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Grey Moehog

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 12:18 am
by Slugawoo

All poses: ... ehog&pose=

Eh. I don't like moehogs, so... no comment. :P

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 12:22 am
by Seerow
Most of the poses seem the same, with just a different head tacked on.
It's alright I guess, far better then some but pale in comparsion to others.

And it looks high 0_o

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 12:25 am
by nanabobo567
It's just not... different enough. I mean, it's redrawn, but it just doesn't seem... interesting. I can't think of why, though. I like the angry pose, but otherthan that...

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 12:26 am
by Mistress Morbid
What the looks like something I'd find in the gutter downtown or something. It's so drugged up I'm surprised TNT let it through. o.O

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 12:34 am
by fiendishthingy
Agreed, Seerow. This and a Disco Kiko, and you've got an interesting themed account.

Pet itself? It's ... a Grey Moehog. Yeah. Though I suppose since it's Grey, someone out there will want one, meaning the chances of my Blue-Moehog-lab-rat-that-stubbornly-refuses-to-change turning into something adoptable just increased slightly. So ... yay Moehawk.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 12:35 am
by Mac
Seerow wrote:Most of the poses seem the same, with just a different head tacked on.
Ugh, I second that.

I don't normally like moehogs, and this one is just kinda scary. O_o Not something I would keep from a lab.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 12:38 am
by Marah
It looks ... wrinkled. Like a piece of clothing that needs ironing.

Not the best, not the worst grey pet.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 12:42 am
by Settingshadow
It looks constipated, with the posture and the bent legs.

Also, its hair makes it look like it's melting. Not my thing.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 12:57 am
by roger9614462
Meh! It looks drugged, and have a big head... Don't like it at all.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 01:04 am
by nanabobo567
Settingshadow wrote:Also, its hair makes it look like it's melting. Not my thing.
You just had to get me staring at the hair, didn't you? Do you know what I just saw? An evil, tentacled, life-sucking, joy-sucking leech positioned on top of a Moehog's head, MAKING IT GREY! Okay, no more sugar for me...

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 01:20 am
by Scythemantis
It looks a little oddly "swooped" in the basic poses, like it's in the middle of falling forward. It's not otherwise bad, though.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 01:33 am
by Kamil

In addition to looking high, it looks like it's melting - and it's not a redraw. Not even a little bit of a redraw. Lazy, much?

Eww. Again. Take it away.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 01:35 am
by Saturn
EEYORE! :D Well that was the first thing I thought anyway, even though it doesn't look much like him now that I look at it... the hair looks kinda weird but otherwise I don't think it's too bad. Not the best Grey pet but I like it, I'd keep it if the lab gave it to me. It's got a nice miserable looking expression. I think the thing that irks me the most are the ears for some reason... they look weirdly blobby in Happy/Angry/Sad for some reason, but "normal" in the battle poses.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 01:44 am
by daisybell
It's a bit... blah, I suppose. I mean, it's not truly terrible, but neither is it wonderful like some grey pets are. I guess if you particularly wanted to paint your moehog grey it would do, but it doesn't inspire me to want a moehog, if you see what I mean.

Posted: 29 Mar 2006 02:01 am
by Wysteria
It seems to be melting. Well drawn or not, I cannot see how a melting pet appeals, given that it's supposed to be grey, not chocolate. My opinion of grey pets remains the same - a bit dull.