Editorial Time!

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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by ZomgethMew »

I laughed at it, too xD One of the best editorial questions /ever/ :B.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by champagnesoup »

Dear TNT, you ask us to delete old messages, even putting "If you could help us by deleting old messages, we would really appreciate it!" Would it be possible to have a "Delete All" function for the Inbox? It would really help clear up my clustered box AND solve the problem that you want us to fix. ~1omaxo1

That does sound like a useful tool. We'll check with our programmers to see if it's possible, but we will look into it. Thanks for the suggestion!
Er, surely this already exists? You just select all the messages and choose 'delete' from the drop-down menu.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

champagnesoup wrote:
Dear TNT, you ask us to delete old messages, even putting "If you could help us by deleting old messages, we would really appreciate it!" Would it be possible to have a "Delete All" function for the Inbox? It would really help clear up my clustered box AND solve the problem that you want us to fix. ~1omaxo1

That does sound like a useful tool. We'll check with our programmers to see if it's possible, but we will look into it. Thanks for the suggestion!
Er, surely this already exists? You just select all the messages and choose 'delete' from the drop-down menu.
And 20 messages at a time bite the dust, or however many are on your screen. I suspect the person asking meant ALL of them at once.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by champagnesoup »

Haha, teaches me for not being that popular!
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Kantark »

20 messages at a time? Sheesh... I don't think I've managed much more than 20 messages in all the time I've been on Neopets :-P
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Larkspurlane »

From http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.pht ... &issue=432
Is it against the rules to do a custom in exchange for another Neopet? Everyone seems to be confused about this. Also, it is against the rules to put a Neopet custom up for adoption, isn't it? Please clear this up! Thank you. :D ~ alexachomburi

A custom Neopet trade – where you paint or morph your Neopet into a particular colour or species that another person wants – is not against the rules as long as neither of you considers the Neopoints spent on the customisation as a part of the trade agreement. Neopet trades cannot include any agreements outside of one Neopet for one Neopet.

For example, if you want someone's Royal Mynci, and they will only trade it for another Royal Neopet, it's perfectly okay for you to go out and buy a Royal Paint Brush and paint your Neopet royal in order to meet their request. However, it's always within their right to back out of the trade up until the point where a Neopet has been transferred. They are not obligated to give you their Neopet just because you spent Neopoints on painting or morphing your Neopet into something they wanted, even if they had agreed to trade with you if you did so. In this situation, you are not painting your Neopet as part of the agreement – you are painting your Neopet of your own free will.

You should only ever paint or morph your Neopet into something that you would want to keep if the other party backed out of the trade. Good advice is to never "downgrade" your Neopet from a rare colour or species to a more common one - if someone wants an Electric Blue JubJub and all you have is a Maraquan Draik, it may not be the best idea to morph your Neopet.
Couldn't they at least have made the effort of addressing their previous take on the issue and clarifying that this is a change of policy? Honestly. My trading days are over, now that anyone can back out after NPs have been invested and pets morphed.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Marah »

Didn't they actually state the exact opposite in a previous editorial? Seriously, the editorials are contradicting each other more and more! Don't these people ever talk to each other?
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Larkspurlane »

Yes, it's the inverse of a previous editorial:
Hi. I was wondering: let's say two people agree to trade Neopets -- an already made Neopet for a custom (as an example, we'll say it's a Plushie Chomby). If I've already bought the item, but not morphed yet, is the other person allowed to back out of our agreement? I wouldn't mind if the item was ETS (easy to sell), but I don't think Plushie Chomby morphing potions are ETS. D: Oh, and please remove my username. Thanks! ~[username removed]
By this stage it would be too late to cancel the deal. The other person has already invested Neopoints or altered their Neopet to fit the trade agreement.
http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.pht ... &issue=380

NC needs an eyeroll smilee. :/
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Usul_Princess »

What the hell, TNT? So they're saying it doesn't matter if someone wasted millions of NP on someone who changed their mind on a whim? This opens the door for thousands of scammers who never intended on trading in the first place.

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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Marah »

We could make a bet. See if they change the answer in the next editorial after a flood of worried questions?
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Kamil »

I was just thinking the same thing. Ten bucks says they change their position back to the original one within two weeks - because you know they'll be flooded with mails about this.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Jazzy »

This would be a really, really easy scam to offload HTS potions. Say you have a plushie chomby MP: offer up a bait pet (an unconverted maraquan krawk, say) and create a board saying your dream pet is a plushie chomby for it. People are desperate to trade...and oh look, there's someone selling a plushie chomby morphing potion, quicksale, for 10mil. 10mil for a mara krawk? Bargain! And then of course the person with the pet pulls out saying they're really sorry but they want to keep it, and the person who sold the mp did nothing obviously against the rules (it's the buyer's responsibility to check you're not overpaying). There's no link between the two accounts at all to suggest they might have colluded, either: unless the scammer's stupid and offers both the bait pet and the potion themselves, it's just a person pounding a pet and a person selling a potion. (I suspect if the scammer offers both the pet and the potion, that would be considered scamming because it would be considered payment for a pet, essentially - you buy my potion, you get my krawk, albeit in a slightly roundabout way.)
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Larkspurlane »

That is the perfect scam, Jazzy. It's untraceable until the scammer + TPer start shuffling NPs to each other, which they won't do for months if they're smart (or via a complicated route of sides on proxies). That's quite scary. @_@
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Jazzy »

If the bait pet belonged to a complicit friend (perhaps on the understanding that you might reciprocate for them in the future or otherwise do them a favour), as long as they were happy to play the charade of wanting that pet and then pulling out, NP wouldn't even need to change hands. Then there'd be no recorded connection whatsoever.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Madge »

Well, guys, I have a UC Tyrannian Krawk - anyone have a plushie chomby MP? :D

Joking! Joking! Please don't freeze me TNT
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