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Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 12:55 am
by Larkspurlane
Xelio wrote:I can't wait to get to the point I can chain for shinies. At least, we'd better be able to chain shiny pokemon in this game. I'm an addict for that.
Hi I'm a pokenub and I have no idea what this means @_@

Reading this thread makes me feel like there's a crapload more potential for OCD obsessiveness than I originally thought there could be in pokemon games... oi!

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 02:09 am
by AngharadTy
Pokeradar is a way to get a higher chance of seeing shiny pokemon. I can't do it--my vision isn't good enough, I guess.

Through the magic of gift cards, I was able to get Soulsilver todayyyyy! I am so excited. The only problem is that I have to finish my work for the day before I can play. ;D

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 02:34 am
by Xelio
The great thing about chaining is a good chain can net 5 or 6 shiny pokemon easily. I'm working on a shiny eevee team. Have 5 thus far to add to my insane little collection and I've only just recently gotten into chaining. Its downright addictive though.

I'm just hoping we get a pokeradar in SS/HG. If not, I'll be extremely put out.

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 02:50 am
by Iggy
Gah, those people are annoying.
I want to punt my mom in the face. STOP CALLING ME EACH TIME YOU BUY ME BERRIES, BITCH.


Oh, and Xelio, I may have missed something while I was playing, but I just beat Janine(My 11th badge) and no PokeRadar as of yet :(

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 03:12 am
by Xelio
Noooooo! Without the pokeradar no chaining, and without chaining, what do I do after I finish all the gyms? I'm pretty sure with Diamond I had to be the Elite 4 to get the radar, so maybe this will be similar. I swear though, part of why I wanted this game was to have new pokemon to be able to chain. If its absent in this one and the next gen I might have to rebel and boycott.

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 04:10 am
by Iggy
I'm pretty sure with Diamond I had to be the Elite 4 to get the radar, so maybe this will be similar
Not after the Johto leaders for sure. :( I wasn't called by anyone, nor did the guides point me to a place. :(

I'll tell you after I get all of my Kanto badges for sure! I want to beat Erika for sure tonight...maybe, I said maybe, I'll go and get to Misty?

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 05:04 am
by Xelio
From what I'm reading the pokewalker counts as our radar. That's horrid. The real pokeradar had better make a comeback in the next gen. Chaining shinies is a rewarding experiences that adds oodles of extra playtime to diamond/pearl/plat. I'll probably end up replaying SS from the start after one play through to get another set of lengendaries if I don't have chaining records to build up. Then I'll probably retire SS to go back to chaining.

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 04:41 pm
by Fury
I'm wetting myself at the anticipation of getting this game tbh. Being in the UK, I have to wait until the 26th but I went ahead and pre-ordered HeartGold today from who seemed to be offering the best price. I'm actually really excited about the Pokewalker too, if I'm honest!

EDIT: Cancelled my order with Play when I saw that had lowered their price from £34.99 to £29.99. And you get the figure. And I had points on my reward card. :mrgreen:

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 09:51 pm
by Xelio
The pokewalker is kind of cute and fun. I've cleaned out the first area of to walk in aside from pidgey, and I suppose learning the supposed "timing" to get !!! and rarer pokemon to appear can be worthwhile, but its just not the same thrill of seeing that patch of double shining grass. Thus far the walker doesn't seem to be good to use to level your pokemon when you can't play, unless you go days without leveling the team on the game pack and keep the pokewalker with you consistently. Still though, if you're suddenly finding yourself stuck somewhere for a few minutes can be fun to pull out your tiny little pokemon and go hunting for items and such with it.

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 10:23 pm
by Tiki
I'm loving the Pokewalker. I already wear a pedometer to work on my weight loss, but this definitely makes it more fun, especially when I consistently hit over 10k steps a day and gain access to new areas. I also find myself sneaking into corners at work to check on it, since I'm on my feet for 12 hour shifts there as well.

In the game itself, I LOVE how your Pokemon follow you now. Ampharos is adorable, and my all-time favorite Froslass looks pretty cute as well. I'm looking forward to having something epic like Lugia follow me around town all casually, LOL. Already did that with Dialga for a while- I kinda wish people would react to you having a legendary at your side, though!

The gym leader animations are pretty nifty, and as an itty bitty detail, I like how you either throw a ball to release your first Pokemon if you're battling on a bike, or you simply point for them to attack if you were previously on foot. Small things like that make the game feel more completed.

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 12:40 am
by Xelio
Tiki wrote:The gym leader animations are pretty nifty, and as an itty bitty detail, I like how you either throw a ball to release your first Pokemon if you're battling on a bike, or you simply point for them to attack if you were previously on foot. Small things like that make the game feel more completed.
Did Yellow do that with the pikachu? I can't recall. I do love that detail though, and that shiny pokemon show up as shiny sprites. I too wish people would comment on your pokemon if you have a shiny or legendary with you. I like how if you're in a pokemart your pokemon do different emotions than if you're on a random grassy path. I do with though they'd respond to the plot a little more, like "Rees (my ampheros) growls at the Team Rocket members in the area" when we're in a part of the game fighting team rocket or "Rees is antsy to fight the gym leader" when we're in a gym. That probably would have taken up more game memory than its worth, but would have added a nice element.

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 12:49 am
by Iggy
I do with though they'd respond to the plot a little more, like "Rees (my ampheros) growls at the Team Rocket members in the area
They do, at least, with the Rockets! Tested that in the Mahogany hideout.

My Jonas glared at Persian statues and at Team Rocket members, not calling them Team Rcoket, but like, enemies or opponents or whatever, and I really like that.

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 05:15 am
by TCStarwind
I didn't test it with the Rockets (and I've supposedly disbanded them, so I'm not sure if they'll return), but while I was wasting time in Whirl Islands, I got something like "Aerrow (my meganium) is on guard!" D'aww, he wants to protect me from the wild pokemans. And my quilava/typhlosion makes an uphappy face when it's getting rained on (on the flip side, my feraligatr enjoys it). So there are a few tiny quirks in there. XD

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 05:52 am
by Xelio
Ah, I suppose I just didn't check my pokemon enough during the Team Rocket stuff. I'm glad those quirks are in there then. Makes one's pokemon feel a like a little more than a cluster of pixels bent on sapping my time.

Re: Pokemon HG/SS

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 05:07 pm
by Iggy
Yeah, Jonas the Feraligatr enjoyed Misty's gym a little too much.

But, that's besides the point. :P

I bear Red last night. Twice, once on HG and once in SS. He uses waaaaay too many Full Restores. And, I hate him.