Robot Pteri

For discussion of new pet colours- speculation and discussion of colours in general should be placed in New Features or Misc.
oh em gee
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Post by oh em gee »



those missiles coming out of it's wings in the attack pose completely won me over.

*thumbs up to TNT* (for once xD)

i adore this, although i'm not going too be target zapping for it. but if i run across a nicely named pteri, and he happens to turn robot, well... =D
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Post by Moonstruck »

Wow! This is very nice! *tries not to be tempted into getting one at some point*
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Post by Deku »

I like the different coloured eyes and I think they should be standard for all robot pets (they are for a few, yay). I love the missiles, the random red electricity, the screws, bolts, etc being hit away, and the cool wing-shield thing.'s so big! For some reason it gives me a headache x_x I'm definitely not a fan of the colouring either; there are *SO* many robot pets that are just silver and red (and although this isn't exactly red it's very close) and green, and it's just getting old. We need some more unique ones, like the Moehog and Kau. Why does TNT think every robot needs to red, silver and green? O_o It doesn't make any sense.

Overall the lack of original colouring and the bigness, and the fact it's a Pteri and I don't really like Pterii, ruin it for me. 4/10.
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Post by Akjara »

Wow, this is the best Pteri ever! And I'm normaly not a big fan of Pteris. I have to show that to a friend who has one. *g*

Funny that so many don't like the colour because that's what I like especially good. The brown reminds me that it is a robotbird. *g*
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Post by AngharadTy »

Deku wrote:I'm definitely not a fan of the colouring either; there are *SO* many robot pets that are just silver and red (and although this isn't exactly red it's very close) and green, and it's just getting old. We need some more unique ones, like the Moehog and Kau. Why does TNT think every robot needs to red, silver and green? O_o It doesn't make any sense.

The coloring seems very unique, to me.

There's silver, but hell, robots are metal--they're generally going to have either silver or gold. And there's quite a few gold robots. So, silver may not be <i>innovative</i>, but there's a very good reason they use it. And they do use a few varieties of silver.

The green is only on they eyes, and therefore not in every pose.

There's also the blue, which isn't on any other robot pet (although the Wocky is very similar, and I'm too lazy to open Photoshop to compare the differences).

But really, the main thing I disagree with you about is the red. It's such a different red that it stands out as a completely unique color, when you look at all the robots.
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Post by Guest »

I think it's the shades of red and blue they used that I don't like. It somehow reminds me of stale raspberry chocolate muffins.
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Post by Happy »

Wow. This is the second best description of what a robot pet is right after robot ixi
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Post by Bunglejub »


I love, Love, LOVE it!

It's probably been said, but it looks like the ultimate BD pet. Laser beam thingy, missiles, shield. It's probably my fave robot pet.
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Post by Kuroro »

I love it! I love the beaten pose too. :D
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Post by Madge »


The beaten pose made me think of this:


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Post by Illuen »

Madge, want to have my babies NOW? I know you told me no the last 7928 times, but this time is different. You have completed me.
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Post by phoebemittens »

I... almost love it. Almost.

it's shiny, and inventive, and a nice colour. I just hate the turquoise and green in the happy & circle poses.

Turquoise OR green, fine. But I like that the eyes change colour, and without the turquoise the battleposes would be a bit plain... so I don't know how you would fix that, but for me it's a niggle.
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Post by Trick »

Very, very gorgeous. If I had to have a robot pet then this would be it! I love the colour scheme and the whole pet just has bags of character.

A wonderful addition to the robot pets and another fantastic pteri. Top marks from me for this one ^__^
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Post by Farseek »

I like it a lot :D

Nice colors, some great poses, and shiny too!

I love the way the eyes change color based on mood, the wing turning into a shield, the chest laser and the flying bolts in the hit pose.
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Post by Riddler »

Yay, I'mma just going to echo everyone else here and say this pteri rawks ^^

BD poses are obviously the better, but the moods aren't too bad either - like Saturn said, I too luff the way they managed to keep the bird pudgy yet sleek 'n' shiny. I reckon the size of the wings helps that along too.

I don't see what the big problem with colour is; the rusty red is very unique and nice to see on a robot. The blue could maybe be tuned down a bit but it's not like the two clash together.

I'm having slight issues with the happy pose's head too, though - methinks it could be because it doesn't look attached to the body o.O

Had the mood poses been a bit more dynamic this'd be the perfect pet for me. As is, I'll only ever bother target-zapping if I want a battling pet, which isn't likely =P Kudos to deserving artist(s), though.
Thanks to Twisted for the awesome set!
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