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New Pirate Petpets!

Posted: 16 Jun 2007 04:41 pm
by uberstav
New colors for the Tasu, Hoovle, Lil Frankie, and the Fir!


I have to say the Tasu and Fir are my favorites! I love the Tasus accesories and I also like the Fir! The Fir is such a cool shade of green that works so well with the little pirate hat they put on top of it! And the addition of the little hook on its hand/branch is SO a great idea and completes it perfectly! the other two are...mehh...

Posted: 16 Jun 2007 04:56 pm
by DamionDarkheart
I think the Fir looks incredibly dumb. I don't really care for the others either, but there's nothing wrong with them.

Posted: 16 Jun 2007 06:38 pm
by hebdenhippy
The Tasu is absolutely gorgeous, and if I had a Pirate Kougra, I'd but one, I don't really care for the others though

Posted: 17 Jun 2007 06:00 am
by Danish
The Fir's my favourite. A nice shade of green and the hat and hook look nice. The others are okay but the Tasu has a glazed over look in its eye like all the other Tasus. The Hoovle would look better without that weird eye patch and the Lil Frankie is okay I guess.

Posted: 17 Jun 2007 06:59 am
by Bif
I think so far you have all missed the wonder and charm of the pirate Hoovle. TNT is finally moving away from the stereotypical red and white stripes for the pirate look. The Hoovle actually has the same type of Captain vibe as the recent pirate Nimmo.

The coat, the frills, the gold trim - it looks pirate without looking like a lowly deck hand.

The Tasu is cute, but goes back to being stereotypical, Lil Frankie is just meh - he's human looking so lets just put him in human clothes.

The Fir I like also, it is VERY cute and the little hook and pirate hat with a feather is simply darling.

But the Hoovel still wins in my opinion for being different to all the other pirate petpets.

Posted: 17 Jun 2007 12:31 pm
by Iggy
Bif wrote:I think so far you have all missed the wonder and charm of the pirate Hoovle. TNT is finally moving away from the stereotypical red and white stripes for the pirate look. The Hoovle actually has the same type of Captain vibe as the recent pirate Nimmo.
When I saw it, I thought "PIRATE PEOPHIN"

But, I still don't like it.

Originality doesn't do everything, it's too cramped. The Tasu has more space, even though it's more"stereotypical", it's less cramped.

Posted: 17 Jun 2007 02:39 pm
by Jessi
I adore the pirate tasu; if I hadn't already picked a Pirate Ona for Kanaechan, I'd give him that instead in an instant. The rest... eh. The hoovle is especially bad, IMHO.

Posted: 19 Jun 2007 05:44 am
by Mariko
I like the Hoovle, but that eyepatch, ew, it looks stupid. I love it's little red coat though.

The tasu is cute, but they also are. I think it could be better, but I would still buy one (if it matched any of my pets)

Lil Frankie... standard.

The Fir is blah. The color is nice, but the the hook looks awkward since trees don't tend to have arms... But, the hat is cute (haha, feather). Plus, they managed to put green and red together without making it look too Christmasy.