Achievements and Tales of Woe

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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Iggy »

but everything else is basically worthless.
Pylonics are pretty great too , I got one or two over the last week
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Tom »

The Trident is, imo, the best investment you can make outside of a phoenix quill, a 100% freezer and a decent healing scroll. It's the best weapon for a lot of the tiers, in my opinion, particularly tier 10, where it gets its max attack and a full wind block. As it scales, too, some of its attack goes through full blocks, which can be really useful. And as for the Reading Drive points, I'd say either Soma or Reviver of the Lion. I have both the Soma Tablets and Truth Serum. The Truth Serum is situational at best, but I use the Soma Tablets every day against high-end challengers. If I get a decent curse and a freeze, it just makes the battle so much easier.

You can definitely beat GE and Saggi at tier 9. This post pretty much says everything I would about General Error (maybe in a less succinct manner) and I try to avoid recommending specifics. I think Saggi is a bit harder as the battles are much longer for smaller pets, and he can easily take you out in one hit, but once you get over 1500 speed, he can't crit you and things are nicer. I try and keep my HP as high as possible. I will usually lead with my trident + soma + scroll, then follow with trident + recycle blaster + scroll. If my health is looking low, below half, I'll freeze him and try to hit as hard as I can, to get damage past his full blocks, then heal up.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

Farther down the scale, I just made Tier 5 today. Whoot! Now to find some "best buy" Tier 5 weapons, because by Subeta standards, I'm broke.

(Thinking about it, I really have no idea how to even make sP on the site, except for restocking, which I don't really enjoy, although now that I have a few Subeautique coupons built up I should start trying that again.)


Yay! I got the Azathoth set because cheap and it seems to have worked.

There don't seem to be challenger difficulties listed anymore. but I'm guessing this is the last one I can beat for a long time. (Is it just me or is there a big difficulty jump in the middle-range challengers?) And I got another Subeautique coupon in the process.


Now to try to figure out stuff like modifications and scrolls... so confusing!

I have to say, reading the Neopets plot thread reminded me of one of the reasons I STOPPED training on Neopets... having to buy codestones. I have plenty of NP but no longer have any desire whatsoever to constantly be fetching those damn things. I am SO glad that we don't need to do anything but pay sP to train on Subeta.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Foghawk »

Congrats, Wings! I'm still mucking about with the medium opponents—it makes me feel a bit better to know that not everybody else has a tier 10 monster already.

(As for sP: Item Hunt. Item Hunt is the best. After that, Memory, which is one of Subeta's better-kept secrets—it's not listed on the games page, you have to get there through the temple from the Steele plot—and which will pump out 20-30k for less than a minute's work, ten times a day. After that, eh... Matlal's Jewels, Wizard Quests+vending, whatever.)

I've sort of gotten into battling despite myself; training still sucks, but now what with BQs and the fact that XP actually does something I'm honestly having fun. It helps that the Battle forum is full of really nice people who write really nice guides. And yet... I hit Tier 3 just the other day (and the Wizard randomly handed me a Dragonslayer just in time for it, score), and, having had my fun upgrading my weapons and thwacking all the medium opponents five times, had this sinking feeling—back to the same old slog until the next tier, with maybe a couple more quests doable each day. Next to the nonuple-digit price tags of the best weapons, the huge difficulty jumps are my biggest problem with the battle system as it is. If it weren't for BQs, more often than not there would just be nothing to fight—whereas working through the Lizard Minion/Muffin Man/Manticat complex was genuinely pleasant, because they were close enough that there was always a sense of progress; I was eking out my last Lizard Minion wins at the same time I was first challenging Muffin Man. So, yes! More challengers good! But much as I appreciate the notion behind the monthly challengers, CSC (especially limited-time-only CSC) will never not leave a bad taste in my mouth—and it seems Reischen never asks for unlockables anyway, which seriously cuts the variety involved there.

So, I guess what I'm saying is, I'm really looking forward to events and stuff. (Also, to the streamlining of the battle screen. YES PLEASE.) Oh, and—are there any more plans for the Battle Shop? Maybe stuff to do with the lower-grade tokens? I've long since bought everything I could possibly want out of the Easy section, and still I have over a hundred tokens just sitting there. Short of buying up the priciest weapon there and hoping to sell it to lazy people, I can do nothing with them. It drives me crazy. Any chance of, say, trading them up at a 90% markdown?
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Ierosbats »

I made some weapon decisions! Thanks again for the help. I have no idea if this was a good deal or not, but I bought the Pretty Big Tooth that was for sale for 33 mil. That's more than I've ever spent on a single item (except for mystical plushies a few years ago) but most of the other t10 weapons are so expensive they aren't even in shops. 33 mil seemed like a steal. Unfortunately, since it's t10 I can't even play around with it for probably another month. T10 starts at 6400 and Dechroma is just under 6300. Grumble growl. Planning for the future is the woooorst. Wanna play with my new toy noooow. The final decision wound up being between the Tooth, a Frostbite Amulet or the MC jetpack. I still want those, but I figured they aren't going anywhere so I have some time.

I also made a terra focujin! Yay! I had more ingredients sitting around my account than I realized (have I mentioned how much I love the account search feature?), so it actually only cost about half of what I was expecting to pay. Nice surprise. Then I made a Basalt Blast because it was only about 400k and I figured it wouldn't hurt to have a "bomb" scroll for turns when I freeze.

Now what I'd really like is a weapon sets feature. Even if you only get two sets and have to buy more with csc or something, that would be great. I never battle with my t3 pet because I can't be bothered to switch all my weapons out. Switching one or two weapons (for example, dropping my freezer for another blaster when I fight Wyrmgear) is no big deal. But having to swap all 8 weapons for lower, tier-appropriate gear is annoying. I know that's just me being lazy, but people love spending money on being lazy! That's why auto-training exists.
Wingsrising wrote:There don't seem to be challenger difficulties listed anymore. but I'm guessing this is the last one I can beat for a long time. (Is it just me or is there a big difficulty jump in the middle-range challengers?)
As long as you have a couple weapons that do decent damage, preferably modded with something that prevents freezing, you can probably beat Mechalag. He does almost no damage per turn, so if you can heal a little every turn (like the 4% you get from Singed Stuffing, a fairly cheap drop) that really helps you deal with the long fight. The challenge with him is that he has a huge amount of hp and likes to block everything you throw at him or freeze you. He stalls, basically. If you can freeze him, then do a lot of damage (with bombs, for example, or weapons with a chance of a crit strike) when he isn't blocking you, he isn't too bad. Just really annoying, which is the whole point of that challenger.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

I remember Item Hunt! I used to do that -- haven't done it for a while, though.

That Memory is kind of hard... everything looks too much alike!

The other thing about the Battle Shop is it sort of seems like the weapons you can buy in the battle shop, you can't get until AFTER you need them. For example, the stuff I'd be looking to use now at Tier 5 mostly seems to sell for Hard tokens, but Tier 5 is too low to get very many Hard tokens. By the time I have that many, I'll be needing better items still.

I used a bunch of EXP during the plot, just before they dropped the price. :? But now I use it to train level, since that seems most cost-effective -- I just make the rounds training all my other skills, then use EXP when it's time to train level again.

Somehow I didn't actually know about Battle Quests until just now. I guess I'd forgotten about them. Maybe those will build up EXP fast enough that I'll start using it for stuff other than level, we'll see.

I am sad that the new stat boosters were only for Tier 3 and below, since I was Tier 4 when that started. I ended up using them all on a second pet.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Cranberry »

We're adding some new stuff to the battle shop soon, stuff that will be useful -- just waiting on some art from bean. This is a really busy time of year (Survival, then Masquerade), so we're not rushing her. :)
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Marah »

I figured it wouldn't hurt to have a "bomb" scroll for turns when I freeze.
Wait, I can use scrolls and potions when I'm frozen?
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Ierosbats »

Marah wrote:
I figured it wouldn't hurt to have a "bomb" scroll for turns when I freeze.
Wait, I can use scrolls and potions when I'm frozen?
Oh, sorry. Unclear. I meant when I freeze the opponent, not when I'm frozen. Most of my scrolls help defend/heal, so on turns when I freeze them and they aren't able to block anything, I might as well throw an extra 20 icons of damage their way.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Marah »

Okay, pffft. I thought I had been doing it wrong!
The other thing about the Battle Shop is it sort of seems like the weapons you can buy in the battle shop, you can't get until AFTER you need them
This is my problem too, being able to trade easy and medium tokens up, even for a ridiculous high price, would help a bit. Is that even on the discussion table? But I'm looking forward to whatever new stuff is coming!
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by TCStarwind »

Today, Shin finally became a 2759. And Shuu became a 0507 like a week and a half ago. I don't have to zap them anymore! I'm done! OuO
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

I got the "Pet level 200" and the all of the "Individual stat 500" achievements today. Plugging on slowly but surely towards Tier 6.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Seerow »

My Wyllop Gabriel won the pet spotlight today - yay!

Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Spivsy »

I got a bit bored and tried to work out how much my plushie collection is worth, got it at 123,411,097 sp. Is that good? I honestly don't know
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Spivsy »

Well, I'm done with Subeta
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