A picture of something from a dream

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A picture of something from a dream

Post by Hawk »

Ok, so I fell asleep in my computer chair earlier today (I was really tired :D) and slept for a while, and I had the strangest dream (well, maybe not stranger than the Venus Flytrap one... but whatever). This was the first dream I have had in a while where I wasn't actually in it or controlling what happened, and it was very odd. It included zombies. In fact, it was like a very bad movie (soap opera, mysterious book, etc.)

One odd thing that happened was that I had a glimpse right into the face of a strange creature (like a close-up in a movie). It looked kinda like a lizard-man with tattoos on his face wearing a hooded cloak. So, right after the heros (and one heroine) of my dream were surrounded by zombies, I wake up. Since I'm sitting at my computer (which is still on) with my tablet in front of me, I draw a picture of my lizard-man (who looks oddly familiar - I probably stole it from a book or movie or something):


Problem is, I haven't drawn a humanoid figure with any detail in a few years. Any advice on shading or something? My anatomy is probably way off. Ignore the grin if it looks strange - that's really how he looked. It was kinda creepy. He didn't have any scales either - just off-white skin. I could see the pores on his face :D
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Post by Seerow »

The right arm (his left) seems off slightly. The bottom is too skinny or something. But I don't know anything about anatomy so you're probably right and I'm wrong.

Either way, I like this pic. Wouldn't want to come across those in a dream, even if they rather nifty looking.
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Post by rottweilerchika »

o-o I suggest you sleep somewhere other than in front of your computer! xD Maybe the blueish light is effecting your REM sleeping. xD

I'd suggest shading in wherever his cheekbones were, perhaps under his lower mandibles. You nailed the creepy part, he freaks me out. xD
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Post by Mesmirez »

Wow, I actually got a shiver down my spine lookin' at that critter o-o; kudos to yoos for having actually creative dreams (mine usually end with me being attacked by Stephen King's IT due to deep-rooted childhood trauma). But that thing is FREAKY.
Thanks TheLoneTiel for the siggy^^

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Post by Monkeyguy »

It reminds me of the Geraptiku skull lizard thing!
Mesmirez wrote:Wow, I actually got a shiver down my spine lookin' at that critter o-o; kudos to yoos for having actually creative dreams (mine usually end with me being attacked by Stephen King's IT due to deep-rooted childhood trauma). But that thing is FREAKY.
Did your dad put lipstick and shaving cream on his face and come into your room shouting "Pennywise is here!!" on a frequent basis too?
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Post by rottweilerchika »

Hey... my brother did the Pennywise thing >>;; Now I can't even look at a clown without at least getting a little creeped out. XDD Stupid scary novels... and manholes. *shivers*
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Post by Ziggy »

I have a friend who looks just like that......well, the expression and baldness anyway :twisted:
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