Help with NT article?

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Help with NT article?

Post by Tom »

Hey everyone! I'm planning to write an article for the 500th issue of the Neopian Times and think I have a pretty good idea that stands a nice chance of getting in. The only thing is... my idea needs fleshing out. I'm thinking about making it one of those articles which includes a list/countdown and really need some ideas of things to include in it. My, you are thinking, what exactly is this list concerning? Well... I'd rather not disclose it publicly on the forums (of course, not that I don't trust the members here - rather that the forum is public) so, if you wouldn't mind helping out and sparing a few minutes of your time, I'd really appreciate it if you could PM me and offer your services up - where I'll disclose the full details. :P

Yes, this does seem like a lot of effort for what is essentially a favour, but any help is really, truly appreciated! I think fellow NCers would easily be able to contribute something to this article. :D And if you wish to help out, you need not be active or even have an account still - there is going to be a fair amount of nostalgia allowed within the article so any help is truly welcomed!
Subeta: Thomas
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Re: Help with NT article?

Post by Tom »

Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone that has helped thus far! If you've expressed an interest but still haven't responded, if you wouldn't mind replying soon, that'd be fab. :) I'm looking to write the article some time this week, so the more information the better!
Subeta: Thomas
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