Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

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Feral Koala
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Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Huggles »

Wheee! It's back! I've been avoiding looking up to see when the new season would start so I could avoid spoilers, but I almost missed it today. I went to see my brother at the hospital today and saw Hiro on the cover of some magazine and was instantly spoiled by the introduction of the new heroes. There's one named Maya! Apparently she's melt-your-eyes-out hot, which is quite appropriate. Teehee. Poor Hiro-kun!Takezo Kensei is a white boy from Englad. ;_; Claire's got a stalker who can fly up to her window instead of climbing the tree and peeping. How swank. Peter's alive, handcuffed, half naked, and trapped in a box without his memories with three Irishmen(They may be Scottish, but I live in Ohio. Forgive me). Jeebus. That sounds like the plot of a slash fic. Sylar's alive, and seemingly lost on a tropical island with a hot chick who is not me. Wtf?
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Illuen »

Wait, Peter being my gateway drug into dungeon porn is slashy, and you forgot to mention "Molly Has Two Daddies"? That was hoyay in a can, but I'm probably the only person who finds Greg Grunburg adorable and hot.

I was so fucking sad that they killed Sulu D=. I'm wondering who that person is, and I cannot wait at all to meet the older Heroes.

I'm guessing that the Desert Island Sylar is with Candice, since he says in the previews "so none of this is real?". I'm gonna be pissed if they kill her off though, esp. if they don't show us Betty first.

all in all, I'm excited as hell, although I'm hoping that West is Aerokinetic instead of simply being frying man V2, as it would definitely put a spin on his powers. Also, while Nathan flies like Superman, I was so getting Peter Pan vibes offa West's flight.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Seerow »

I've been waiting ages for Heroes to start back up, though I was just a tad dissapointed that Niki wasn't in this episode. She was definitely my favorite character (after Peter and Claire of course) and I was looking forward to her in this one. Ohh well, I hope she gets more screen time this season then last.

Heh, I kinda liked the fact that Kensei was a British guy who didn't care one bit about actually doing hero-y deeds. Poor Hiro though.

And Illuen, I too was all "Hey that's not Nathan or Pete flying, what the hell!" There must be more to it then just flying though or my assumption that the powers were unique just went down the drain.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Cranberry »

Tim Kring reportedly once said that he would be repeating powers, because how likely is it that out of all the people with special abilities, only one would be able to fly or become invisible or whatever? That said, there could be a twist to West's powers.

I missed Niki, too. I spent all of last year worrying that she'd be killed off -- she's not as popular with fans as a lot of the other heroes are. A friend of mine used to write for the show and he liked Niki and pushed hard for the writers to keep her and the other female heroes alive, but he's working on his own show this year and won't be around, so I worry a bit.

I'd been wondering how Sark... er, David Anders was going to play a Japanese hero, and I love how they did it! I'm betting Hiro will actually become Kensei and fall for the swordsmith's daughter and all that (it's either that or he helps English Dude do it). I'm not too impressed with Maya and her brother yet. I'm half looking forward to and half dreading episode five, when Veronica Mars shows up. I think there are more cast members coming, too, which worries me -- the cast is already huge.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Illuen »

Cranberry wrote: I think there are more cast members coming, too, which worries me -- the cast is already huge.
Well, we have Sylar to deal with people who become too unpopular. I know it is mean of me, but I want to see them let Sylar loose on Micah or Molly, not because I don't like them (the little girl who plays Molly is, IMHO, a fantastic actress, esp. for someone so young) but because I just want to see if they'll actually let Sylar go there. The problem with the cast is that they're all fantastic. We also have the person who is evil and stronger than Sylar around, although so far all he is doing is being naughty and watching little girls in their bed.

You know who I missed this episode? The Haitian Sensation that is Sweeping the Nation.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Ailiel »

I was a little underwhelmed by the premiere, just as I was the end of last season. It's like the first half of last season built me up like a junkie, and now I am brought down and I'm wondering if this fix is just not as good as the last, or I'm just over it.

I kinda wish now that they'd stuck with the original plan of doing an entirely new cast. I like Maya and Miguel. I don't care if his name is really Alejandro. I knew she had some kind of death powers. The attempts at funny (i.e. crappy paper boss) are falling flat with me, it's so different from the humor earlier last season (Zach's "We're aliens! We've come to anal probe you!"). Also, not loving replacement straight Zach. I miss sexually ambiguous, actually cool Zach.

I was happy to see Mr. Muggles was in true form. I don't know why they did a big gasp! Peter's alive! reveal at the end. It was super annoying to me. Just so cliched and unlike the way the show usually cliffhanger'ed, which was maddening but usually really brilliant. It seems like the storylines are getting more predictable and spelled out, like Hiro's dad's little speech "I was disappointed in my son, but then he turned out to have super powers! Oh, I was so wrong!" Spelling it out for us? Why?

It's only the first episode. And I had a fun heroes watching party, with pizza and stuff. I am glad it's back on.

But right now I am really into Torchwood on BBC America. Anyone else here checking that out? It's kinda campy, but it's really hitting my need for supernatural TV right now.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Huggles »

I thought about checking out Torchwood. I heard it was full of pansexual sex and swearing, so I may have to watch a few episodes.

I remember the original invisible man telling Peter, "Oh, so you're one of those?" So it always seemed like there were other people out there with the same or similar powers. You'd never be able to tell what works and what doesn't if there was only one person with said power and they happened to suck at using it or just life in general. I mean that from the standpoint of mother nature or the guys or aliens who created the heroes in the first place.

I'd love to see Hiro stick around Japan for as long as possible. Ahh, I missed where he spoke in the preview. I was upset when I found out Candice was really a skinny white girl and not a fat black woman, or man. They could have made her so much more interesting if she had some thing about hating her true form. Oh well. I wanna see The Haitian too. Betty? Who's Betty? I must have forgotten her.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Iggy »

Wasn't Betty Candice's birth name or something?
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Kidnemo »

I love Torchwood.. I missed the last episode though! Wow I need to watch that, I'm so excited about series two, it's gonna be awesome with Freema in.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Illuen »

Huggles wrote: I'd love to see Hiro stick around Japan for as long as possible. Ahh, I missed where he spoke in the preview. I was upset when I found out Candice was really a skinny white girl and not a fat black woman, or man. They could have made her so much more interesting if she had some thing about hating her true form. Oh well. I wanna see The Haitian too. Betty? Who's Betty? I must have forgotten her.
Betty is Candice's true form, not the skinny white girl. The reason she stayed whitegirl when Candice knocked her out last season was because she's used that form so often, it is what her body goes back to, instead of her original form, which is this.


I watched Torchwood during its BBC run, and I liked it, mostly cause John Barrowman is so damn hot, and everyone was having sex with everything.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Monkeyguy »

I'm so excited that it's back! I love that the company has a guy with the Midas touch!

Also, does anyone not read Beeman's Blog? He's a producer/director of the show and posts in depth blogs about each episode.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by rebelheart »


But you people are confusing me. There was no Sylar in my file!

And they should've subtitled the british guy, I couldn't understand a word he was saying.
That was hoyay in a can, but I'm probably the only person who finds Greg Grunberg adorable and hot.
No you're not ;)

Ahh, but wasn't Matt's wife pregnant? I wonder about this divorce thing then, since the baby might have powers and would need ...protection?
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Huggles »

She's fat. Neat! I don't check anything outside of the show itself, mostly because it took me a long time to watch the first season. I only saw it on tv a couple times, and by the time I finished watching it online I was pooped.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Cinnastix »

Hm, I haven't even finished the last season... I caught quite a bit on TV, and now am sort of watching some of them on DVD.

I did watch the season premiere c:

Alejandro... is a freaking awesome name. Their characters so far are a little "um. okay, so what?" though

And like, what's with the flying dude that almost hit Claire with his car and seemed to be stalking her?

I loved Hiro's reaction at Kensei heheh.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Monkeyguy »

Huggles wrote:She's fat. Neat! I don't check anything outside of the show itself, mostly because it took me a long time to watch the first season. I only saw it on tv a couple times, and by the time I finished watching it online I was pooped.
Haha definitely don't start with the graphic novels then! There aren't that many really, but once you start reading them it's hard to stop. You gain so much background information. I was all like, "Oh my God they really should have made an episode about this!!", for more than one of the graphic novels.
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