New Features/Updates

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Seerow »

How odd Ty, I thought there was! Or assumed you could search for the item under "All Wearables" in the wardrobe. How silly that there isn't. I wonder if it has been suggested before on the forums.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Jessi »

I forget the exact reasons why, but the CWs don't appear in the wardrobe under "All Wearables" for a reason. This is a very unhelpful post, but it's not an oversight or anything xD
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by AngharadTy »

It might be related to how some people are really weird about keeping their CWs secret. I don't know, I just know it makes me personally less likely to buy them.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Wingsrising »

I don't think there's a way to see it in the wardrobe, and I wish there was. There are a couple of the dresses that I love, but I worry I wouldn't wear them often enough to justify the price. And I kinda want to play with the baroque corsets, which seem like the sort of thing I'd actually use a lot, to see how they look with various outfits.

Honestly, I'm wondering if everyone (site and artists included) might not make more money with them priced at 250 CS. Or something like Zazzle where the site takes a fixed cut and the artist sets the price however much higher than that they want to? Though, that would be more complicated to code.

I'm not sure what the optimum price point for maximum profit is, although I suspect it's probably lower than 600 CS. That said, I'm constantly surprised on how much money people are willing to spend on virtual items. There are other freemium games I play where I similarly suspect they'd make more money pricing the items lower, but presumably it works or they wouldn't do it that way. I know *I'd* be more likely to buy 4 items for 250 CS each than one item for 600 CS, but that doesn't mean everyone feels that way.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by AngharadTy »

There have been so many minor visual changes to Subeta lately and I keep having to edit all my pets' profiles. This is driving me crazy. The thing I hate most right now is the font for pet names (and shop names and other various things around the site). Fount tells me it's Freight Sans Pro 1.



Skinny, thin, doesn't match anything at all anywhere else? Yeahhhh that's what I want!

Does anyone know if there's a way to edit my customcss so this doesn't show up all over the place? I freaking hate it. And I've waited quite a while to see if they're changing it back, but it seems like it's here to stay.

I also have to edit all my pet profiles to get rid of it... figures. I should have made them all custom names by now anyway, just because it looks nice, but now that I have to, I resent it.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Silverevilchao »

AngharadTy wrote:There have been so many minor visual changes to Subeta lately and I keep having to edit all my pets' profiles. This is driving me crazy. The thing I hate most right now is the font for pet names (and shop names and other various things around the site). Fount tells me it's Freight Sans Pro 1.



Skinny, thin, doesn't match anything at all anywhere else? Yeahhhh that's what I want!

Does anyone know if there's a way to edit my customcss so this doesn't show up all over the place? I freaking hate it. And I've waited quite a while to see if they're changing it back, but it seems like it's here to stay.

I also have to edit all my pet profiles to get rid of it... figures. I should have made them all custom names by now anyway, just because it looks nice, but now that I have to, I resent it.
Viewing the source code tells me that it's covered under "<span-class="pet_name">[name]</span>". Hopefully you can change the font via "pet_name". However, I've never worked with span classes, so I dunno if it would work or not.

EDIT: Oh man, the dates on the news page have that font, too. :/ Looks like yet another thing I need to tweak in my upcoming new Custom CSS thing.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by AngharadTy »

I know what class it is, but what I really want is a way to change all instances of that font ever into some other font. I'll probably end up tracking down each case and editing it. Some don't have easy classes, though. Like shop names.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Seerow »

If anyone figures this out please let me know! It loads slowly for me so the page loads the old font first, blinks out, then loads the new (ugly) font and it jumps the page up. Each and every time. It is giving me a headache. No one on the forums are any help, nor Keith. I've tired searching google but all the suggestions they give seem to be on the coding of the actual site itself and nothing I can do to prevent it.
If it helps, I'm using whatever is the latest version of Firefox (12? I don't even know anymore).

Edit: Also, please stop changing the site. There are SIX pages of people saying "I don't like the new buttons on the side of News, move em back to the top!". You think that would clue you in. While the current version is tolerable, it us ugly and cluttered and not necessary in the least. Please fix broken shit first. Thank you.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by AngharadTy »

The buttons on the side of news don't work for me at all, really; I have customcss to crop out the stupid HAs with every post and all that jazz. Simplified news posts. And unless I browse fullscreen (which I don't normally--I keep my browser about 1000px wide), the buttons are on top of part of the news posts and underneath other parts of the news posts. Also, ugly. Sooooo many of the changes are ugly. I can't stress this enough. I'm going to be using customcss out the wazoo... just as soon as I'm sure they're not going to change things even more. Are they ever going to stop? I'm afraid to even code pet lookups right now (and I have obligations I'm not fulfilling!).

Also, seems like a lot of times, when they change code on site, they forget that people might browse at, you know, 1000px wide. Actually, I would keep my browser window even skinnier, about half my screen (so about 800px), but the Pets page gets all kinds of shitty when you do that. Yeah, thanks, I really wanted my pet images to shrink so that you can maintain a pointless and unattractive margin on the side of their info. Cool. Cool.

I know it's hard to remember all the things you have to check when you make or change a layout, but... are you a business based on a website or not?
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Slugawoo »

These changes are neither aesthetically pleasing nor functional. Fixing what ain't broken is right. It reeks of someone who just taught themselves some shiny new CSS and is determined to use it everywhere (whether it works with the rest of the site's design or not).

Apparently it's to help attract new members, but I don't see anything attractive about big, oddly-coloured buttons, ugly fonts and cluttered news pages. And even if for some reason it does attract new members... What is the chance that they'll stick around when they realise how often the site goes down and this is considered normal? Among all the other things that are broken.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Silverevilchao »

Ohhhh my gooood the "currently happening" on the side of the news page doesn't look good AT ALL. The problem being that, once you get past that content, there's just a blank space on the side - it's why I've never been fond of sidebars in my layouts unless you have TONS of stuff to fill that entire space. And in this case, it just makes the news page look even more cluttered.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Foghawk »

Dumb, dumb, dumb. I don't believe there's been a design change in months or years I didn't slash away at with CustomCSS—I'm not sure I want to know what the site looks like for other people. Slugawoo's right; it smacks of creeping featurism. I killed the "currently happening" boxes pretty easily, but the fonts. Oh my god, the fonts.

It's not that the font is ugly (it isn't) or whether it matches the rest of the site design (it doesn't, but it's sort of haphazard anyway) or even that both the Subeta devs and the font designer have chosen to use text figures in what's clearly meant as a heading font (insert muttering about self-respecting typographers here)... no. It's Typekit. Subeta's chosen to save themselves difficulty by exporting it to the users. They could've used open-license fonts and pure CSS to embed typefaces users don't already have installed, in which case the CSS for the entire font could easily have been overridden and Ty wouldn't have a big ugly problem. Instead, they've shelled out for a Typekit account and a couple of proprietary fonts and embedded them with Javascript. I feel like I shouldn't have to explain what is wrong with this strategy.

If you have a browser-based Javascript blocker (NoScript, etc), you can block scripts from Typekit's domain, which will replace all instances of that font with a default sans—if you want a particular font instead, you'll still have to style them individually, but it might be less annoying than the Typekit font. Unfortunately, if you're using IE you're probably just SOL.

Man, Subeta used to be so friendly this way. What happened?

(On the other hand, someone finally seems to have fixed the escape codes in CustomCSS. It sure is convenient that I don't have to add a second backslash... for every incidence... every time I update it. Then again, apostrophes are still broken pretty much everywhere else.)
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Seerow »

Foghawk, would you be able to elaborate on how to fix the Typekit problem? If I install NoScript, will it affect other parts of the site or can I pick and choose? I'm currently using whatever the latest version of FF is.
My issue is that the font loads slower so FF loads whatever the default font is (it's bigger then the new one) and when the new one loads the site jumps back up a little bit. Or the new font sort of just pops in and the page moves down. Either way is insanely annoying. Keith doesn't seem too concerned about fixing it.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Foghawk »

Yeah, NoScript will let you pick and choose. Just hover over the little button at the right of the add-on bar and the options will pop up. If you don't want NoScript to change anything else about your browser, you can click "Allow Scripts Globally" and then "Mark as Untrusted", which will kill the font script but nothing else.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by AngharadTy »

CWs show up in the "All Clothing" previews (or maybe just CWs that are currently in the cash shop, I didn't research much). Hopefully that's not some kind of error, because I'd like to test a couple wigs later.
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