I missed you guys!

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Mistress Morbid
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I missed you guys!

Post by Mistress Morbid »

So last night on my LJ friends page I noticed Jazzy's post about moving the forum. It's been so long since I've been here that I felt I should drop in. And I really, really miss you guys. I know I disappeared without much warning, and I feel bad about that now, but I think my life's finally steadied out enough that I can get back to my old online life.

For a while I was really busy at work. I moved up in position so I was pulling 40 hour weeks for a long time there. It wasn't too bad, but very tiring. I worked almost every day, and by the time I got home I was exhausted. All semblance of an online social life kind of died. Not just with you guys either, but a lot of my other online friends and people from MSN, etc. I sort of stopped by every once in a while just to lurk, but I didn't post much. I also grew tired of both Neopets and Subeta, it saddens me to say. So I lost that connection with people here since that's what this forum is primarily about.

Well, I won't go into too much detail, but I got myself a new job last week and I'm starting October first. My last job was at a store called Millennium. It was awesome, don't get me wrong, we sold swords and gothic clothing, gargoyles....it was perfect for me. But the pay was kinda crappy and the only reason I didn't mind was because I had fun there and had friends. But lately this new guy's come into the store and he's trying to turn it all corporate. I really don't get along with him, and I hate what he's doing to our store. Long story short, a bunch of us got fed up and left, and through my old boss we found a new job at this place called Wholesale Sports. It's honestly not the kind of place I'd ever think of applying at, it's a hunting/sporting/army sort of store, but since most of the people from Millennium are going to be there it'll be really familiar. The pay is awesome, I get benefits, the hours are perfect (I'm off at 5:30 almost everyday!). And it's way closer to home.

Anyways, I'm in serious need of an update on things, I feel like a stranger. Has anything new happened amidst the forum lately? Any drastic neopets/subeta changes? Anything new with members? I'm still trying to get used to this new forum layout. It's pretty snazzy, but it feels so different after having the same one for so long. I'm hoping to get myself back into the groove here, but I'll need some help to get reaquainted. xD

*big forum hug*
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Re: I missed you guys!

Post by AngharadTy »

*gloms on* MM!

Every once in a while I think, "aww, you know, I haven't seen MM in a while.... ;_;" And here you are! Yay!

Yay for your job, too. I read the name of the store and made a o.O face, because I just imagine you all high-class and dressed up selling me sweat pants. Hee. Benefits are super good, though. Woo!

(do you play WOW still?)
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Re: I missed you guys!

Post by gomababe »

MM! Glad to see you back and sorry you've been having so much trouble lately with real life stuff. Not much has ben going on reallly, Subeta is uppgrading their servers and Neopets has released a game that has the ability to give out neocash {pity it still doesn't work for UK users -_-}. Stilll glad to see you're here ^_^.
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Re: I missed you guys!

Post by Jessi »

Ee, MM! Welcome back! *Super hugs* I'm glad to know you didn't run off because we all smell or something ;D

Nothing too major I can think of - I'm sure you'll be caught up in no time! Welcome Back :D
Mistress Morbid
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Re: I missed you guys!

Post by Mistress Morbid »

AngharadTy wrote:
Yay for your job, too. I read the name of the store and made a o.O face, because I just imagine you all high-class and dressed up selling me sweat pants. Hee. Benefits are super good, though. Woo!

(do you play WOW still?)
Haha, well the best thing about this job is there's no dress code. So I don't have to worry about piercings or what I wear or anything. Plus it's pretty awesome. There's a gun department, and a bow department, and on our breaks there's a shooting range thing in the back so I get to learn how to shoot crossbows and stuff. =3

And yes, I'm still very much addicted to WoW, in fact it was one of the only computer things that I've been doing lately. xD I'm still on Daggerspine, and I have a 43 Blood Elf hunter now.
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Re: I missed you guys!

Post by AngharadTy »

Learning to shoot! I'm jealous. I, too, need to prepare for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

I have to say, if I could have been an undead hunter, I would have played WoW longer. Those are the two things I like best and I can't have them at the same time. *sniffles* (Actually, I'd have forgiven them if it were even remotely possible to play with all my friends. They're spread out over four servers! Sheesh.) (Well, okay, and also if there were more possibilities for playing with friends of disparate levels. City of Heroes has the best system for that, with sidekicks and exemplars.) (I'm done now.)
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Mistress Morbid
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Re: I missed you guys!

Post by Mistress Morbid »

Ahh, yeah, an undead hunter would have been awesome! Hunters were the first class I played, and I think I've tried out almost all the other classes now, but still hunters are my favourite. I'm quite fond of my blood elf actually, I didn't think I would like them at all when Burning Crusades was released, but they've become one of my favourite races. =3

*ahem* Haha, enough of our geek talk. xD I'm off to work now (last day at Millennium!) but I'll definitely be on when I'm home. =)
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Re: I missed you guys!

Post by Monkeyguy »

Yay MM! I was just wondering the other day about where you got off to. It seems like your job is going to be a really nice step up.
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Re: I missed you guys!

Post by bonecrivain »

It's good to see you back on the forum! I'm glad to hear you were able to transition to a different job when you needed to; work stuff can make the rest of your life really stressful.

Stick around! Post more often! I think there are a fair number of us who aren't that invested in pet sites anymore: I've quit Neopets entirely, and Subeta only catches my interest on occasion. But I can't give up Neocolours.
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Re: I missed you guys!

Post by Huggles »

Yays! *huggles* I kept thinking of you whenever I saw black and white stripey things at work. There are some especially nifty socks there. And you don't have to play Neopets or Subeta to keep posting. I posted on a gaming forum for over 4 years without ever having touched the game and I still keep in touch with some of the folks I met there.

I am so tempted to sign up for WoW again too. I know a woman at work who plays with her husband, but they just need to ditch their current system. I wish they had Guild Wars' system where you could switch to any server you wanted, or at least allow you to switch your charater once a week. Even that would encourage me to play.
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Re: I missed you guys!

Post by Alicorn »

Awww I'm glad to see you back posting! Though don't know if you would remeber me since I don't post all that often and started posting again when you disappeared. ^_^" I mostly looked so I did miss seeing you post. I'm so glad you got a new job and it's better then the old one. I hate that your old job was being put down the hole. That was happening to my old job and I'm so glad I'm gone from it. Really the only thing that made my old job fun was the people I work with and the area I worked at (though it's not what it use to be anymore). So I totally know where you're comeing from.
Mmmm not much on updates except what other people have said. Umm, I'm posting again? But I already mentioned that...yeah. **shifty eyes** Glad to have you back, yay! **hugs**
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Re: I missed you guys!

Post by Kantark »

Yay, welcome back MM! I'm happy to see you're back!
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Re: I missed you guys!

Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

Aww, I'm so glad to see you back! :D I, too, kept randomly thinking "I haven't seen MM post in a while... I wonder how she's doing..." And now you're here! Stay this time XD
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Re: I missed you guys!

Post by nanabobo567 »

Nice to see you again. Glad to know that you're not dead or anything.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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