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Posted: 11 Feb 2006 02:50 am
by Wingsrising
Huh. The things I miss by not reading other forum members' LJs.

Frankly, just as well.

I didn't even know there WAS a NC chat.

Again, probably just as well. There's just something I don't like about chat.

I feel compelled to point out that anything Jazzy or any other mod may have done or said that annoyed someone in Illuen's LJ, or anyplace not on the NC forum proper, is totally irrelevant to the topic at hand. I believe the point was to ask how members felt about modding on this forum (and maybe on the_NC), not to declare open season on the mod team.

Do I want to know what people are saying about banning, or is it irrelevant?

Sorry, I seem to have a low annoyance threshold this evening. Busy week at work.

Posted: 11 Feb 2006 02:54 am
by AngharadTy
Well, it's not so much an official NC chat as a bunch of us who might be on MSN and/or AIM and one of us (often Enri) will pull the others in and we end up spazzing about random stuff. Anyone's welcome to join, as long as they're on MSN or AIM talking to one of us at the time. *shrugs*

Posted: 11 Feb 2006 02:54 am
by Settingshadow
Dittoes *everything* Windrising said.
Except replace "work" with "school"

In addition, this is super-nosy, but I kind of would have liked to know that things with elfwoman99 were resolved, as it made me a little uncomfortable (not that I thought Jazzy was wrong, but it made me want to avoid posts where there might be conflict between them.) Not like a separate post or anything, just past posts edited to "Personal Issue Now Resolved" or some such.

Posted: 11 Feb 2006 03:53 am
by Figment
Wingsrising wrote:Huh. The things I miss by not reading other forum members' LJs.

Frankly, just as well.

I didn't even know there WAS a NC chat.

Again, probably just as well. There's just something I don't like about chat.

I feel compelled to point out that anything Jazzy or any other mod may have done or said that annoyed someone in Illuen's LJ, or anyplace not on the NC forum proper, is totally irrelevant to the topic at hand. I believe the point was to ask how members felt about modding on this forum (and maybe on the_NC), not to declare open season on the mod team.

Do I want to know what people are saying about banning, or is it irrelevant?

Sorry, I seem to have a low annoyance threshold this evening. Busy week at work.
Thanks, bgryph, for saying this. It's what I wanted to say. People keep bringing up issues that they are having in livejournal or in their personal chats. Which, as far as I'm concerned, is none of my business. I am not active on livejournal these days, and I'm too busy with school to spend time in the chats. Even if I were highly active offsite, how I behave in other contexts shouldn't have any bearing on my small role as moderator here.

That said, I DO try to make myself available on messenger and via email or PM, and if anyone has any issues with my moderator or problems with the forum, I encourage them to get in touch with me or any of the other mods. We can't resolve anything if we don't know if or when people are having problems. Just because I can see your IP addresses doesn't mean I can read your minds! If you've got problems, it's better to address them than to let them fester.

Posted: 11 Feb 2006 03:54 am
by Wingsrising
AngharadTy wrote:Well, it's not so much an official NC chat as a bunch of us who might be on MSN and/or AIM and one of us (often Enri) will pull the others in and we end up spazzing about random stuff. Anyone's welcome to join, as long as they're on MSN or AIM talking to one of us at the time. *shrugs*
That's actually sort of what I figured. I didn't think there was an official super-secret NC chat from which I was being excluded. :-)

Like I said, I'm not really into AIM/MSN. There's something about it I find off-putting. It's like the conversations take too long to keep me interested but not long enough for me to get something productive done in the background. I really know almost nothing about it, as Aurinona can testify when she tried to give me some Wockies to lab last weekend. :-) (First I realized I had forgotten both my AIM username and password and had to make a new one, then I had to figure out how to add her as a contact in Trillian... of course, first I had to figure out to to add MYSELF to Trillian...)

Hmm. I was just thinking the drama on the site has decreased from the heydays of Ginger and Carly. Apparently it's just moved to people's LJs and into IM. :-P Can't say I'm displeased by this development.

Posted: 11 Feb 2006 06:24 am
by bonecrivain
Just to bring the topic back to the original one (since I agree that personal, outside-NC stuff is not terribly relevant here), I was also very uncomfortable when Doug's post disappeared. But I PMed Ty right away, and she told me her reasons for deleting it, so I was a little more okay with it. I think it would have been a good idea at the time to have had a post saying "Doug requested his thread deleted, so I did so, etc." I just like knowing what's going on, really. (Don't like being left out of the loop and all that.)

But I think you guys are all fantastic mods. :)

And in completely unrelated news, I just looked at the (white) couch cushion next to me, and it has red pen all over it. Grr. Roommates. I'm supposed to be selling these couches in a few months...

Posted: 11 Feb 2006 01:32 pm
by Trick
Well I only know about stuff onsite which I also agree is the only relevant stuff and I'm totally happy with the mods here. I do think it's better for whole threads/splits to be locked with a reason rather than deleted but that's just so everyone has a chance to see both the thread and the reason it was locked so nobody feels like "hruh?". Not that that thread has any merit in being able to be read but it clears up confusion.

But that was a teeny thing, I'm really comfortable with the mods here which I think is the most important thing. If I have a problem on another forum then I'm not as likely (at all) to PM a mod, or if I do I have to wait for one of the good approachable ones to be online. Here it wouldn't matter who I PMed, even if I don't know a mod as well I know they are all as approachable and fair as each other. I like the fact that mods here are just like ordinary users really ^^

I've modded a (horrible bitchy) forum before and I know how thankless the job can be but this is the most comfortable forum I've ever been a member of. So um, yes - cookies for all :)

Posted: 11 Feb 2006 03:11 pm
by Kantark
*echoes the sentiments of Trick and Wingsrising*

No problems, no issues, as far as I know. The deleted thread on the old board regarding Neolodge confused me for a day or so until someone made a reference to it in another thread and I realised it'd been deleted. I don't think it was exactly a great loss.

I didn't realise that tempers were running higher on private LJs/MSN etc, but what's off the board stays off the board as far as I'm concerned.

So...ummm, yeah - carry on! This is still one of my favourite places on the net :)

Posted: 11 Feb 2006 08:42 pm
by Fjorab_Teke
I'm in the dark about it, and despite "trainwreck curiosity" I really don't want to know.

I'm the kind of person who doesn't play well with rude people...if I see something really rude or offensive, it turns me into a raging angry poster with nothing good to say. :P It's why I'm not in the LJ community, as there are members who I don't get along with. (and I need to catch up with my LJ, I've practically half-abandoned it because I've been so tired and busy...and terribly grouchy)

But to the actual topic at hand, I like all the mods here and think they do a wonderful job. And I think it's understandable (at least to a degree) that ANYONE will have certain feelings toward other people if they've managed to consistently annoy/offend. It's one reason I wouldn't be a good mod: I'm too easily annoyed/offended. :P

Posted: 25 Feb 2006 09:53 pm
by TCD
Sorry for bumping this up after so long....but I feel obligated, after a....confrontation...with one of the Jack mods to express my appreciation to y'all here. You aren't mods unless you HAVE to be, and even then you're polite about it. I know, also a little late for warm fuzzies, but seriously, y'all are rock stars and you shouldn't change the way you are.

*big dragon hug*

Re: An open discussion on the moderating team.

Posted: 25 Feb 2006 11:49 pm
by Xelio
Jazzy wrote:there's no public feedback forum right now. (That's another thing- do you want one of those? All I remember it really being used for was strange attacks and Russian spam.)
As far as I'm concerned, couldn't public feedback go on this board? I don't see where that'd be such a problem.

Oh, and while I'm at it, the mods do a stellar job. The only thing I see that needs to be changed is that you need your custom titles back.

Posted: 26 Feb 2006 01:06 am
by AngharadTy
Hee, we just fixed that a day or two ago. ^_^

Posted: 27 Feb 2006 01:00 am
by Umbreonmog
What I'm saying is all very general (and kinda late), as I've not been following this livejournal drama at all, it's just my personal commentary on this forum community. I don't even know how to access the journals of the people in question, heh.

I think the mods here are doing awesomely. While I understand the issue with deleting threads, compared to other forums I've observed the mods here are absolute angels. They don't ban people lightly, I've never seen them lock something with no good reason, they don't overimpose stupid nitpicky rules, they don't flaunt their power, and they also do their job when necessary. I'm quite happy with our mods, and while they haven't been perfect little angels, they've been as good as I would ever expect a human to be.

It really saddens me that we can't seem to escape drama, but I think I've come to accept it as something that's inevitable in almost any community. When you get a lot of people together some people are going to disagree. I personally tend to bottle this up in all but extreme cases. There honestly are members here I dislike, but I lock that up. I am, in fact, capable of having a huge temper, and it's been a necessary thing for me to do in internet situations. I have never really found a perfect community where no one ever irritates me and no one ever irritates each other, I even have minor issues with people in my WoW guild, even though I adore my guild. Er... I guess the point I'm meandering towards here is that, drama is something that we're never going to be able to completely quash, as it's human nature when you have a large group such as this with diverging personalities and interests. However, even if we aren't perfect I think that we are doing magnificently well in dealing with it here, much better than many forums, and overall I find this one of the friendliest and most open communities out there.

Relevant or not, that's my two cents on the drama topic.