Forum Mafia

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Forum Mafia

Post by Madge »

I remember at the London meetup people were happily reminiscing about the mafia days of Neocolours (which sadly came before my much more recent conversion to forum mafia afficionado), and anyway, there was people saying that it would be cool if we tried to start up forum mafia.

However, these days, we really don't have that many active people - maybe that would change with mafia, maybe not.

BUT, I just realised - why don't I invite you lot along to the xkcd forum's mafia subforum? They always have games running, many of them have really, really cool mechanics, roles, and mods, and they're always after new players. (and very welcoming to newbies and mods).

Rules and n00b guide:

Also, at the moment they've got signups open for a newbie game (these happen about every 2-3 months) which are especially welcoming/opening for newbies and not too complicated. I'll happily join in that game if anyone wants my company :P

(at the moment I'm having a lot of fun playing their "Twitch Plays Pokemon" mafia game. My username on there is still Madge, but my avatar is different)

note: the xkcd forum I think requires you to have 5 posts before you can post in the mafia subforum (but to be honest the xkcd forum is HUGE BEYOND REASON so you can quite easily make 5 relevant little comments around the place. Before I got hooked into mafia I mostly lurked and yet I had like 8 or 9 posts). But I think this requirement can be waived somehow; I can ask about this if anyone's interested.
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