold stuff in its claws or something? Or maybe not, I do like the idea of it rearing and landing some vicious blows with those sharp hooves too.

I didn't notice there were supposed to be 4 eyes on this critter until someone mentioned it. I would've preferred it just as a devious looking slit pupil, I think. Don't like the beak either, it looks stumpy & like all this gunk would collect between the chinks after eating :P

I kinda want one though :D
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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by Goldenchaos »

I want one..

D: D:

oh..wow. I never knew the Mutant Grarrl got even uglier
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Re: Speckled and Mutant Eyrie

Post by Anna the Red »

I quite like the Speckled actually. And as for the Mutant, it is way neat. I didn't even think Neo could DO pets like this anymore! It looks so cunning and malevolent.

Not sure if I'd get one though, but that's also because it takes me forever to decide if I like a pet or not.
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