merry christmas subeta users.

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merry christmas subeta users.

Post by Jamie »

I haven't been on Subeta in quite a while and can't see me ever really getting back into it, (ok, I can, but I need the time for university etc.). So, I want to give all of my stuff away to you guys. I have NO idea what is considered "a lot" or what items are expensive anymore, but still, free stuff is good right?!

I have a few hundred million sP and a heap of items, as I said, I don't even know if that's a lot or if any of my items are worth squat. But yeah:

this is my account.

Now, this seems petty and whatever but I don't want to give a lot away to people I've never had anything to do with. Long time NCers and people I'm particularly fond of will be given preferential treatment, sorry! I want this to work with the least effort on my part as possible. So I'm thinking everyone just posts a link to a lot or something that I can bid on here for a cash donation, not sure how much yet - I'd like to figure out how much is worth what nowadays first if someone could help me out ^^;

And if you want a particular item that I'm selling in my shop, just ask. If it's an item from my trade, please only ask if we've interacted a lot before/if you think I like you ;)

[edit] Also, I have a very peculiar request to make of someone. The Wonderland Watch item means a lot to me, firstly because it's almost identical to the one featured in a Gwen Stefani video and I have a lot of memories tied in to that period of time and I've planned to get that watch tattooed on to my foot for a number of reasons for a long time now. My request is: does anyone know where/how to get a larger image of it? I just want it to work off of with an artist friend of mine. Thanks!
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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by AngharadTy »

I love the Wonderland Watch too. It's been around a while, I have no idea who drew it. But odds are good that someone knows. If no one here does, someone on the Subeta forums might?

I always have junk trades up, ostensibly so I can get paid for doing profiles, but that would be more useful if I did them. Maybe now I have time. =)'ll have time for NC, right? We're not timesucks like pet sites are! Usually. Hehehe.

edit: Oh oh, and a good gauge for the economy... things like 500 credit gift cards (a good price for them is 10m right now, they're a standard unit for CSC), and wiz tokens, which you can either gauge generously or poorly--compare the price per point at 15 point wizard token, and 1000 point wizard token. I hate buying tokens and I never sell them, but they're a pretty good standard for sP.

edit edit: Thank you!!
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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by bonecrivain »

Aw, are you sure you're quitting? Subeta has its ups and downs for me, but I seem to always go back, mostly because I love adding to my pets' treasures.

I'd actually looove the Enchanted Water Lily, but it's one of the items in your trades, so it may be one you want to keep. If so, could I ask for the Sweet Oranges or Palo from your shop instead? (Three different pets with demanding treasures. I spend far too much time and sp on treasures.)

This is my trade link:
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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by Jessi »

Aww Jamie, that's very kind of you. And I agree with Ty - I hope you DO stick around NC! Hopefully you'll have more free time the next time a game of Werewolf comes around ;)

I have a couple junk trades up at all times, and they're here - - thank you for whatever you decide to give <3 Just make sure you stay around NC!
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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by Joey »

Man, we should totally do another WW. That would be awesome. So yes, Stick around NC!

I put up a junk trade! I think that should work. If it's not too much to ask, could I possibly have the Doom Dragon in your trades? If not that's cool too, I figured I haven't had any sleep so I might as well ask!
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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by Seerow »

Echoing the above, I still hope you visit NC from time to time!

I tossed a lot up for you if you would like to send anything my way.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by Faun »

I'm not going to ask for anything as I wouldn't really say I'm a long time NCer or that you are particularly fond of me. ;) But I just have to say, you will still have time for NC right?
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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by TCStarwind »

Considering I don't think we've ever spoken before, I'm not here for your stuff, but it'd be nice to hear from you in the future. Come say hi every so often. :)
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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by Marah »

Man, we should totally do another WW. That would be awesome.
Oh, that would be (and maybe a good way to keep Jamie around, heh). But I don't think there are people who have the time to organise it, so my question to persons who have organised a round before: Do you think it would be possible to organise it in a team? say three people instead of one? Or is there no way to divide the workload evenly or make a big mess of the game?
(And would that leave enough players?)

I would love to do a round of werewolf again, but like so many others, don't think I have the time to organise it on my own (also, I lack the experience).

And, because now I'm hijacking this thread: Merry christmas Jamie!
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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by Kali_Lupine »

Like Rowan, I am not a long time NCer and have never talked to you, so I am not asking for anything. Just want to say how thoughtful it is of you to do this, and I hope I can talk to you in the future here.
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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by Usul_Princess »

Yay, contact before! *dances*

*gets moved up the priority list* :)

Jamie, you should hang on to that watch. There might be a miniscule chance you'll come back.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by Faun »

Haha, that's the first time someone has called me Rowan on here before. I totally prefer that to my stupid username. (Why did I have to choose this, of all things?)
but anyway, I forgot to say, Merry Christmas Jamie!
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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by Sunwolf »

It seems like we have lots of people leaving lately :( Drop in sometimes, yes?

If you want to throw anything at me, please go right ahead:
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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by Jamie »

fluffy-emo-wolf, TCStarwind, Marah, Kali_Lupine & Sunwolf: if you guys could link me to a junk trade I'll be more than happy to send something your way ^^ and I'll definitely be sticking around NC, I'm still plugging away at Neopets. AND, a new werewolf could be a lot of fun for sure!

(just striking off the people I've gotten to, don't worry!)
Last edited by Jamie on 06 Dec 2010 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: merry christmas subeta users.

Post by Kali_Lupine »

That is very sweet of you, thanks!!

Here is my link:

Eeeek!!! Super generous of you, thank you so so much!!! Now I can do some holiday shopping!!!
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