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My Char (Crit/Comments Plz)

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 12:58 am
by immortal_janemba
Hi, I drew a picture of one of the characters in the cartoon I hope to make one day *dreams*, I know it's not that good, that's why I'm posting here lol. I've never got that used to drawing anime-styled original characters, I can copy one and make it look beautiful pretty quickly, but if I do my own it kind of loses its anime-image somehow, either way here it is.

**Removed to save data on image host** :P

The skirt makes things a bit deceptive. Her legs go up higher than it appears at a glance. Try and figure it out where things are judging from the belly button :P

Thanks for help.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 02:33 am
by zebru
I like it a lot - it doesn't look like any cartoon style I'm familiar with. Love the hair, shape of the face and the eyes.
And I really like the clothes design, and the way they're drawn - as a big fan od Clan of the Cave Bear series they really appeal to me. Come to think of it - she looks a bit how I imagine Deegie would (a character from book 3 from the series).

What is the story line of your future comic? :D

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 02:44 am
by immortal_janemba
zebru wrote:I like it a lot - it doesn't look like any cartoon style I'm formiliar with. Love the hair, shape of the face and the eyes.
And I really like the clothes design, and the way they're drawn - as a big fan od Clan of the Cave Bear series they really appeals to me. Come to think of it - she looks a bit how i imagine Deegie would (a character from book 3 from the series).

What is the story line of your future comic? :D
Hmm... thanks for the comments, I wonder how I can refine it more though. The eyes would normally look a bit different though but seeing it's a full body picture they're obviously smaller and yeah :P

Storyline well... I can't give too much away ;) Partly because it's still heavily under construction and it's mostly just parts at the moment. But basically it starts with the main character (young girl at the start, and not really the one i drew here) has been raised in a corrupted village town place that she doesn't really realise is corrupted and evil and stuff until a word with a warrior from another village which is part of a failed attack on her town place. She tries to argue with her town leader and is then sent away out of disgust by her parents. Something like that anyway, that's all I'll write for now it's the art section :P

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 03:14 am
by FaeMcCloud
It looks very DBZ style to me, like maybe from one of the androids? It's nice though. I really like the costume you gave her ^^


Posted: 11 Jul 2006 03:31 am
by immortal_janemba
FaeMcCloud wrote:It looks very DBZ style to me, like maybe from one of the androids? It's nice though. I really like the costume you gave her ^^

DBZ styled you say? Hmm well it's close to what I want I suppose then. I guess I don't need to make it anymore anime styled, suppose it's nice to have a bit of uniqueness in your drawings, anybody have any general tips for ways to fix up the picture then? ^^ Thanks again.