Site revamp/overhaul

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Kamil »

I'm sorry, Iggy, but that petpage you linked to is exactly why I hate the new pages so. The items themselves are TINY, so tiny that I had to blow the page up almost 200% just to see what they were. And I HATEHATEHATE having to hover to read the item name. HATE. It's stupid, and it's time-consuming, and it totally destroys the feel of the page. Since, for the most part, without names it's almost impossible to tell if the treasures have any sort of theme, the entire reason for treasures has gone out the window.

No one is going to sit and hover, item by item by item, to look over a pet's treasure, and it's ridiculous to assume that anyone would.

But, of course, since Subeta is no longer a pet site, hasn't been for yonks now, I probably shouldn't be surprised that the pets got screwed over in the great redo.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Iggy »

Funny, I don't really care about the name of an item, unless I want to buy one. The item were tiny with my CSS toying. (It can be changed)

So, I found than the old way to make it, with item/text/item/text was so unappealing before.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Tiki »

Yet again, I'm loving this change while so many others are going through the spectrum of simple dislike to mental breakdown over it. XD I'm sensing a personality pattern as everyone reacts to each new thing.

I've yet to tinker with my pet profiles, but if anything it gives me a blank slate to start from- all of them had outdated backgrounds and the only thing I need to keep is their overlays. No big deal.

As far as the site itself goes, I like how shiny and welcoming everything feels now, without being graphically overpowering in the way that Neopets' revamp went. I tweaked my CSS just barely to adjust the clock, font, page width and remove an image or two: Click. Other than that, I'm pretty much happy with everything.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Mayhem »

AngharadTy wrote:Hehe, Mayhem, that's the glitch that Seerow and I mentioned before--sometimes the menu bar part gets pushed up under the top graphic area. Refreshing usually fixes that, but mine keeps sneaking back up anyway. It's frustrating and annoying, but it's not meant to be just "SUB." There's more you're supposed to see, but it's not displaying properly.
Gotcha, sorry. I didn't read through four pages before posting. XD

Weirdly enough, with my 23" monitor... I kind of enjoy all the whitespace with my browser maximized. If more things on the site centered instead of staying to the left, I think things might feel a bit more used.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Seerow »

The user Robot put up a list of helpful css codes over on the forums. There's one to make font normal sized! I'm also going to link to one with pet profile codes. It was linked earlier but it might be handier to have them all in one spot.

CustomCSS codes and Pet profile codes.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by AngharadTy »

Have we heard anything official about all the changes to pet lookups? Is the loss of item names permanent? Because that would be crappy, yes. Make it an option when you're looking at the Edit Treasures page. Item names on or off?

And definitely, take out the idiotic "remove item" link that is just a relic of the past. I took it out with css before and I probably will do so again, because these changes don't feel so much like "this is what users want" as "this is what we think users want"--minion on the left! Remove item link firmly in place! Left-aligned sections under a center-aligned section! A permanent link to "Enable Weapons Showing"! Adorably phrased "The [gender image] color species!"

I hate all those things, but I'm still assuming they're not permanent. Because they're not good.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Iggy »

Is the loss of item names permanent?
From what I heard, yes.

If an item name was longer (Like the stupidly long named Tarot, some SBQ lines and the like), it made the lines looks unequal.

I need to find the quote for this. But yeah. I'm pretty sure that one is gone for good.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by AngharadTy »

I'd rather be able to choose for myself if I'm willing to have the lines look unequal. I hate not having the item names and I have better things to do with my time than hover over every item. It kills a major part of the enjoyment I have with the site. Pet treasures were one of the best features on the entire site. Now they've been downgraded. It's lame.

And it's a perfect example of the certainty from those in charge that this is how we all actually want it. If some people want it, great, make it an option. Stop making decisions for me about how I want something to look.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by bonecrivain »

Please do find the quote, Iggy. I find it difficult to believe that Keith would be so intent on making the pet profiles fully customizable, yet remove an option that many of us found both useful and necessary for our pet treasures' continuity. Especially when the "remove item" and "display weapons" links so far AREN'T removable and ruin my view of my own pets' lookups.

Up to this point, although the changes are jarring, they mostly seem to be things I can adjust to. Some of my pets will benefit from longer lines of treasures, I think, and some may even look nicer without the item names. But the item names are very important for some of my pets' treasures, and I don't see why we wouldn't have the ability to choose whether or not to display them. Who would it hurt? Plenty of people have lookups or pet overlays or pet treasures that I consider...less than appealing, shall we say? But that's their choice, and I think I should have the choice to make my treasure lines uneven with long item names if I want.

Also, if someone figures out the code to move the minion back to the right, please point it out! That's another thing I'd definitely like to adjust.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Wingsrising »

Agreed. A lot of people's treasures make a lot less sense without the names.

Boo to "remove item" link, yay to names (at least as an option.)
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Seerow »

You can mouse over the item, it\'ll display the item name. The names were causing a problem with how they were showing up (ie: one is bigger than the other) and really makes it look bad if there is ONE item in the whole TC with a really long name. So I removed the names, and made it so that you can hover.
Thtat's from Keith from the thread here: click.
While I personally don't mind treasures having no names (none of mine depended on them) I can completely understand how it would be very annoying for those that did. I'm sure some people put their in alphabetical order or had items with so-and-so words in the name or the like and now they are pointless. Having an option to turn them back on would be great. That, and get rid of that stupid remove item link. There's absolutely no reason for it to be there when there when all it does is redirect you to the official removal page anyway.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by AngharadTy »

Yeah, thanks, I'll freaking decide what looks "bad" on my own pets' pages. Dick move. That's all there is to it.

Get rid of the remove item link:

Code: Select all

.treasure_item a:link { display: none; }
This is not something new I've coded, I just looked up the class name to change what I've already coded, I still refuse to code new stuff until this crap gets sorted out.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Seerow »

To be fair, it really did look awful when the pages were first redone. You had some lines with like just a single item in the middle or off to the side then a really long string of items for the next then another line with like one or two. It was a mess. But I'm sure something could have been worked out, I mean they did it once before.
Thanks for that bit of coding Ty. I'll have to use that for sure :)
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by bonecrivain »

If it was a mess AFTER the recode and not BEFORE the recode, I'd say someone missed a step in the coding process. If the old layout could handle item names just fine, why can't the fancy new one that's supposed to make things so much better>
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by AngharadTy »

It's because they're in divs and just set to a fixed width, rather than in proper tables with proper columns and cells. Rather than figure out any well-coded way to allow people to set the number of treasure item columns they want and have item names if they want, they just decided to code it a fairly lazy way and let us change the width of the whole thing. Which is why I was so sure it was temporary. It's not a clever trick--it's a lazy one.
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