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Posted: 16 Jun 2007 04:55 pm
by Goldenchaos
Where can I get me one of those, Madge. :o Sounds like they are worth the money.. it ONLY for the DS Lite? :\

Posted: 16 Jun 2007 08:01 pm
by Huggles
Yes, I am completely confused and too lazy to research things on my own. Please elaborate, Madge. This is just an adapter card system and not some rigged ds? The only thing I glanced over was being able to play music and movies. This would indeed make my ds awesome. When I first purchased mine I saw a kit for an Opera browser thingamajig; it was Japanese, $50, and only spoke Engrish, so I decided it was better left at the store.

Posted: 16 Jun 2007 09:24 pm
by daisybell
It's possible to get perfectly legal bits of kit to play mp3s through your DS from SD cards- they fit in the GBA cart slot, I think; they should be easy enough to find on somewhere like Amazon, though you need to buy the cards for storage too.

Posted: 16 Jun 2007 11:57 pm
by Madge
There's nothing illegal about an M3 DS Simply - there are plenty of open source and freeware games for it (example: nethack, though the version for DS is very hard to play). That's what you're meant to use it for, you're definitely not MEANT to use it for piracy.

It basically is a slot 1 (DS cart slot) device that looks and functions exactly like a normal game cartridge.

All you need to do, Huggles, is to buy an "M3 DS Simply", generally from an online store - I got mine from because the american site I was going to get it from would have charged me US$60 shipping because I live in Australia.

Then all you need is a "MicroSD Card", I bought mine from eBay but you can get them pretty much anywhere. They come in 1 gig and 2 gig variants; there's no difference except of course for size. If you want music you probably want a 2 gig. Just make sure you get a *micro* SD card, not an SD card or a "mini" SD Card.

Then you just have to spend about 20 minutes figuring out the instructions to install the firmware, and that's it. (The instruction manual is a bit hard to understand, but I could figure it out and my friend Mikey could figure it out, and you're smarter than both of us put together, Huggles, so you should be fine :))

There are other things than the M3 DS Simply, but it's what I have, and it's very good.

Here's the site I was originally going to get my Simply from which was recommended to me by a friend. The only reason I didn't buy it from them was because they insisted on using a courier to do international orders which would've cost $60. And it seems that the website in question has $5 off during June, so that's pretty good.

As for things that fit in the GBA slot, my friend Otter has one and he says it's a lot more complicated than a Simply; granted, he bought his a year or so ago, so there's probably been more advancements in the GBA slot devices since then.

Posted: 17 Jun 2007 03:15 am
by Huggles
Oooh. So the m3 is the adapter for the DS and the microSD card is like a tiny stick of flash memory. For some reason I wasn't making the connection before. I used to keep up to date on all the latest gadgets and things, but then I got my pc from Alienware. Everything was so much better than my old pos, I wasn't and still am not able to come up with 4k for a newer one anytime soon, that I haven't even bothered. 2 gigs seems like enough considering I have zero legal or illegal mp3s at the moment.

I have a Sony mp3 player, but I obviously don't use it and only kept it because it was a gift. When I'm done pouring cash into updating my bedroom, I'll have to check those out. It'd be nice to just stay down to 2 devices, my phone and my DS. I pretty much bought my cell phone purely for looks and because it shares the same name of a close online friend of mine(a pink Sprint Katana). So, it became obsolete about a week after I bought it. There's currently no mp3 system for it that I can find yet, but I haven't looked all that hard because it's got crappy battery life compared to my DS.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 03:27 pm
by ladynight6
I just bought my new DS Lite White. It's so pretty! :) I only have one game so far: Super Mario Bros. Anyone got any good game suggestions for me?
Also does anyone know anything about car charger adapters?

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 09:02 pm
by Joey
Pokemon has a good chance of sucking your soul away, so I'd recommend that of course. Both Phoenix Wright games get rave reviews but I haven't played either due to soul sucking.

Super Princess Peach is good if you want a ridiculously easy playthrough that lasts less then a week, but otherwise skip it. It was fun, but it has no replay value whatsoever.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 09:11 pm
by AngharadTy
I love Rocket Slime. It's pretty easy, though the later tank battles can get really difficult. And it's full of puns.

Meteos is the best puzzle game ever. Ever. I love puzzle games. (My second favorite puzzle game is Puzzle Pirates' bilging, or maybe Bejeweled, they're almost the same thing.)

Lunar Knights is a great game, a little on the easy side, again, but it's got a fun fighting/magic system. Some of the dungeons are a bit tricky.

Warioware: Touched, and Feel the Magic XY/XX and Rub Rabbits, are really fun games because they're composed entirely of quirky minigames. Really super mini games, I mean; some of 'em only take a second or two. It's all about reflexes, hehe.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 10:02 pm
by nanabobo567
I, Mr. Has-Almost-Every-Pokémon would of course recommend Pokémon, but I also recommend:
Super Mario 64 DS, for all the fun of the original N64 game with extras for people who already beat it!
Animal Crossing Wild World has a chance of destroying your life.
Mario Kart DS is fun even if you don't have the game! Many a bus ride has become an all-out shell-shooting, ink-squirting, banana-throwing brawl, and I never owned it in my life!
Final Fantasy III for the freaks who like that kind of crap. Yeah. Those weird people who still can't get a Gold Chocobo on VII for their lives... *whistles innocently*
If you like shooters, Metroid's your thing. Not my cup of tea, but whatever.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 10:15 pm
by ladynight6
Yay! Thank you for the recommendations! FFIII and Lunar Knights look pretty interesting. Gonna look for those, when I got moneys... I was looking for the pokemon games today, but they didnt have the newest ones. And I didnt realize until I got home that the GBA versions can be plugged into the DS...*headdesk*

Posted: 19 Jun 2007 06:12 am
by Anubimon
Elite Beat Agents is amazing if you have any interest in rhythm games. Really fun and a great quirky plot to go along with it.

Posted: 19 Jun 2007 02:13 pm
by Goldenchaos
Yoshis Island DS! Because, its the second best platform game, ever (The first being the SNES version) and its very very challenging in the later levels. And its so fun to play.

Posted: 19 Jun 2007 02:16 pm
by Spivsy
Meteos is a kickass puzzle game, and you can make yourself look good by just waving the stylus on the screen rapidly.

Posted: 19 Jun 2007 05:08 pm
by ladynight6
Aaaah so many games and so little money! XD I managed to find Lunar Knights today. Fun game! :) Except is it meant to have data in save files? o.O My info booklet is in dutch... Ack! *headdesk* Anyone know if there are those info booklet thingies online?
Every place I went to FFIII was sold out... :( There were all the others... Are the others as good? I, II and IV?

edit: I figured it out. I think they gave me a game that had been returned... o.O Now that's just nice isnt it?

Posted: 19 Jun 2007 08:40 pm
by Joey
IV was pretty cool, but if you can find VI, it's much better then IV IMO. I've also heard good things about V, and I wouldn't put down I - III, I just haven't played any of them yet. But definitely go for VI.