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Brains vs Brawn Game Challenge

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 10:33 pm
by Jazzy
Thought I'd post about it since it hasn't been mentioned yet:
You join either AAA (logic games) or Abigail (action games) and then try and get the qualifying scores. You can repeat challenges to get extra points for your team (and win items), and it'll last til November 28th. We're apparently already on Day 2.

Re: Brains vs Brawn Game Challenge

Posted: 24 Nov 2011 01:32 am
by Goldenchaos
I joined Abigail. And also did the NC part of this. So far the challenges are fairly simple.

They gave an extra day for day one, since they posted the news late in the day/early in the morning, for some people.

The extra prizes are kind of meh, save for the Strenght Serum, and the ..something of Knowledge.

Re: Brains vs Brawn Game Challenge

Posted: 25 Nov 2011 07:03 pm
by Fjorab_Teke
Heads-up on the Sophie's Stew and Hungry Skeith games - you MUST alternate the score-sending, or it will not count as having played both. *grumbles* So no getting comfy in one game and going on the the next one on that challenge.

I joined Abigail's team too, so i'm glad to be playing Meerca Chase instead of Meepit Juice Break.

I'm fumbling around on Hot Dog Hero now.

Re: Brains vs Brawn Game Challenge

Posted: 26 Nov 2011 01:44 am
by Gumdrops
I joined AAA's team.

It kinda bothers me that the prizes are the same for both teams.

Good thing I looked at a guide before doing the bonus plays for Scraps From the Table and saw that I needed to alternate the score sending. I would've been pissed had a played one game 5 times and then the other 5 times and found out I'd done it wrong.

Re: Brains vs Brawn Game Challenge

Posted: 26 Nov 2011 04:15 pm
by zebru
My favourite bit from the FAQ:
Do I have to complete the bonus plays in order to qualify for the highest trophy tier?
No, the bonus plays do not count toward the overall completion of the GMC challenges. They simply add to your team’s overall score.
I played all bonus games for the first three days days and hated every minute of it. Good to know it's not necessary for your individual score.
I think I'll just do bonus plays of those games I really enjoy (one of the Bonus Plays prizes is Strength Serum - worth around 90k).

I chose AAA's team without having read that it would affect the types of games I got. So far so good though. Everything has been manageable.