Masquerade Plot Thread

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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by Ierosbats »

Foghawk wrote:The card game, though. There is no user input! Literally none! Cheat! is more strategic than this. (Also, I love that the dashing, shady fighter pilots are betting on the game better known as Old Maid. "Stealth Bomber", hah... go on, guys, break out the teacups, we know you want to.)
Yeah, I really agree. Thanks to Slugawoo's guide it only took me about 15 minutes to find my key. The step was tedious, but at least you knew that everyone had a key and would find it eventually if you approached the maze systematically.

But this card game? Good grief. It's horrible. Has the person who came up with that ever played cards with other humans before? Have they ever had fun before? Who decides on a game like that and thinks, "Yes, everyone will really enjoy this!" There are literally hundreds of half-decent card games to choose from and this is the one we got. It's all just luck. No matter how strategically you approach it, there's no guarantee you'll ever get five wins. I did, but only after about 40 minutes of growling at the damn thing.

While I'm at it, I don't care for the cards themselves. Most of the plot's art has been great, but the cards are kind of strange. Why are they so shredded up and folded? That makes the deck really hard to shuffle and deal. Think of the paper cuts! Come on, boys. I know you're very badass criminals or... whatever, but there's no shame in investing in some decent cards if that's what you do all day. Also the face cards really confused me. I think the jack is Jaxon, which I guess I accept because it's punny. The queen took me forever. Turns out it's the bumbus from the blue building, not just a big smear. I still have no idea who the king is... All I can tell is he has very strange hair so I assume it's Keith?
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by Slugawoo »

I could figure out who was on the cards, but I don't really get how they could be on the cards 20 years in the past? The Bumbus Queen (and her entire race!) are relatively new to Subeta, so it's kind of weird that she'd show up on a deck of cards 20 years ago. Also, I think the Kings have Sebastian Phoenix on them? Wouldn't that make him really, really old? I could just be completely off on my Subeta history (I certainly don't have time to read every Subetapedia page), but it seemed really weird to me.

I know I'm nitpicking, but this is the kind of thing that makes time travelling plots so hit-or-miss.
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by Marah »

That ... is a really good point actually.

The fact that the forums and the dancing and pages like that get you back to recent time is making gathering the fruit a lot more annoying than it should be.
I agree with the complaints about the card game, but am enjoying the plot overall. I'm liking the story idea and am currently wondering if we are going to, or have just met that old man as a young guy.
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by Rakumel »

I don't like sewers. They smell like poo gas. (no one's going to get that reference, but I couldn't stop from making it anyway =\ )

Actually, I've been thinking, and you know what I'd like? Once you go through the whatsit in Coda Caves and travel into the past, it'd be nice to have text links on that page to the couple of places in the past that you can actually visit, rather than having to go back to the Explore page and click on the place you want. If that's possible. I mean, sure I could just bookmark them I guess, but the plot's not going to be around forever and I can't be arsed. On one hand I feel kind of bad for asking for that out of laziness, but on the other hand it just seems awkward doing it the current way.

Anyway, guess I lucked out on both the maze and the card game because I finished both relatively quickly. And by lucked out I mean it only took a couple of hours total of random clicking...meh. But to make up for that, I can't seem to get that stupid fruit the man in the ballroom was talking about, even though I've been trying on and off for about a day or so. Ugh.
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by Wingsrising »

Slugawoo wrote:Finally finished. Goddamn, what a pain in the ass. I did it following these rules:

1. Always go right.
2. If you can't go right, go straight.
3. If you can't go right or straight, go left.
4. If you hit a dead end, turn around, then keep going right.

That should guarantee you check every dead end and don't hit the same place twice (unless you have to backtrack, which you will). The maps seem to be generated in a way in which there aren't any loops, so you shouldn't end up stuck going in circles.

And yes, the mazes are randomly generated for every user, according to one of the UAs on the plot thread.

Edit: Whoo, and now I'm somehow losing the card game without ever even having the joker in my hand? This entire plot step is dumb.
That worked for me, too, and fairly quickly as well. Awesome!

Now I'm on the card game and, um... is it my imagination or does the "site down" message also kick you out of the past?

If so, smooth move, guys.

EDIT: At least you go back to the card game where you left off, when you go back to the past, though.

I actually won the 5 games in a row. Have they messed with the odds because of user complaints, I wonder? Or did I just get super-lucky, which would be surprising given how the rest of the week has gone? I'll take it either way, but I really don't understand why I won some of those games... it's been a LONG time since I played Old Maid and I found the win conditions super-confusing.
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by Ierosbats »

There's new plot stuff out today and... oooohhh boy. Let's break it down, shall we?

Remember how this is supposed to be a time travel plot? Because the people running it sure don't. At one point you have to fetch food for a character in the past, and he asks for lounge stuff. As in, stuff released just this year. So... that makes a lot of sense. I mean, why wouldn't he know what cocktails the lounge would be serving 50 years in the future? Could have been avoided if they'd started the event by saying, "This year the Libertine Lounge is celebrating its xth anniversary! As a special treat, they will be bringing back some classic, retro menu items!" or some BS like that.

You also have to fight some admittedly-adorable creatures in the past. Or the future. Your choice, I guess? Whenever, who cares. It's not like time is important here. They're easy, and this step seems quick enough (and I really love the hair you get for your fifth win) but of course there's an achievement for beating 50. As always, why would you do a boring thing once when you can do it 50 times?

You also have to refresh a page until you find a watch, and play a game where a blimp drops crabs on you. Those sure are some... things.

At least you get quite a few achievement prizes/new items during this step. Including one of the ugliest jackets I've ever seen.
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by Seerow »

I like the item art on the jacket, but it is a bit much on the HA itself.

It took me longer than it should have to find the Fighting Fester hangout. The descriptions all say east side of Ziara and well, I kept looking around the right side of the map when the building is actually the bottom middle-left side.

It would have been nice to have controls or goal listed on the airplane game. My entire play through I was a bit confused. I didn't know if I was supposed to actually be racing something as it kept hinting or if there was like a booster button or something. I also wish they would add all these games to the actual site somewhere! I still miss Mazes and Mahars if only for the amazing art. They spend a lot of effort on these games that only get played once by everyone really.
Last edited by Seerow on 09 Apr 2013 05:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by Wingsrising »

I never did find the Fighting Fester hangout, I followed a direct link from the forums.

Anyone know if there's a way to find a second pocketwatch? It doesn't seem logical but man, I want to keep one...

EDIT: Should have checked the Subeta forum thread first... it looks like logical or not, you CAN find more than one pocketwatch. I'll have to keep trying.
Last edited by Wingsrising on 09 Apr 2013 02:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by Griffin »

You can get unlimited pocket watches. I'm digging them up for profit :P
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by bonecrivain »

The "east" for the fighting festers really bugged me, too. It took me forever to find it because of that.

And yeah, the watches are unlimited. I think I've gotten 8 or 9 at this point.
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by AngharadTy »

Obviously the map for Ziara faces south. Duh.
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by Marah »

I like the idea of time travel, but the fact that you can't click any link in subeta without having to go back to the coda caves, hit refresh, scroll down the oversized picture of the cave bimbo and hit the rif again and then don't click anywhere else untill you did your plot thingy is really annoying. Also, as Ierosbats pointed out, if that pilot knew about the food items in the libertine lounge I should have been able to get them in the past, so this future>past>future part of the plot is idiotic.

I also thought the link under the food items was the link to turn them in, it wasn't so %&#%&#$^I got all my items, hit the link and apparently that reset the items. So now I have to but 10 new ones....

I'm going to do some running before continuing, right now I just feel bleh about this plot.
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by Joey »

I got sick of being ripped back in time so I actually bookmarked so I can just hit that to fix it rather then refreshing at the coda caves.
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by Marah »

I'm here for the "complaining on the forum helps" thingy. I dug up 21 items, but no pocketwatch. I don't have to dig anywhere special do I?

Edit: AAaaand it worked. All done!
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Re: Masquerade Plot Thread

Post by Jessi »

Actually, even though it puts you "back" in the present time, you don't need to keep going through the rift to turn in the items - I just refreshed on it and it worked just fine!

I guess I'm not bothered by the whole "asking for items that just came out this year" because to me a news post doesn't necessarily indicate it came out this year in Subeta-time? I can't really explain it. Mostly I'm just amused that Mal asked me for 9 alcoholic drinks and one watercress sandwich. Sounds like the perfect way to refresh your team after a lot of fighting xD
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