Possible Feli Revamp - Now official revamp

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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Monkeyguy »

I think it is nice. The head seems a little big and the muzzle sort of looks too small next to the hugeness of the eyes.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Jessi »

...wow, I STILL hate it. It doesn't look like a hooker anymore, but I still hate it. The head is HUGE, while the muzzle is too small and not proportionate to the head-size at all - and what the hell is with the giant ass chest fluff? Why? Why does it need to have boobs? It looks like she's squeezing her breasts together to give herself massive amounts of cleavage. Not attractive at all, cat.

Something about the shading just doesn't look right to me - it looks too bland on the bright orange and too feathery and over-shaded on the annoying chest fluff. Also, I know cats sit that way - I watch mine sit that way all the time - but they don't usually sit with their toes daintily on the floor. It looks like it's in danger of breaking its wrist.

And this has a lot to do with how its sitting, but the wing looks like it's coming out of it's neck, rather than its shoulder.

Will they ever get this stupid cat right?

ETA - Damnit, I am SO fucking sick of staff and ex-staff's attitudes on this site all the time. You post your opinion, and because it seems 90% of the people who work for this site cannot take criticism (REAL professional), you get jumped on. Why bother polling for the fucking pet when you're going to insult anyone who gives their opinion?

Last edited by Jessi on 27 Jun 2008 05:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Goldenchaos »

Well, it IS better...in so far as the pose. And yea, the muzzle does look small, as does the body a bit.

Oh and the wing looks like its coming out of the cheek.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Luxe »

Jessi, I'm sorry if you find my behavior unprofessional, but I'm hardly the one to be in a position to need to be professional anymore. Please don't blame current staff for my douchebaggery. It's hardly fair.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Jessi »

It's not just you Luxe, though I think your remark was a little rude. It's the reaction to every update lately, especially with this pet. I know you're not under any obligation to BE professional, but since people still do and always will associate you with once being staff on site, it certainly comes across as a bit more unprofessional than the average user.

And for the record, my boobs ARE big enough where I can see cleavage in that, trust me ^_~
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Sunwolf »

The pose is excellent, I especially like the tail and feet. It fact, if you take the Sex Kitten revamp's head and stick it on this body, it would be perfect.

But other than that, it looks like the wing is coming out of its cheek, and its head is too big and oddly proportioned. The ears don't look "catlike" and the nose is really tiny. The chest fluff is annoying, kind of like it has a feather boa between its paws. I hate chest fluff on pets sooo much >_<

Maybe the same Artist who draws the Celinox can also draw the Feli? They have a great grasp of feline anatomy.

EDIT: I have to ask, what on earth is wrong with these Felis? They are lovely, proportionate, and have minimum chest fluff.


Did the Artist/s of these get fired or something? Because any of these styles would make fine revamps.
Last edited by Sunwolf on 27 Jun 2008 06:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Foghawk »

The impression it gives me is that it's been... stretched vertically. I resized it to 200x175, and it looked almost normal, save the massive amounts of fluff. I don't like this one at all - especially the lack of proportion, attachment of the wing (and lack of other wing) and the back leg, which looks like it's not properly attached to the body and is liable to collapse and/or fall off as soon as the Feli stands up. The tail kinda bothers me too; it looks as if it's not really resting on the ground. Honestly, I kinda liked the hooker!Feli, but I can't stand this one.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Elzaim »

I... don't like it. at all.

When I first saw it I thought it was a re-vamped CHIBI feli - the head looks soo huge compared to the body. The pose is kinda akward too - I mean, my cats sit like that all the time, but the forced perspective seems too forced. I also agree that the muzzle looks far too small, and there are several other things that look just 'wrong' with it. I also LOATHE the chest 'boob' fur. Animals don't have a line of fur that parts their middles like that, and I don't see why the re-vamps are so adament on keeping the fur looking like that. The shading does look rushed or off too - like the lighting source isn't clearly defined.

I really don't like it. I also agree with jessi - when will they ever get the feli right?!
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Goldenchaos »

Oh, I DO like the chest colouring, though it comes off a bit looking like down feather, it's still very nicely done. And fluffy.

I did give it a bit of a redline


The perspective is off on my redline, I bet. I made the muzzle bigger and chest fluff smaller, and moved the wing a bit over.. don't shoot me. |:
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Jessi »

I think yours looks even more like boobs, Nyau, to be honest xD The way it's fluffing over - you made it very round, so now it really looks like a D-cup woman wearing a push-up bra xD Sorry!
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Goldenchaos »

Jessibean: .xD Oops. And now that I look at it again, they do look to boob-ish. @_x


Um, there, it had an operation to reduce its breast size. @_@

The muzzle I put on it looks like a bear's kind of. Oh well.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Seerow »

It may possibly be the monitor I'm using right now, its a widescreen, but this looks REALLY stretched. Its really tall and narrow. Reminds me of a Rail Bird to be honest....

The odd stretching aside, this is better then the first revamp. I pretty much agree with what everyone above has said: head size, muzzle, wings. The first thought that crossed my mind when I saw the chest fluff wasn't "Holy crap why does it have boobs?!" but "Why the hell is a cat wearing a large ass feather boa?!" I can see the boobs there now, but I see it as a large feather boa for the main part. It really needs to be toned down some, and reduced in size to resemble the Darkmatter, Reborn, or Spectrum ones someone posted above.

I do like the new shaggy legs and the front paws though, even if the upraised paw isn't exactly realistic, I like it anyway.

Subeta is down (ohh look, huge surprise there) so I can't read the news comments :(

Edit: Nope, wasn't the comp I was using. The pet is really vertically stretched/compressed :?
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Silverevilchao »

This is even worse than the last one.

The muzzle is too small, the head is too big for the body, the wing is attached incorrectly, and chest fluff is too much, and the legs in the back look too thin in comparison to the legs in the front...in fact, the entire back half is too small and thin in comparison to the front half. I'm going to go gouge my eyes out with spoons now.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by AngharadTy »

It's a feather boa to me, too. I like Goldenchaos's second fluff-redline.

Apart from that, every single complaint I have has already been mentioned here. Cheek-wing and squished-compressed-Feli and everything. Though, there's something that bugs me about the Feli's left front paw (to our right) and I can't put my finger on it.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Kamil »

I really like everything about darkmatter - the pose, the proportions, even the plaguey wings don't annoy me as much as usual - and I think it would be nifty if maybe the new Feli looked like that,

And then darkmatter could be redrawn to look different in due course. Or not. It'd hardly be the only dm pet to not have a redraw. ^^
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