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Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 07:31 pm
by Runic
Thanks for the tip! I'll be clicking there now. =)

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 07:44 pm
by Officer 1BDI
I've been clicking in Area 7 (just to the left of the waterfall) and I've found six of those blasted fish so far. So FWIW that does seem like a decent area to try.

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 09:22 pm
by Tom
I just handed 10 Splittifish and got both achievements. Whoop. Except now I'm not really sure what I'm up to - whenever I try and turn fish in again the page just loops and nothing really seems to be happening. So erm, yeah. Just gonna fish a bit more and twiddle my thumbs I guess.

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 04 Mar 2012 12:12 am
by bonecrivain
While he is must less eloquent when not writing, you get the point.
I know Subeta refuses to hire a writer, but at the very least, they could use a proofreader.

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 04 Mar 2012 12:26 am
by Runic
At least they increased the chances of getting them Splittifish.
I've got 4 more to go, and then I'd better be done. I swear, I'm gonna murder Ecks in her sleep when this is all over. xD

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 04 Mar 2012 06:17 am
by Officer 1BDI
ASDFGHJKL- I'm done! *collapse*

I also managed to get the second fishing achievement/title when I turned in my final fish, though I have no idea what triggered it.

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 04 Mar 2012 05:11 pm
by Runic
I can't understand why people are complaining in the comments of the news post that raised the chances of getting the required fish.
If it had been left the way it was originally, there's no way I would have completed the step. Just cause some people were able to get the fish, doesn't mean everyone else was as fortunate. =(

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 04 Mar 2012 05:50 pm
by Rakumel
Now that Subeta seems to be finally up and running again, I'm trying to catch some fish and hoard some candy hearts while I'm at it. But I'm playing other games and doing other things in between the wait times. This seems inherently wrong somehow, that I'm having to entertain myself when I'm already supposed to be playing a game. XD Then again, maybe I'm the problem, maybe I just have the attention span of a goldfish.

Doubt that anyone still needs kisses at this point, but if they do, I guess this is my link?

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 04 Mar 2012 07:31 pm
by Marah
Okay, is anybody else incapable of properly loading subeta in firefox or is it just me and should I look for some solutions? I have been playing in ie for a few days, but half of the links don't work in there and it makes things like games and questing impossible.
It is just reallly frustrating.

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 05 Mar 2012 03:11 am
by Goldenchaos
Looks the site is still down...I don't know how many of the fish Ive collected so far either. Argh. I reallly hope they extend this through Monday..

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 05 Mar 2012 04:19 am
by Ierosbats
According to the Subeta twitter (which seems to be primarily used for apologizing for downtime) the fishing is being extended by a day. I don't really get what that means, though... Is the fishing hole going to close at some point? None of the other steps have been time sensitive, have they? You could start the plot today and still do everything? Maybe it just means it will be one extra day before the next step comes out, but that seems unnecessary. A lot of people have finished, and given the "complexity" of the steps released so far, I don't think those who still need a few fish will have any trouble catching up.

I get that this kind of problem is frustrating for the users AND the staff, but I'm really sick of the obnoxious messages on the site-is-down page. If the site has been yoyoing for three days, the last thing I want to see when I take time to check if the site is back up is ":D" and nothing else. Saw that yesterday. Not exactly reassuring. It's not cute or funny that the site is down, it's annoying, and a goofy emotiface doesn't come across as terribly sympathetic.

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 05 Mar 2012 05:25 am
by AngharadTy
I haven't even been able to go fishing that much--just several times a day over the weekend--but of course, today is the day I have all the free time I want, and today is the day the site is down. So yeah, if this is time limited, I seriously need an extension. I think I have 6 fish.

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 05 Mar 2012 06:46 am
by bonecrivain
I also find the :D face for the "site is down" page obnoxious. Not only that, but whoever handles the Subeta twitter account is being snarky with people who have complaints about the constant downtime. I'm always startled by how unprofessional Keith & Subeta can be. (The recent NC attack and Miguel's informative, helpful posts stand in particularly sharp contrast.)

Honestly, I don't really care what the excuse for the downtime is this time around. There's always something, and it's annoying of them to pretend like constant site lag/breakage doesn't happen Every Single Time we have a big plot going on. I guess I'm just getting more and more frustrated with Subeta in general, and find fewer reasons to play anymore. I've been trying to keep up with this plot, but with the boring steps, ridiculous plot lines (others have already pointed out how illogical of an argument Ecks is using), and broken pieces (Skitters not accepting fish properly, and Keith claiming in the bugs forum that things are working as expected), I spend most of my time on the site just feeling frustrated about how I'm wasting time. The art is great for the most part, and the plots tend to have promise...but as soon as the plot starts fizzling and the site starts breaking, I'm surprised by the fact that I'm still surprised. I stopped spending money on the site months ago, and I'm glad about that, although I regret spending as much as I have done in the past.

In short, this plot has been a giant disappointment for me, and hasn't done much to rekindle my interest or trust in Subeta.

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 05 Mar 2012 07:07 am
by Goldenchaos
Site is still not up.. Does this mean they'll still extend the fishing to ALL of Monday?

Re: Love Epidemic 2012

Posted: 05 Mar 2012 12:32 pm
by Griffin
Site is up and working well for now... touch wood. I was selling extra Splittifish for profit, but they're not worth much now, so if anyone wants some feel free to ask!